Theme: Alternative Medicine: English Language Project
Theme: Alternative Medicine: English Language Project
Theme: Alternative Medicine: English Language Project
Chinese or Oriental
Examples of medicine Naturopathy
Acupuncture is a form of treatment that
involves inserting very thin needles
through a person’s skin at specific points
on the body, to various depths.
Research suggestsTrusted Source that it
can help relieve pain, and it is used for a
wide range of other complaints.
However, according to the National
Center for Complementary and Integrative
Health (NCCIH), there is limited
evidenceTrusted Source for its
effectiveness in areas other than pain.
How acupuncture works scientifically
remains unclear. Some people claim it
works by balancing vital energy, while
others believe it has a neurological effect.
Acupuncture remains controversial among
Western medical doctors and scientists.
Naturopathy is a form
of healthcare that
combines modern Homeopathy is a
treatment with pseudoscience, a form of
traditional methods. It alternative medicine, in
includes alternative, which doctors treat patients
natural therapies to with highly diluted
modern medicine. preparations that are
Naturopathy focuses believed to cause healthy
on: the body's capacity people symptoms similar to
to heal itself, those presented by the
preventing health patient.
Body. Touch has been used in medicine
since the early days of medical care.
Healing by touch is based on the idea that
illness or injury in one area of the body
can affect all parts of the body. If, with
manual manipulation, the other parts can
be brought back to optimum health, the
body can fully focus on healing at the site
of injury or illness. Body techniques are
often combined with those of the mind.
Examples of body therapies include:
Chiropractic and osteopathic
Body movement therapies
Tai chi
Diet and herbs. Over the centuries, man
has gone from a simple diet consisting of
meats, fruits, vegetables, and grains, to a
diet that often consists of foods rich in
fats, oils, and complex carbohydrates.
Nutritional excess and deficiency have
become problems in today's society, both
leading to certain chronic diseases. Many
dietary and herbal approaches attempt to
balance the body's nutritional well-being.
Dietary and herbal approaches may
o Dietary supplements
o Herbal medicine
o Nutrition/diet
External energy. Some people believe external energies
from objects or other sources directly affect a person's
health. An example of external energy therapy is:
o Electromagnetic therapy
o Reiki
o Qigong
Reiki originally comes
from Japan. During reiki Qigong
treatments, practitioners Qigong is a Chinese form of
try to control energy in the meditation, concentration and
body by using their hands. movement for cultivating the
This may involve placing body and mind. The practice
them on someone, just includes breathing exercises,
above them, or even body and movement exercises,
working at a distance from concentration and meditation
a person. The aim is to exercises. The exercises are
free blocked energy and designed to harmonize and
improve the body’s natural regulate the flow of Qi in the
healing abilities. body.
Mind. Even standard or
conventional medicine
recognizes the power of the
connection between mind and
body. Studies have found that
people heal better if they have
good emotional and mental
health. Therapies using the
mind may include:
Hypnosis involves someone going into a deep state of relaxation and focusing on suggestions a
clinician makes while the person is in a hypnotic state. The aim is for the suggestions to help change a
person’s mental state, resulting in health benefits.
Biofeedback involves the use of machines that measure unconscious or involuntary bodily processes, such as heart
rate or muscle contractions. The device then converts the information into audio, visual, or tactile signals.
A therapist then helps someone learn to control these signals.
Biofeedback can help people learn to relax painful muscles, alter their mental state, and more.
Its most common usesTrusted Source include management of neuromuscular disorders, chronic pain, anxiety,
and incontinence.
Meditation is an ancient practice that is
prominent in religions such as Hinduism
and Buddhism. Today, there are many
forms of meditation people can try; some
are religious in nature, and some not.
Many studies have verified that
meditation has health benefits. It can
lower blood pressure and stress levels.
Research suggestsTrusted Source it may
also reduce the symptoms of:
•irritable bowel syndrome
Senses. Some people believe the senses,
touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste, can
affect overall health. Examples of
therapies incorporating the senses include:
o Art, dance, and music
o Visualization and guided imagery
o Alternative medicine refers to medical practices that are not mainstream. In the
U.S., people use this term to refer to a wide range of therapies and medical systems,
from Ayurveda to reflexology.
o Whatever form of treatment a person chooses, it is always important to consider the
evidence that supports it, potential risks and side effects, and whether the
practitioner is fully qualified. Where possible, always speak with a medical doctor
before trying alternative treatments, as they can have risks.