Computer Application II Certificate Notes

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Topic: 1 Desktop Publishing

Concepts of Desktop publishing environment

Text manipulation

Techniques of working with large publications

Manipulation of graphics

Presentation templates

Object linking and embedding.

02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 1

Topic 2: Accounting Package
Fundamentals of Accounting
Fundamentals of stock control and
Fundamentals of Banking
Concepts of Accounting package

02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 2

Topic 3: computer aided design( CAD)

 Concepts of CAD
 Fundamentals of Technical Drawings
 CAD environment
 Using commands in CAD
 Drawing objects in 2D

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Emerging trends
Challenges involved in emerging
Coping with challenges involved in
emerging trends

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Topic one: Desktop Publishing
Desktop publishing is the process of
creating and designing publications by
means of special software to generate
professional publications.

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Parts of Publisher Window

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Items that can be created in publisher

1) Brochures
2) Business cards
3) Posters and Fliers
4) Magazines and Journals
5) Newspapers and Newsletter
6) Calendars
7) Wedding invitation Cards
8) Contributions Cards
9) Greeting Cards
10) Invitation cards
11) Menus
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Examples of DTP
1) Microsoft publisher
2) Adobe in design
3) QuarkXPress
4) Adobe page marker
5) Scripus
6) Adobe Frame Maker
7) Corel Ventura
8) Adobe creative cloud
9) Quark Publishing System.
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Advantages of using D.T.P

1. It enhance appearance through the use

of page layouts
2. Easy customization for any type of
3. It reduces production cost
4. It is user friendly since it contains
inbuilt templates
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Non printable Guides used in D.T.P
1) Margin guides – These are guides that are
used to set the amount of space between the
edges of the pages in your publication.
2) Ruler Guides – These are non printable
guides that are used to position objects to a
specific area.
3) Column guides – These guides are mostly
used when the user want to create a
brochure with more than one column
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Definition of Terms
a) Tracking - is the measure of the overall
spacing between letters in a
block of text.
b) Kerning – This is the adjustment of the
space between two specific characters
to compensate for their relative shapes.
c) Leading –This is a term that refers to the
vertical space between lines of text in a
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c) Bitmap Graphics – This is a method
that is used to store images as a series of
tiny dots called pixels.
A Pixel is a very small square that is
assigned a color and then arranged in a
pattern to form the image
d) Vector Graphics – These are images that
comprise of paths which are defined by a
start and end point
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e) Group– This is a command that
combines separate objects to form one
single shape or object.
f) Ungroup– This is a command that is
used to separate combined objects.
g) Subscript – a command that is used to
lower the character below the base line
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h) Superscript– This is a command that
raise a character above the base line e.g.

i) Bring to Front– This command moves

selected object in front of all objects.
j) Bring Forward– This command moves
selected object one step in front of other
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k) Send to Back– This command moves an object
behind all other objects.
l) Send Backward– This is a command that moves
an object one step behind.
m) Pasteboard–  An area in a DTP package where
work is organized before placing it on the printable
n) Master page -  Pages used for general
organization and format of a publication.
The master page defines placeholders for the
content, which can be overridden by content pages.
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Layout options and Decisions
When creating the layout for your publisher
publication consider the following decisions:
i. Have a plan i.e. make a sketch
ii. Consider the audience
iii.Consider the template to use
iv. Consider the fonts and graphics which
will work best with your publication.

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Features of Microsoft Publisher

1. Quick Publications
2. Websites and Emails
3. Clipart Gallery
4. Blank publications

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Topic 2 Accounting Package
Fundamentals of Accounting
A financial application software
is a program that facilitates the
management of business process
that deals with money

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Examples of Accounting Software
i. QuickBooks
ii. Sage Accounts
iv.Account Edge
v. Xero
vi.Fresh book
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Functions/Features of Accounting
a) Recording
This is the basic function of Accounting,
and it is concerned with not only ensuring
that all business transaction of financial
character are infact recorded but also that
they are recorded in an orderly manner
Recording is done in a book called
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b) Classifying
Classification is concerned with
the systematic analysis of the
recorded data with a view to group
transactions or entries of one
The work of classification is done
in a book called ledger
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c) Summarizing

