Biofuels Criteria D
Biofuels Criteria D
Biofuels Criteria D
Biofuels have both positive and negative effects which influence all communities
and the whole world. Usually, people compare biofuels to fossil fuels and that
what makes them concentrate on the biofuel’s advantages and disadvantages. To
MOSTAFA MOHAMED ALSERAFY – MYP5 compare biofuels with fossil fuels, Plant-based fuels come from renewable
sources, can be grown anywhere and have lower carbon emissions, biofuels are
not only used to help in struggling economy by providing jobs but also help in
uel, any fuel that is derived from biomass that are plants or algae material or animal waste. reducing greenhouse gases to a great extent by emitting less pollution. Biofuels
uel is considered to be a source of renewable energy, unlike fossil fuels such as petroleum,
and natural gas. Biofuels are produced from plants; they are renewable and theoretically are incredibly safe as they are produced from renewable resources, such as
on neutral that can be made from any vegetable oils and animal fats and is a cleaner burning grains, plant biomass, vegetable oils, and treated municipal and industrial wastes.
acement for petroleum-based diesel fuel. Bio fuels are made of combining alcohol with Biofuels are nontoxic and biodegradable and are produced by combining alcohol
table oil, animal fat, or recycled cooking grease such as that it is nontoxic and with animal fat, and sometimes recycled cooking grease. In-text: ("Greenhouse
egradable. Most biofuels available in the market today are made up of plants and they are Effect 101", 2021). Biofuels provides health effects as it linked to biochemical and
n used as transportation fuels and solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels that are produced from chemicals applied in biofuel production processes, biofuels could cause harmful
mass are called biofuels which they are renewable and are good substitutes to fossil fuels. damages and diseases even more than petrol and diesel when it comes to human
uels are used and its better for replacing fossil fuels because biofuels can be used to replace
ral gas as the main source of heating fuel in our homes, and that biofuels are much friendly health and of course these negatively health effects of biofuels are from the
suitable in any home as it also contains lower carbon emissions. Reducing carbon emissions disadvantages it provides. Biofuels are totally expensive as long as biofuels has a
huge advantage as it would decrease the number of deaths related to air pollution and it also lot of advantages according to the environment but it sustains high cost of
s to ease pressure on healthcare systems for achieving growth in the economy while still production, they are quite expensive to produce in the current markets. Biofuels
ritizing the reduction of carbon emissions. has the potential to reduce some undesirable causes somehow air pollution but compared to petroleum diesel fuel, which is
cts of fossil fuel production and use, including conventional and greenhouse gas (GHG), and refined from crude oil, biodiesel combustion produces fewer air pollutants such
nhouse gases are those that absorb and emit infrared radiation in the wavelength range
tted by Earth. Biofuels include ethanol (often made from corn in the United States and as particulates, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbons, and air toxics. In-
rcane in Brazil), biodiesel (sourced from vegetable oils and liquid animal fats), green diesel text: ("Various Advantages and Disadvantages of Biofuels - Conserve Energy
ved from algae and other plant sources), and biogas (methane derived from animal manure Future", 2021). Biofuels affect the environment as, biofuels from some sources
other digested organic material) are examples of biofuels. In-text: ("biofuel | Definition, can even generate more greenhouse gas emissions than fossil fuels. It is released
s, & Pros and Cons", 2021). Biofuel’s impacts affect several factors which are characterized when nitrogen fertilizers are used and its greenhouse gas effect is around 300
medical, political, environmental, economic, and social) implications. The biofuels industry times stronger than carbon dioxide. Regarding non-GHG environmental impacts,
s a crucial role in all countries economy and changes it and bolsters its national security and research suggests that production of biofuel feedstocks, particularly food crops
cing the trade deficit. Biofuel’s production boosts countries such as the U.S. economy by
ting jobs, generating tax revenue, and increasing the nation's GDP. We can identify that like corn and soy, could increase water pollution from nutrients, pesticides, and
uel plays huge roles and changes some implications all around the world and affects sediment. Biofuels is importantly needed for food production and carbon
ntries whether its positively and negatively. To show the effectiveness of biofuels we can say storage; it also requires large areas to generate just a small amount of fuel and
approximately 400,000 jobs would be directly created in the advanced biofuels industry, that indicates how the environment is really affected by biofuels and that the
total employment creation for instants the U.S. economy totaling 1.9 million jobs after then space required for it is the main effectiveness of it. Liquid biofuels is crucial for
round the year 2030. A good example on the social impacts of bioenergy concerns corn the future because they replace petroleum fuels, liquid biofuels also provide an
nol and rising oil prices. Since corn is an energy-intensive crop and requires the use of fossil
, an increase in the cost of the barrel of oil also increases the production costs related to opportunity for nations to increase their energy independency or reduce
production. In-text: ("Biofuel Basics", 2021). greenhouse gas emissions by supplying energy-dense fuels which are miscible
with petroleum gasoline and diesel.