Eds Unit 3-1

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• A substation is a part of an electrical generation, transmission, and distribution system.
Substations transform voltage from high to low, or the reverse, or perform any of several other
important functions.
• Between the generating station and consumer, electric power may flow through several
substations at different voltage levels.
• A substation may include transformers to change voltage levels between high transmission
voltages and lower distribution voltages, or at the interconnection of two different transmission
• A substation is a high-voltage electric system facility. It is used to switch generators,
equipment, and circuits or lines in and out of a system. It also is used to change AC voltages
from one level to another, and/or change alternating current to direct current or direct current to
alternating current.
• Some substations are small with little more than a transformer and associated switches. Others
are very large with several transformers and dozens of switches and other equipment.
Transmission substation
• A transmission substation connects two or more transmission lines. The simplest case is where
all transmission lines have the same voltage. In such cases, substation contains high-voltage
switches that allow lines to be connected or isolated for fault clearance or maintenance.
• A transmission station may have transformers to convert between two transmission voltages,
voltage control/power factor correction devices such as capacitors, reactors or
static VAR compensators and equipment such as phase shifting transformers to control power
flow between two adjacent power systems.
• Transmission substations can range from simple to complex. A small "switching station" may be
little more than a bus plus some circuit breakers.
• The largest transmission substations can cover a large area (several acres/hectares) with
multiple voltage levels, many circuit breakers, and a large amount of protection and control
equipment (voltage and current transformers, relays and SCADA systems).
Distribution substations:
• Distribution substations are located near to the end-users. Distribution substation transformers
change the transmission or sub transmission voltage to lower levels for use by end-users.
• A distribution substation transfers power from the transmission system to the distribution
system of an area.
• It is uneconomical to directly connect electricity consumers to the main transmission network,
unless they use large amounts of power, so the distribution station reduces voltage to a level
suitable for local distribution.
• The input for a distribution substation is typically at least two transmission or sub-transmission
lines. Input voltage may be, for example, 115 kV, or whatever is common in the area.
• The output is a number of feeders. Distribution voltages are typically medium voltage, between
2.4 kV and 33 kV, depending on the size of the area served and the practices of the local utility.
The feeders run along streets overhead (or underground, in some cases) and power the
distribution transformers at or near the customer premises.
• In addition to transforming voltage, distribution substations also isolate faults in either the
transmission or distribution systems. Distribution substations are typically the points of
voltage regulation, although on long distribution circuits (of several miles/kilometers), voltage
regulation equipment may also be installed along the line
Location of Substations :
1. Locate the substation as much as feasible close to the load center of its service area, so that the

addition of load times distance from the substation is a minimum.

2. Locate the substation such that proper voltage regulation can be obtained without taking
extensive measures.
3. Select the substation location such that it provides proper access for incoming sub transmission
lines and outgoing primary feeders.
4. The selected substation location should provide enough space for the future substation
5. The selected substation location should not be opposed by land-use regulations, local
ordinances, and neighbors.
6. The selected substation location should help minimize the number of customers affected by any
service discontinuity.
7. Other considerations, such as adaptability and emergency.
Substation site selection :
• The distance from the load centers and from the existing sub transmission lines as well as other
limitations, such as availability of land, Its cost, and land use regulations, is important.

Figure. Factors Affecting substation siting

• The service region is the area under evaluation. It may be defined as the service territory of the
• An initial screening is applied by using a set of considerations, for example, safety, engineering,
system planning, institutional, economics, and aesthetics.
• This stage of the site selection mainly indicates the areas that are unsuitable for site
Thus the service region is screened down to a set of candidate sites for substation construction.
Further, the candidate sites are categorized into three basic groups:
(1) sites that are unsuitable for development in the foreseeable future,
(2) sites that have some promise but are not selected for detailed evaluation during the planning
cycle, and (3) candidate sites that are to be studied in more detail.
• The emphasis put on each consideration changes from level to level and from utility to utility.
Three basic alternative uses of the considerations are (1) quantitative vs. qualitative evaluation,
(2) adverse vs. beneficial effects evaluation, and (3) absolute vs. relative scaling of effects.
A complete site assessment should use a mix of all alternatives and attempt to treat the evaluation
from a variety of perspectives.
Rating of a Distribution Substation
• The additional capacity requirements of a system with increasing load density can be met by
  1. Either holding the service area of a given substation constant and increasing its capacity
2. Or developing new substations and thereby holding the rating of the given substation
• It is helpful to assume that the system changes
(1) At constant load density for short-term distribution planning and
(2) At increasing load density for long-term planning. Further, it is also customary and helpful
to employ geometric figures to represent substation service areas, as suggested by Van
• It simplifies greatly the comparison of alternative plans that may require different sizes of
distribution substation, different numbers of primary feeders, and different primary-feeder
voltages. Analyzed a square-shaped service area representing a part of, or the entire service area
of, a distribution substation.
• It is assumed that the square area is served by four primary feeders from a central feed
point, as shown in Figure. Each feeder and its laterals are of three phase. Dots represent
balanced three-phase loads lumped at that location and fed by distribution transformers.
• Here, the percent voltage drop from the feed point a to the end of the last lateral at c is
  %VDac = %VDab + %VDbc