This involves presenting the classified data

in a manner which is understandable and
useful to the internal as well as the external
users of accounting statements.
This process leads to the preparation of the
following statements
i. Trial balance
ii. Income statement
iii. Balance sheet
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d) Analysis and interprets
This is the final function of
Accounting, the recorded financial
data is analyzed and interpreted in a
manner that the end users can make
meaningful judgment about the
financial condition and profitability
of the business operations.
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e) Communicate
The accounting information after being
meaningful and well analyzed and interpreted,
it has to be communicated in a proper form and
manner to the proper person
This is done through preparation and
distribution of the following accounting reports
i. Income statement
ii. Balance sheet report
iii. Graphs
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Advantages of using QuickBooks Software
1) Simplifying data entry
2) Inputting data is fast, straight forward and
only requires to be carried out once.
3) It speeds up the process e.g. by reducing
delays between making a sale and generating
4) There is automating reports and analysis
5) There is automating tasks e.g. generating
payrolls, calculating vat etc.
6) There is reduction of errors.
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Disadvantages of using QuickBooks Software
1) Price/ Cost:
The package cost is higher than a paper based system.
2) Implementation
You will probably need some initial help setting up the
accounting package.
3) Support
You may need to purchase yearly maintenance for your
4) Specialized needs.
An accounts package is designed to suit most types of business
however if your business is very unusual you may find that
you need to change the way you operate to suit the package.
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Accounting Terms
1) Asset
These refers to the items that the company owns to produce positive
economic value.
2) Fixed Asset
These are assets that you don’t expect to convert into cash during one
year of normal operation.
A fixed asset is usually something that is necessary for the operation
of your business e.g.. Track. Cash registers, computers etc.
3) Current Asset
These are assets that are likely to be converted into cash within one
year. E.g. inventories, account receivable, cash etc.
4) Liabilities.
These are company’s debts and are reported on the balance sheet.
accounts payable, salariesCreated
payableby: David M. 27
5) Current Liabilities
These are company debts that are expected to be paid within a
duration of one year. E.g. accrued expenses, interest payable
6) Long Term Liabilities
These are company’s debts expected to be paid off with a
during of more than one year. E.g. long term loans, bonds
payable, pension liabilities etc.
7) Expense Account
This is an account that tracks and categorize what your
company is spending.
8) Income Account.
This is an account that tracks the source of your company’s
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9) Account Receivable ( Debtors/Customers)
This is the amount of money owed by customers
after goods or services have been delivered or used.
10) Accounts Payable (Creditors/Suppliers)
This is the amount of money you owe
creditors(suppliers) in return for goods or services
they have delivered
11) Capital.
This is the net worth of your business represented by
its assets less liabilities.

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12) Cash Flow
This is revenue or expense expected to be generated
through business activities e.g. through sales or
manufacturing over a period of time..
13) Credit
This is an accounting entry that may either decrease
assets or increase liabilities and equity on the company’s
balance sheet depending on the transaction.

14) Debit
Its an accounting entry where there is either an increase in
asset or a decrease in liability on a company’s balance
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15) Net Income
This is a company’s total earnings also referred as
net profit and it is calculated by subtracting total
expenses from the total revenue..
16) Profit and loss statement
This is a financial statement that is used to
summarize a company’s performance and financial
position by reviewing revenues, costs and expenses
during a specific period of time such as quarterly or

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16) Discount allowed
A discount allowed occurs when the seller of goods or
services grants a payment discount to a buyer
17) Discount Received
 It occurs where the buyer of goods or services is granted
a discount by the seller.
18) Debit note 
This is a commercial document issued by a buyer to
a seller as a means of formally requesting a credit note.
18) Credit note 
A credit note is a document sent by a seller to its buyer or, in
other words, a vendor to the customer, notifying that a
credit has been provided to their account against the goods
by the buyer Created by: David M. 32
Financial Statements
a) Balance Sheet
This is a report that summarizes the financial position of a
business. It shows the value of your company’s assets, liabilities
and equity as of a particular day.
It is called balance sheet because the value of the asset is always
exactly equal to combined value of the liabilities and equity.
b) Trial Balance
This is a book keeping or accounting report that list the balances
in each of an organizations general ledger accounts. The debit
balance amounts are listed in a column with the heading debit
balances (Dr) and the credit balances are listed in another column
with the heading credit balances.
The total of each of these two columns should be identical
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c) Profit and loss Account
This and account in the books of an organization to
which incomes and gains are credited and expenses
and losses debited, so as to show the net profit or
loss over a period of time.

