Presentation BE - The Social Dilemma

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Assigned by:

Prof. Rakesh Kr Meet

• There's little research to establish the long-term consequences, good or bad, of social media
use. However, multiple studies have found a strong link between heavy social media and an
increased risk for depression, anxiety, loneliness, self-harm, and even suicidal thoughts.

• In many instances, teenagers use their free time by browsing the Internet through social
media. Whether it’s checking a friend’s latest Instagram post or viewing their recent
Snapchat story, most would agree that social media is a big part of many people’s day-to-day
lives. Therefore, social media has a large impact, yet the impact can be seen as negative in
many aspects.
Pros :
• Cut out middlemen and allow companies or individuals to speak directly to followers.
• Connect people who wouldn’t be able to communicate otherwise.
• Created business opportunities for E-Comm and DTC companies.
• Instant news & information.
• Increased accountability.
• Tough to hide anymore when anyone can record or capture what you say or do.
• Creates a common ground for people across the world.
• Gives people alternative settings to express themselves and connect with like-minded
• Grants convenience and organization of more complex, everyday lives.
Cons :

• Addiction to refreshing (whether you’re fully aware or not)Often creates a faux image of people
and their lives, creating issues of self-worth for some individuals by over comparison.
• Our brains get used to receiving instant gratification from having attention on-demand.
• The loss of real-life social connections and social skills.
• Social media is what it is. It’s how you use it and what your intent is that determines its effect on
you. If we use it as a time-wasting instrument and end up comparing ourselves to others over
and over again, it’s a huge negative. Using it to bring out our creativity and truly connect with
others around the world? Huge positive.
• As the cliche goes, “with great power comes great responsibility.” We must be conscious of our
desires, our need for acceptance, and where we spend our time. We are responsible for our lives
and what we do with them.
The Solutions we propose for this dilemma.

Given the documentary doesn’t really tell us how to fight the tide, what can you, as the viewer,

Behavioral Change : Firstly, we can take The Social Dilemma as a cue to become more aware of
how much of our data is given up on a daily basis – and we can change our behaviors
accordingly. One way is to change our social media privacy settings to restrict (as much as
possible) the data networks can gather from you. This will require going into the “settings” on
every social platform we have, to restrict both the audience we share content with and the
number of third parties the platform shares our behavioral data with.
• Legislative reform:
• In the long run, stemming the flow of personal data to digital platforms will also need
legislative change. While legislation can’t fix everything, it can encourage systemic change.
• We urgently need governments to step up and introduce regulations to overhaul the
business model and protect our rights. This a systemic and structural issue that won’t be
easy to address and will require a mix of political, legal and structural solutions.
• No one approach will work on its own, nor can we solve the social dilemma alone. We need
leadership and urgent action from our governments to protect us from the abuses of Big

• The Social Dilemma makes us aware of just HOW strong the link between social media and
degrading mental health is. Increasing rates of depression, anxiety, eating disorders and even
suicide, are all the result of social media. Due to social media, we’ve all experienced all of the
above so often, that we don’t even consider it as abnormal, and that is extremely scary. The
Social Dilemma breaks this down beautifully and it needs to be seen.
• The Social Dilemma will scare you, worry you and shock you, but it will also help you. Once
you watch it you’re going to switch off most of your notifications, set screen time limits,
share less data online, be more present offline and maybe even deactivate your accounts.
Knowledge is power and trust us, you will come out of it a better and more aware person.
Thank you..!!

Presented By:
 Chirag Deep Singh
 Mayank Thapliyal
 Kumar Sarthak
 Pragya Thakur
 Sanskriti Singh
 Sonali Sahu
 Tufail Ahmed
 Yawar Wamiq

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