Perspectives On Crime - Social Learning Theory SE

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Social Learning Theory

Differential Association Theory –

Edwin Sutherland (1939)
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
• Identify the proponent of the theory.
• Describe how criminal behaviour is learned.
• Describe the person-situation complex.
• State the criticisms of the theory.
Differential Association Theory – Edwin
• Proposed in 1939, the Differential Association Theory remains one of the most
popular of all learning theories of crime.
• It is considered as a symbolic interactionist perspective.
• It focuses on how individuals learn to become criminals but, not why they become
• It argues that criminal behaviour is learned.
• It suggests that the propensity to criminal behaviour increases if there are interactions
that provides opportunities for learning in the person’s life.
• Criminal behaviour is also determined by the ‘person-situation’ complex.
Differential Association Theory – Edwin
Basic Assumptions
• It argues that criminal behaviour is learned.
• Criminal behaviour is learned through communication, interaction and association
with persons engaged in crime or who view crime favourably.
• A person’s environment has a huge influence on their involvement in crime.
• It suggests that the propensity to criminal behaviour increases if there are
interactions that provides opportunities for learning in the person’s life.
• Criminal behaviour is also determined by the ‘person-situation’ complex.
Differential Association Theory – Edwin
• Criminal behaviour is learned.
• It is learned through interaction and communication.
• People learn criminal behaviour and activities the same way they learn law-abiding
• This learning takes place in small intimate groups.
• Peer groups, small gangs, families, etc.
• People become criminal by associating with people who possess criminal norms,
behaviours and attitudes.
• They view the law as working against them.
• You are a product of your environment.
Differential Association Theory – Edwin
• In learning the criminal behaviour, the individual learn the techniques of
committing the crime, specific direction of motives, drives,
rationalizations and attitudes.
• They learn the how to, the why, where and who of crime.
• The specific motives and drives are learned from the definitions of the
legal code as favourable or unfavourable.
• The benefits of law-abiding behaviours verses non-law abiding behaviour.
Differential Association Theory – Edwin
• Differential association vary in intensity, duration, frequency and priority.
• The process of learning the criminal behaviour.
• The more time a person is exposed to criminal behaviour, the more likely they are to
become involved.
• Additionally, persons who are exposed to criminal behaviour at younger ages have
an increased chance of engaging in those behaviours.
• In the process of learning, persons are also taught how to think about law abiding
and non-law abiding behaviour.
• Often non-law abiding behaviour is viewed favourably.
Differential Association Theory – Edwin
• Some environments tend to encourage illegal activities more than others
because they provide role-models who are often successful criminals or who
benefit from crime.
• Subcultures, low income communities, etc.
• These people are considered as high-status people in the group.
• The individual is likely to follow in their footsteps.
• Learning of criminal behaviour does not always involve direct contact but,
can be learned through books, television, other forms of media and hearing
stories about it.
Differential Association Theory – Edwin
• Criminal behaviour also occur when the situation presents itself. This is referred to as the
person-situation complex.
• In such cases, if the situation is suitable, the person will take advantage of it and will
commit a crime.
• For example, someone is driving along the highway behind an armoured truck carrying
money, the back door opens suddenly and a bag of money falls out, the driver gets out of
his vehicle and takes the money.
• Ordinarily, the person would not steal, but stole the money here because there was an
opportunity to.
• This is considered as a crime of opportunity or a crime-committing situation.
Differential Association Theory – Edwin
• Criminals like other members of society strive to achieve the goals but,
choose to use illegal means.
Differential Association Theory – Edwin
• People are independent and rational actors and are individually motivated
therefore, it is problematic to say that a person become criminal solely due
to their environment.
• The theory does not take into account personality traits that might affect a
persons susceptibility to environmental influences.
• Some persons are more easily influenced than others.
• Sutherland suggested that criminal behaviour is learned.
• An individual learns criminal behaviour through their interactions, associations and communication with
persons engaged in criminal behaviour.
• He argued that the more frequent and intense the interaction is along with its duration, the likelihood of
involvement in criminal activities increases.
• In learning criminal behaviour the individual learns the attitudes, motives, rationalizations and attitudes
of the criminal.
• People also commit crime when the situation presents itself. This is known as the person-situation
• The theory as been criticized because it does consider differences in personality traits as well as the fact
that each individual is an independent, rational actor.
Post Lesson Activity
• Complete the post lesson quiz on Module.
• This quiz consists of six mixed type questions.
Chinapoo, C., James, N., & Lee-Paisley, M. (2014). CAPE Sociology. Harlow: Pearson Education
Giddens, A. (1997). Sociology. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd.
Mustapha, N. (2013). Sociology for Caribbean Students (2nd ed.). Kingston: Ian Randle Publishers.
LibreTexts Libraries. (2021, February). Differential Association Theory. Retrieved from Social
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%3A_Differential_Asso ciation_Theory

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