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Accounting Ledgers
Recording Business Transactions.
Business transactions are recorded in a book called the ledger.
The ledger has two sides i.e. Left hand side and Right hand
The left hand side is called Debit side (Dr)
The right hand side is called Credit Cr)
The debit side records:
a. Increase in Asset
b. Decrease in Capital
c. Decrease in Liabilities
d. Increase in Purchases
e. Increase in expenses
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The Credit side records:
a. Increase in Capital
b. Decrease in Assets
c. Increase in sales
d. Increase in income
e. Decrease in expenses
Types of Ledger A/c
i. Real ledger A/c – This records transactions that relates to the
fixed assets of business
ii. Personal Ledger A/c – This records transactions that relates
to the person’s dealing with the balances e.g. debtors and
iii. Nominal Ledger A/c – This records those transactions that do
not fall under real and personal ledger accounts such as
payment or expenses
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Transaction Effect of Ac/Dr Ac/Cr
4th sept There is a
started decrease in
business cash which is Cash A/c Capita A/c
with Kshs an asset and
30,000 in increase in
cash capital

5th sept There is

bought increase in
equipment asset of Equipment Bank A/c
worth ksh equipment A/c
50,000 and and decrease
paid by in asset of
cheque bank
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Transaction Effect of Ac/Dr Ac/Cr
7th sept There is increase
purchased in asset o f
goods worth stock(purchases) Purchases A/c Cash A/c
Kshs 20,000 and decrease in
and paid in cash

8th sept Sold There is

goods in Kshs decrease in
40,000 in form asset of Cash A/c Sales A/c
of cash stock(sales) and
increase in asset

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Transaction Effect of Ac/Dr Ac/Cr
9th sept There is a
Received decrease in
commission of asset of bank Bank A/c Commission
Kshs 15,000 in and increase in A/c
form of cheque income(commiss

10th Sept There is increase

Purchased in asset of
goods worth stock(Purchases) Purchases A/c J.
Kshs 24,000 on and decrease in OdhiamboA/c
credit from J. creditors(j.odhia
odiambo mbo)

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Transaction Effect of Ac/Dr Ac/Cr
11th sept sold There is increase
goods on credit in asset of
for Ksh 3600 to debtors(Mutiso) S.MutisoA/c Sales A/c
S. Mutiso and a decrease
in asset of

12th sept Paid J. There is a

Odhiambo the decrease in
amount due in asset of J.odhiambo Bank A/c
cheque Bank and a A/c
increase in

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This is the sum total of policies, practices and
procedures that a firm follows to ensure that its
stock are kept at levels consistent both with
meeting predetermined standard of service and
with releasing funds for capital.
It is mostly used to show how much stock you
have at any given timed and how to keep track of

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Purpose of stock Control
1) To minimize stocks and the cost of holding stock.
2) To ensure that firms have sufficient stocks to meet
customers needs.
3) To allow greater flexibility in utilization of machinery's
Holding stock is one thing, but doing it efficiently is
another part and therefore firms must-:
a) Ensure tat stock rotation takes place it stocks need to
be stacked and recorded so that the oldest material is
used first this known as FIFO
b) Ensure that wastage is minimized i.e. stock must not
be stacked too high and it also must be handle
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Direct cost of holding stock include-:
i. Warehousing fees including security charges, rent
and insurance
ii. Loses from theft or damage
iii. Obsolescence – dead stock created by fashion
iv. Taxes
v. Administration e.g. labor, cost of processing
orders and the inspection and return of poor
quality products.
vi. Interest on the loans taken out to create the
inventory in the first place.
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There are several aspects of material control,
these include-:
1) Material / stock procurement
2) Stock keeping
3) Stock control
4) Issue of material or stock
5) Stock taking
6) Valuation of materials
7) Stock levels.