Square-shaped distribution substation service area

Each feeder serves a total load of S4 = A4 × D kVA ……………………… (1)
S4 is the kilovolt-ampere load served by one of four feeders emanating from a feed point

A4 is the area served by one of four feeders emanating from a feed point, m2
D is the load density, kVA/mi
S4= l42 ×D kVA …………………………….(2) (since A4 = l42)

where l4 is the linear dimension of the primary-feeder service area, m. Assuming uniformly
distributed load, i.e., equally loaded and spaced distribution transformers,
The voltage drop in the primary-feeder main is
%VD4,main = 2/3 ×l 4×K × S4 ……………………………..(3)
by substituting Equation (2) into Equation (3),
%VD4,main = 0 667×K ×D×l43 ……………….(4)
Fig 2: Hexagonally shaped distribution substation area
Hexagonally shaped service area supplied by six feeders from the feed point that is located at the
centre, as shown in Figure. Assume that each feeder service area is equal to one-sixth of the
hexagonally shaped total area, or

A6= l6 × l6 ..……………………………….. (5)

 where
A6 is the area served by one of six feeders emanating from a feed point, m2
l6 is the linear dimension of a primary-feeder service area, m
 Here, each feeder serves a total load of
S6 = A6 × D kVA …………………………(6)

S6 = 0.578×D×l62
 As before, it is assumed that the total or lump sum is located at a point on the main feeder at a
distance of (2/3) × l6 from the feed point. Hence, the percent voltage drop in the main feeder

%VD ,main = (2/3)×l ×K × S …………………… (7)
General Case: Substation Service Area with n Primary Feeders

 The general case in which the distribution substation service area is served by n primary
feeders emanating from the point, as shown in Fig.

Fig 3: Distribution substation service area served by n primary feeders

 Assume that the load in the service area is uniformly distributed and each feeder serves an area
of triangular shape.
 The differential load served by the feeder in a differential area of dA is
dS = D dA kVA ...............................(1)
dS is the differential load served by the feeder in the differential area of dA, kVA
D is the load density, kVA/mil
dA is the differential service area of the feeder, mi
 The relationship exist from fig3
tan = ………………..(2)
 The total service area of the feeder can be calculated as
An =
 This total load is located, as a lump-sum load, at a point on the main feeder at a distance of
(2/3) × l4 from the feed point a.
Hence, the summation of the percent voltage contributions of all such areas is
%VDn = …………….(6)
 By substituting the value of we get percent voltage drop as
%VDn = [ since n(2 ) = 360°]
%VDn = …………….(7)

 For n = 1, the percent voltage drop in the feeder main is

%VD1 = …......................................(8)

 For n = 1, the percent voltage drop in the feeder main is

%VD2 = …………………………(9)
Comparison of the Four- and Six-Feeder Patterns
 For a square-shaped distribution substation area served by four primary feeders, that is, n = 4,
The Area served by one of the four feeders is A4 = 2

 The total area served by all four feeders is TA4 = 4A

TA4 = 42 ………………………….(10)
 The kilovolt-ampere load served by one of the feeders is
S4= l42 ×D kVA …………………………….(11)
 Thus, the total kilovolt-ampere load served by all four feeders is
TS4= 4D × l42 kVA …………………………..(12)
 The percent voltage drop in the main feeder is
%VD4,main = 2/3×K×D×l43 ………………..(13)
 The load current in the main feeder at the feed point a is
or ………………………..(14)
 On the other hand, for a hexagonally shaped distribution substation area served by six primary
feeders, that is, n = 6, the area served by one of the six feeders is
A6= X mi2 ………………………..(15)
 The total area served by all six feeders is
TA6= mi2 …………………..(16)
 The kilovolt-ampere load served by one of the feeders is
S6 = D × kVA ……………………(17)
 Therefore, the total kilovolt-ampere load served by all six feeders is
TS6 = × D × kVA ……………(18)
 The percent voltage drop in the main feeder is
%VD6,main = ×K×D×l63 …………(19)
 The load current in the main feeder at the feed point a is

or …………(20)
 The relationship between the service areas of the four- and six-feeder patterns can be found
under two assumptions:
(1) feeder circuits are thermally limited (TL) and
(2) feeder circuits are voltage-drop-limited (VDL).
1. For TL feeder circuits: For a given conductor size and neglecting voltage drop,
I4 = I6 …………………….(21)
substituting equations (14) & (20) into equation (21)
From equation (22)
= ………………(23)
Also by dividing equation (16) and (12),

