Building A Healthy Communities: MAPEH Health Week 4-5 Group 3 VI-Genesis

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Building a Healthy Communities

MAPEH Health Week 4-5

Group 3
• Now that you learned about the different characteristics of a healthy
community and environment, it is to know how to help build healthier
community environment. Remember that a healthy community is a result of a
concerned effort. A healthy community is carefully planned, designed, and
develop by healthy individuals who are concerned not only about their own
health and that of their family, but also that of the rest of the members
Healthy Community

The healthy community first steps are a

series of actions to combat and
eliminate health problems and risks
within the community. They are aimed
at developing and maintaining a healthy,
productive and sustainable community.
Healthy School First Steps

• Education for all learners including those in preschool age

• Healthy canteen food which follow the recommended dietary allowances for Filipino
• Handwashing facilities with soap and hand sanitizers
• Clean school facilities including toilets and washrooms
• Participation of all pupils in physical education and physical activities
• Rails and ramps for pupils and school personnel with special needs
• Inclusion of personal health, nutrition, safety, drugs, disease prevention, and community
health education
• Tobacco-free school campus with widespread awareness campaign on the
bad effects of tobacco use
• Promotion of and provision for child-friendly school
• Implementation of child-protection policy in school
• Oral, dental and medical care for all pupils
• Up-to-date school disaster preparedness program
Healthy Community First Steps

• Tobacco-free parks, restaurants and other public places

• Sticker implementation of no sale of tobacco products to minors
• Encouraging food stalls and restaurants to serve low-calorie low-fat food options
• Creation of more parks and free affordable venues for physical activities
• Provisions for safe environment-friendly proper waste management and disposal system
• Local ordinances for mandatory wearing of helmets and safety gears of motorcycle and
bicycle riders.
• Accessible sources of safe drinking water
• Accessible and affordable health and medical service
• Provisions of healthcare insurance for citizens of all ages
• Sticker penalties for drunk driving and drunk-related incidents
• Promotion and implementation of community disaster risk reduction and
management plans and policies
• Promotion of and participation in sustainable development programs and
Doing Your Shar
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Every member
of the commun
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something for th ous
following are so e community. T
me simple yet v he
you can do to m ery helpful thin
ake your comm gs
unity a healthy
to live and grow place
At Home
1. Segregate garbage and wastes.
2. Clean your yard everyday.
3. Cook just enough food for the family.
4. Have a garage sale for your old things.
5. Put potted plants at home.
6. Reuse water from bathing and washing of clothes and dishes.
7. Use energy efficient and money-saving light emitting diode (LED) lights.
8. Do not burn dried leaves. They are good natural fertilizers .
9. Plant vegetables and small fruit-bearing trees in your backyard.
10. Have your pets vaccinated yearly to prevent rabies and other
deadly viral and bacterial infections.
In The Community

1. Join activities in your community that are aimed to help make the
community clean and healthy.
2. Do not throw wastes and garbage in public places.
3. Encourage family members to segregate waste and garbage.
4. Reuse, Reduce, Recycle and Repair.
5. Assist in preparing emergency kits with basic needs for emergency
purposes such as flashlights, drinking water, medicines, spare batteries, dry
food, first aid items and others.
In School
1. Follow school rules and regulations at all times.
2. Throw garbage and wastes in trash cans.
3. Help in cleaning classrooms, corridors and school grounds.
4. Buy only nutritious foods and drinks.
5. Write a letter to student government about the importance of healthy food
choices in the school canteen.
6. Do not vandalize school properties.
7. Return lost items to the school guidance office.
8. Participate actively in the school disaster preparedness progress
and activities.
9. Join organizations or clubs that help make the school a healthy
place to learn and do productive things.
10. Respect your teachers, schoolmates, and other school personnel.
Learning Task 1
Read each question carefully. Write at least 5 examples according to
the question. Write your answers in your notebook.
1. Give at least 5 easy examples on “how you can help your
community at home?”
2. Give at least 5 easy examples on “how you can help your
community at school?”
3. How can you help your community to be safe and healthy place?
Give 5 actions.
Learning Task 2
Choose the letter of the best answer. Read each question carefully.
Write your answers in your notebook.
1. Where is the best place to start helping
your community?
A. at home
B. in school
C. in your barangay
D. wherever you are
Learning Task 2

2. Which of the following is NOT a way to build a healthy community?

A. Segregating garbage and wastes
B. Plant vegetables and fruit-bearing trees
C. Cutting trees
D. Cleaning the lakes and rivers
3. Bullying people around you is a good way to build a healthy
A. True C. False
B. I’m not sure D. I don’t know
Learning Task 2
4. Which of the following does help your school to be a healthy community?
A. Vandalizing on walls
B. Respect your schoolmates, teachers, and other school personnel.
C. Skipping class
D. Bullying the schoolmates and other school personnel who have special
5. What SHOULD NOT be done with empty plastic bottles?
A. Sell them to junk peddlers
B. Make art out of them
C. Use them as plant pots
D. Bury them

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