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Stock keeping
This refers to the keeping of materials and proper
store records.
The store department is responsible to receive
materials and hold these materials until they are
required for production or for any other activity in
the organization.
The store department must keep proper record in
respect of stocks
Examples of store records include-:
i. Store ledger
ii. Bin Card
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Features of a Good store keeping system
1. Should enhance immediate location of
2. Should be economical to use
3. Should be speedy in recording of receipt and
issue of materials
4. Should have full identification of the raw
materials at all times
5. Should also protect materials from

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Methods of store keeping
There are two main method’s of store keeping which include-:
a) Centralized stores
b) Decentralized stores.
a. Centralized stores
This is where materials are received and issued to other departments within
the organization from one central point.
i. Few workers are needed
ii. The risk of duplication of items is reduced
iii.Data security measures can be put in place
iv. Paper work can be reduced.
v. Too risky incase of events such as fire
vi.The possibility of breakdown of items may be high
vii.There is are likelihood of having delays when sending the good to the
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Decentralized stores
This where departments or braches within the organization have several points
of receiving materials or stock. In this type of system the organization may
have more than one supplier.
i. The risk of items being destroyed by fire is reduced.
ii. Shorter time will be taken for materials to get to the right department
iii. There will be comparison of prices from different supplier.
iv. Stock can be kept in small proportion at different point.
v. It is costly since many workers are needed
vi. It leads to duplication of efforts
vii. There may be a conflict from the various units within the
Nb: Generally there is no system which is better than the other one, however it
depends on the organization’s setup.
A centralized system can work well in a given organization and decentralized
system can as well work very well in
another organization
Created by: David M. 48
Stock Taking
This refers to the physical counting of stock items in order to ensure they agree
with the stock record. There are various system of stock taking which include-:
a) Perpetual stock taking
b) Periodic stock taking( end of year)
c) Continuous stock taking
a. Perpetual stock taking
This is a method of stock taking where recording and physical counting of
stock is done every time there is a receipt of items, issue of items and the
balance is obtained
Any discrepancies is investigated.
b. Periodic stock taking
This is where stock taking is done after a period of time at a regular
interval e.g.. Monthly, quarterly, half yearly or yearly
c. Continuous stock taking
This is similar to perpetual stock taking, only that physical counting of stock is
done more time
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Advantages of perpetual stock taking
i. Allow for accurate restocking since all stocks in and out are recorded hence its
easier to tell when running out of stock.
ii. Produce accurate financial statement
iii.Discrepancies can easily be identified
iv.The year end balance is adjusted to agree to the physical inventory account
making any theft or errors known.
v. High cost investment
This involves the set up cost which require purchase of new equipment and
inventory software
ii. Training on equipment
Employees need high training to know how to operate various scanning equipment
iii. False Reliability
Perpetual inventory can be misleading when reviewing entry levels.
iv. Increased Monitory
Because employees errors or customer theft require an additional financial
investment security monitors should be installed.
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Stock Levels
At all times business should keep the level of stock that is manageable i.e. not very high level of stock and
not too low level of stock.
Objectives/importance of maintaining stock levels
i. Reduce storage cost and stock holding stock
ii. Avoid stock going bad or obsolescence particularly for perishable products.
iii.Reduce wastage
iv.Maintain the quality of the products
Factors affecting stock levels
1)Demand for the product
When the demand for the product is too high, the business will tend to maintain more stock
2) Lead time/Reorder Period
This refers to the period from when the order is placed and when the order is received
3) Durability
Stock for durable items/goods can be maintained at a higher level unlike for perishable goods.
4) Trade Discounts
Sometimes suppliers offer high trade discounts which tend to motivate businessmen to buy stock in large
5) Stock holding cost
These are the costs of keeping the materials in the warehouse
6) Availability of Stock Item
Where the item stock is very scarce, it can be kept at a high level to avoid chances of stock can be
maintained. Stock levels will include-:
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A) The reorder level
This is the point at which an order has to be placed
once the stock levels reaches that point.
It is obtained as follows-:
Reorder level = Maximum consumption X Maximum
lead time/ Reorder period
B) Minimum stock level
This is the level of stock below which stock should not
be allowed to fall, otherwise there will be a stock out.
It is computed as follows-:
Minimum stock level = Reorder level – (Normal
X Normal Created
lead time)
by: David M. 52
C) Average Stock Level
It is the average of the maximum stock level and
the minimum level
Average stock level =
Maximum stock level + Minimum stock level

