Computer Application II Certificate Notes
Computer Application II Certificate Notes
Computer Application II Certificate Notes
Topic: 1 Desktop Publishing
Concepts of Desktop publishing environment
Text manipulation
Techniques of working with large publications
Manipulation of graphics
Presentation templates
Object linking and embedding.
Concepts of CAD
Fundamentals of Technical Drawings
CAD environment
Using commands in CAD
Drawing objects in 2D
1) Brochures
2) Business cards
3) Posters and Fliers
4) Magazines and Journals
5) Newspapers and Newsletter
6) Calendars
7) Wedding invitation Cards
8) Contributions Cards
9) Greeting Cards
10) Invitation cards
11) Menus
02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 7
Examples of DTP
1) Microsoft publisher
2) Adobe in design
3) QuarkXPress
4) Adobe page marker
5) Scripus
6) Adobe Frame Maker
7) Corel Ventura
8) Adobe creative cloud
9) Quark Publishing System.
02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 8
Advantages of using D.T.P
1. Quick Publications
2. Websites and Emails
3. Clipart Gallery
4. Blank publications
14) Debit
Its an accounting entry where there is either an increase in
asset or a decrease in liability on a company’s balance
02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 30
15) Net Income
This is a company’s total earnings also referred as
net profit and it is calculated by subtracting total
expenses from the total revenue..
16) Profit and loss statement
This is a financial statement that is used to
summarize a company’s performance and financial
position by reviewing revenues, costs and expenses
during a specific period of time such as quarterly or
D) Maximum stock level
This is the highest level of stock where stock
should not be allowed to rise beyond, otherwise
there will be a very high cost of storage of stock.
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A bank may be defined as a financial institution
that borrows and lends money.
Functions of a Bank
1) Accepting Deposits – Bank attracts the idle
saving of people in the form of deposits e.g.
through current deposits or fixed deposits.
2) Giving Loans – After collecting money from its
depositors, a bank invests or lends it out.
Money is lent to business men and traders
usually for short periods.
02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 54
3) Remitting – Banks remit funds for their
customers through bank draft to any place where
they have branches or agencies.
4) Safe Custody- ornaments and variables
documents can be kept in safe deposits within a
bank its strong room fitted with lockers
5) Travel Cheque – Travel cheque are issued in
sterling or certain currencies by banks to their
customers wishing to travel abroad.