D) Maximum stock level
This is the highest level of stock where stock
should not be allowed to rise beyond, otherwise
there will be a very high cost of storage of stock.
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A bank may be defined as a financial institution
that borrows and lends money.
Functions of a Bank
1) Accepting Deposits – Bank attracts the idle
saving of people in the form of deposits e.g.
through current deposits or fixed deposits.
2) Giving Loans – After collecting money from its
depositors, a bank invests or lends it out.
Money is lent to business men and traders
usually for short periods.
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3) Remitting – Banks remit funds for their
customers through bank draft to any place where
they have branches or agencies.
4) Safe Custody- ornaments and variables
documents can be kept in safe deposits within a
bank its strong room fitted with lockers
5) Travel Cheque – Travel cheque are issued in
sterling or certain currencies by banks to their
customers wishing to travel abroad.

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Concept of Accounting Package
Parts of QuickBooks Window
1. Title bar
2. Menu bar
3. Navigation button
4. Helps assistance
5. Navigation window
6. Control buttons

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Before you start working with QuickBooks you need
to create a company file using easy step interview.
Easy step interview is a wizard window that guides
you through in the completion of creating a
During the easy step interview the following-
information may be included-:
i. The name of the company
ii. The Address, Email and company website
iii. The type of business e.g. sole proprietorship or
iv. The start Date of the company
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Inventory Items
An inventory item is a product that is purchased
for resale and is tracked in Stock and on the
Balance Sheet
Adding an inventory item
Method 1
- From the company navigation window click on
items and services
- Click on items at the bottom of the window and
click new
- In the Type drop down list select inventory part
and fill in the details required and click ok.
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Method 2
- Click on customers menu
- Click on items List
- At the bottom of the window click on
new from the item button
- Select inventory part
- Fill in the details and click ok.

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Non Inventory Items
Non-Inventory Item – is a type of product that is
purchased or sold but whose quantity is not
tracked. This type of items are purchased for
company use or custom product purchased for
Working with customers/Debtors
- The customers and job lists shows information
about the people and the company’s to whom
you sell your products and services

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Adding a customer.
- Click on customers menu and click on
customer center
- Click new customer and job at the top of the
customer center and then you click new
- In the customer name Field enter the name of
the customer and any other details that ma be
- If you have an outstanding balance for this
customer enter the opening balance.
- Click ok to save the account
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Editing a Customer
Select the customer who you wish to edit and
click on edit customer job
Make the necessary changes and then click ok.
Deleting a Customer account
- Select the customer to be deleted
- From the edit menu click on delete customer
- Confirm yes you wish to delete customer.
NB: QuickBooks cannot delete a customer who
has an outstanding balance or whose account is
used in more than one transaction
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Making Customer Account inactive
- Select the account of the customer you wish to
make inactive.
- Click on Edit menu
- Click on make customer job inactive.
Making Customer Account active
- Change the view mode to all customers from
the view dropdown list
- Select the account which is inactive then select
on edit menu
- Click on make customer job active.
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Working with Vendors/Suppliers/Creditors
A vendor is an individual or company that
supplies you with goods or stock
Adding a Vendor
- Click on the vendor center
- Click on new vendor button
- Click on new vendor
- Fill in the details and click ok

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Creating a Bank Account
- Display the chart of account from the company
- At the bottom of the window click on account
and click new
- Select Bank as your type account to be created
- Enter the name of the bank and other details
e.g. Account number
- Click on enter opening balance and enter the
amount and statement ending date.
- Click on save and close.
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Transferring Funds between Account
- Click on the Banking menu and click
on transfer funds
- Select the Bank from which you which
you wish to transfer the money.
- Select the bank to which you want the
money to be transferred to.
- Enter the amount to be transferred
- Click Save and Close.
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Bank Reconciliation
This is a process of matching and
comparing the actual amount in the bank
with that in the QuickBooks account.
As you write cheque, withdraw money,
make deposits and incur Bank charges, each
of these transaction should be recorded in
QuickBooks and then matched with Bank
records. This process is called reconciling.

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How to Reconcile in QuickBooks
1) From the banking menu, click on Reconcile.
2) From the Reconciliation window under the
account field, enter or select the account you
want to reconcile.
3) Under the statement date field enter the
Bank statement you are reconciling
4) Enter the closing or the end balance
5) Mark all cheque and payment columns and
deposits and other credit columns if any
6) Click on reconcile now.
02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 68

AutoCAD  can be defined as the use of

computer systems to assist in the creation,
modification and optimization of 2D and 3D
drawings design used in construction and
In this, we can create both used in construction
and manufacturing
CAD, or computer-aided design is a technology
for design and technical documentation, which
replaces manual drafting with an automated
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AutoCAD Users
1) Mechanical drafters: Prepare plans for machinery
and mechanical devices.
2) Architectural drafters: Draw up plans for residential
and commercial buildings.
3) Civil drafters: Draw up plans for use in the design
and building of roadways, bridges, sewer systems, and
other major projects.
4) Electrical drafters: Work with electricians to prepare
diagrams of wiring electrical system layouts.
5) Electronics drafters: Also prepare wiring diagrams
for use in the making, installing, and repairing of
electronic gadgets
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1. AutoCAD Version Number: This is used to

show the version of the AutoCAD software
your are using.
2. Current open Drawing Name: This indicates
the name of the drawing you currently have
3. Standard Toolbar: This is a toolbar
standard AutoCAD commands.
02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 71
4. The pull down menus: This is mainly used to
access AutoCAD commands
5. Layers tool bar: This is used to access
AutoCAD layers command.
6. Edit tool bar: This is used to access AutoCAD
editing commands.
7. Styles too bar: It is used to access styles
8. Draw tool bar: This is used to access drawing
9. Tool Pellets: This is used to access the tool
02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 72
10. Scroll bar: This is mainly used to scroll
around in the drawing area.
11. Status Bar: It is used to turn on and off
AutoCAD settings.
12. Command Line: It is to type in
AutoCAD command from a key
13. Coordinate Read out: Used to keep
track of the cursor position in the drawing

02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 73

Advantages of using Autocad
1) Ability to produce accurate designs which can
either be created in 2D or 3D
2) The layout of the drawing can be done
3) CAD is flexible to organize drawing
4) Establish drafting standards e.g. you can
ensure conformity to industry or company
standards by creating styles that you can
apply consistently.
02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 74
5) In CAD you can draw efficiently and
you can choose from variety of drawing
6) CAD helps to draw image accurately by
the use of dimensions
7) In CAD you can view your drawing and
change the resolution of your drawing as
8) CAD eliminates tedious manual editing
by providing a variety of editing tool.
02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 75
Disadvantages of using CAD
1) The cost of buying the software and
installing is very high
2) It requires expertise to use the Cad
3) The frequent change of the software
version makes software outdated very
4) it limits the number of file formats it can
import or export.
02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 76
1) Architectural planning: AutoCAD provides users with an
interface that comes with build in designs, layouts which
include numerous templates that are specifically designed
for architecture planning and building and constructions.
2) Graphic Design: Although there are arguable more
advanced graphic design tools in the computer aided
design community, AutoCAD’s innate features that enable
its users plan out architectural spaces, map them out and
take advantage of the available space makes it a
formidable design tool that can be used simultaneously
with 3D Max, Maya and other design/animation tools
when the need arises.
02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 77
3) USED IN 3D PRINTING: AutoCAD provides
users with an interface that comes with build in
designs, layouts which include numerous
templates that are specifically designed for
architecture planning and building and
4) Graphic Design: AutoCAD’s has features that
enable its users plan out architectural spaces, map
them out and take advantage of the available
space makes it a formidable design tool that can
be used simultaneously with 3D Max, Maya and
other design/animation tools when the need arises.
02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 78
5) Industrial Companies – Industrial
companies use AUTOCAD to design
virtually anything e.g. prototypes for
presentation when advertising or
seeking for funds. This helps the
manufacturing and industrial
organizations to make enough money to
cover the cost occurred in producing any

02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 79

These tools are used to modify existing lines and
objects. They include-:
a) Offset – This is used to create a duplicate object
parallel with the original object. If this object is
a circle or polyline or a circle the duplicate
shapes will be transformed inwards or outwards
b) Trim – with the trim option object can be
shortened or lengthened with edges of other
objects. To trim an object click on trim or type
(tr) in the command line command select object
to trim, press enter and trim.
02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 80
c) Extend (ex) - This option is used to shorten
or lengthen objects to meet the edges of other
objects. E.g. a line can be exactly fitted
between objects.
To Extend: Click on the extend command and
select the object you want to extend then
select the line you also want to extend
d) Move – This is a command used to move
one or more objects.
Moving objects can be done by the aid of
object snap or by using relative coordinates.
02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 81
e) Rotate – This command is used to move
one or more objects. Moving objects can
either be done with the aid of object snap or
by using relative coordinates
f) Copy – This is used to copy one or more
objects. Select the object you want to copy
and specify the base point.
g)Array-Used to create copies of objects in a
rectangular or polar pattern. This is especially
useful when you need to duplicate several
objects at the same distance from each other.
02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 82
h) Fillet – This is a command that is used to
connect two objects with and arc with a specified
• To fillet Click on the fillet command icon.
• Type R and Press Enter.
• Specify the fillet Radius and Press Enter.
• Select the first line.
• Select the second line.
i) Chamfer – This is a that command create a
beveled edge between two selected lines. It can be
defined by specifying a distance away from the
intersection of the selected lines. It can also be
defined by an angle
02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 83
j) Join – This command is used to
combine similar objects into a single
With this command it is possible to
create a circle or an arc.
K) Explode – This is a command that
is used to convert individual elements
into single segments e.g.. Polylines,
hatches and blockers.
02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 84
Snap and Tracking Command Tools
These Command helps the user to create a drawing very
accurately. They include:

a) Snap mode – It’s a command that restricts

cursor movement to specified grid
intervals, or tracks the cursor to
increments along polar alignment paths. 
b) Grid Display – This is a command that
displays the grids with the spacing that is
c) Ortho Mode – It is a command that
restricts movements to both horizontal and
vertical direction.
02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 85
d) Polar Tracking– This is a command
that tracks increments of and angle
that is specified 
e) Object Snap–This is a command that
help you to draw accurately. Snaps
allow you to snap onto a
specific object location when you are
picking a point.
f) Quick Properties – This is a command
that is used to display the properties
of the selected object.
02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 86
Drawing Tools
a) Line – This is used to draw
straight lines from one point to
b) Polyline – This is used to draw a
line or curve with multiple control
c) Rectangle – Used for drawing a
rectangle by defining two points.
02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 87
d) Polygon – It helps to draw polygon by
specifying the number of edges if you want to
chose to inscribe in circle, it draws a polygon
inside the circle with the specified radius. If you
want to circumscribe a circle it draws a polygon
containing a circle with the specified radius.
e) Circle – This is used to draw a circle, first click
to define the center of the circle the define the
f) Rectangle – This draws a spline while
connecting multiple points. Define the points
that spline goes through and end by pressing
the escape key
02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 88
Drawing Aids.
a) Ortho Mode – This is a short name for
orthogonal mode which means either
vertical or horizontal. Ortho is not really a
command but it is a drawing mode which
can either be turned on or off.
The quickest way to turn it on is just to click
on the ortho button on the status bar and the
appearance of the button will tell you whether
ortho is currently on or off.
It can also be toggled on or off by pressing the
F8 function key
02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 89
b) Drawing Grid – This is a regular pattern of dots
displayed on the screen which act as a visual aid,
it is an equivalent of having a sheet of graph
paper behind your drawing on a drawing board.
F7 key is a shortcut to activate the grids
c) Snap Mode(F9) – This allows you to pick points
which lies on a regular grid. The snap grid is
completely independent of the displayed grid
but the spacing of the two are usually set to the
same value to avoid confusion
d) Polar Tracking(F10) – This is almost like ortho
mode and allows you to snap into whatever
angle you choose to configure.
02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 90
Modeling Tools
1) Extrude Command -  This is a command that
allows you to create a solid object from circles,
polygons, and objects, created from or converted
to Poly lines, that have "closed" paths.
2) Presspull – A command that will enable you to
extrude an element from any enclosed boundary
between lines that are not necessarily a closed
poly line This is a quick and easy way to create
an extruded shape from a closed boundary.

02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 91

Layers in AutoCAD

Layers are the primary method for
organizing the objects in a drawing by
function or purpose. Layers can reduce the
visual complexity of a drawing and improve
display performance by hiding information
that you don’t need to see at the moment.

Before you start drawing, create a set of
layers that are useful to your work. In a
house plan, you might create layers for the
foundation, floor plan, doors, fixtures,
electrical, and so on.
02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 92
Creating a Layer

• In the Layer Properties Manager, click New Layer. A

layer name is added to the layer list.
• Enter a new layer name by typing over the
highlighted layer name.
– Layer names can be up to 255 characters long (double-byte
or alphanumeric), and include letters, numbers, spaces, and
several special characters.
– Layer names cannot include the following characters: < > / \
• For complex drawings with many layers, enter
descriptive text in the Description column.
• Specify the settings and default properties of the new
by clicking in each column.
Created by: David M. 93
Renaming a Layer
 In the Layer Properties Manager, click to
select a layer.
 Click the layer name or press F2.
 Enter a new name.
Remove a Layer
 In the Layer Properties Manager, click to
select a layer.
 Click Delete Layer. 
02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 94
• The following layers cannot be deleted:
• Layers 0 and Defpoints
• Layers containing objects, including objects
in block definitions
• The current layer
• Layers used in an external reference
Set the Current Layer
• In the Layer Properties Manager, click to
select a layer.
• Click Set Current. 
02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 95
Absolute coordinate entry is the default.  Absolute
coordinate entry always counts from the origin. 
When drawing lines, AutoCAD is ready to place
the next vertex wherever you tell it to go:
• Type L on the command line and press enter
• Type 4,6 on the command line and press enter
• Type 5,3 on the command line and press enter
• Press enter to finish the Line command

02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 96

We just told AutoCAD we wanted a line starting at 4,6, and ending
at 5,3.  It made a segment between those two points.  The first point
is 4 to the right and 6 up from the origin.  The second point is 5 to
the 02/24/2022
right and 3 up from the origin.  The line is the shortest distance
Created by: David M. 97
between those two points
For relative coordinates, AutoCAD does not
count from 0,0.  Instead, the reference point is
the previous point in the drawing.  Let’s draw
another line, and see what it looks like compared
to the old one:
• Type L on the command line and press enter
• Type 4,6 on the command line and press enter
• Type @5,3 on the command line and press
• Press enter to finish the line command
02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 98
AutoCAD recognizes the @ symbol as
instructions to count using relative coordinates.
Notice the difference.  While both lines made thus
far started at the same point, this time, for the
second vertex, AutoCAD counted 5 over and 3 up
from the first vertex, and made the line between
two locales Created by: David M. 99
Polar coordinates are named for their “pole”; the reference
point to start counting from, which is similar in concept to the
origin.  Polar coordinates employ one radial distance and one
angle (by convention, the angle is measured counterclockwise
from the x-axis).  The angle signifies the direction, and the
distance is how far to go in that direction from the pole.
• Polar coordinates in AutoCAD are given as R<Degrees,
• “R” is the radial distance
• “<” is the less than sign (but in this case represents the
• “Degrees” is the value of the angle in degrees
02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 100
Like Cartesian coordinates, polar coordinates are
employed as a subcommand.
The analogue to ORTHO mode is POLAR tracking
(F10).  Polar tracking restricts cursor movement to
specified angles.  The user can specify the acceptable
angle increments by right-clicking the icon

• Type L on the command line and press enter

• Type 4,6 on the command line and press enter
• Type @5<60 on the command line and press enter
• Press enter to finish the line command

02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 101

The above line started at 4,6 (which is input in absolute Cartesian
coordinates).  Since the next line had the @ symbol, that means the
previous point (4,6), became the pole, or reference point for the
relative coordinates.
We input the polar coordinates as @5<60, which means the length
of the line is 5 and the angle counterclockwise from the x-axis is 60
02/24/2022 Created by: David M. 102

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