Substituting equation (23) into equation (24)
= or = 1.50 -------------- (25)
1. For VDL feeder circuits:
For a given conductor size and assuming equal percentage voltage drop,
%VD4 = %VD6 …………..(26)
Substituting equation (13) and (19) into equation (26) we get,
I4 = I6 X 0.833 ……….(27)
From equation (16) the total area served by all six feeders is
TA6= mi2 ………….(28)
Substituting equation (27) into equation (10)
TA4= ……………(29)
Divide equation (28) by equation (29)
= or …………(30)
Benefits derived through optimal location of substation:
• Design of substation becomes cheap, simple and feasible.
• The substation is very close to the load center of its service area.
• Capital cost is low.
• The product of KVA and the distance is minimum.
• Voltage regulation is improved.
• When future loads are added the access for the incoming and outgoing feeder is good.
• Voltage regulation requirement at the farthest load point are satisfied.
• The number of customers effected by the service outage is less due to the possibility of alternate
supply arrangement.
• Enough space for the future substation expansion is allotted.
• The cost of feeders and the power losses are reduced.
• Time required for the erection of substation is reduced .
Optimal Location of substation:
Optimal location of substation is necessary to reduce the cost and service interruption.
There are two methods for the optimal location of substation.
They are
(1) Perpendicular Bisector rule. (2) X-Y co-ordinate method
Perpendicular Bisector rule:
The bisector perpendicular rule can be divided into some basic steps as follows:
(i) Estimate a feasible initial position for the substation.
(ii) Draw a line between the estimated Substation position and each neighbour Substation.
(iii) Bisect each line perpendicularly with another line.
(iv) The set of bisections defines the service area of the Substation.
(v) If this area is not the desired one the Substation must be moved to a correcting direction and
the steps (ii)–(v) must be re-executed.
(vi) The load assisted by the Substation is the sum of all loads in its service area
(2) X-Y co-ordinate method
Functions of Electrical Power Substations are:
• Supply electric power to the consumers continuously
• Supply of electric power within specified voltage limits and frequency limits
• Shortest possible fault duration.
• Optimum efficiency of plants and the network
• Supply of electrical energy to the consumers at lowest cost.
• In a large power system large number of Generating stations, Electrical Power Substations and
load centers are interconnected. This large internet-work is controlled from load dispatch center.
• Digital and voice signals are transmitted over the transmission lines via the Power substations.
The substations are interlinked with the load control centers via Power Line Carrier Systems
• Modern Power System is controlled with the help of several automatic, semi -automatic
• Digital Computers and microprocessors are installed in the control rooms of large substations,
generating stations and load control centersfor data collection, data monitoring, automatic
protection and control
Classification of Sub-Stations:
There are several ways of classifying sub-stations. However, the two most important ways of
classifying them are according to
(1) service requirement and (2) constructional features.
According to service requirement. A sub-station may be called upon to change voltage level or
improve power factor or convert a.c. power into d.c. power etc. According to the service
requirement, sub-stations may be classified into:
(i) Transformer sub-stations: Those sub-stations which change the voltage level of electric
supply are called transformer sub-stations. These sub-stations receive power at some voltage
and deliver it at some other voltage. Obviously, transformer will be the main component in
such sub-stations. Most of the sub-stations in the power system are of this type.
(ii) Switching sub-stations: These sub-stations do not change the voltage level i.e, incoming and
outgoing lines have the same voltage. However, they simply perform the switching operations
of power lines.
(iii) Power factor correction sub-stations: Those sub-stations which improve the power factor
of the system are called power factor correction sub-stations. Such sub-stations are generally
located at the receiving end of transmission lines. These sub-stations generally use synchronous
condensers as the power factor improvement equipment.
(iv) Frequency changer sub-stations: Those sub-stations which change the supply frequency are
known as frequency changer sub-stations. Such a frequency change may be required for
industrial utilisation.
(v) Converting sub-stations: Those sub-stations which change a.c. power into d.c. power are
called converting sub-stations. These sub-stations receive a.c. power and convert it into d.c.
power with suitable apparatus (e.g. ignitron) to supply for such purposes as traction,
electroplating, electric welding etc.
(vi) Industrial sub-stations: Those sub-stations which supply power to individual industrial
concerns are known as industrial sub-stations.
(2) According to constructional features: A sub-station has many components (e.g. circuit
breakers, switches, fuses, instruments etc.) which must be housed properly to ensure continuous
and reliable service.
According to constructional features, the sub-stations are classified as :
(i) Indoor sub-station
(ii) Outdoor sub-station
(iii) Underground sub-station
(iv) Pole-mounted sub-station
(i) Indoor sub-stations: For voltages upto 11 kV, the equipment of the sub-station is installed
indoor because of economic considerations. However, when the atmosphere is contaminated
with impurities, these sub-stations can be erected for voltages upto 66 kV
(ii) Outdoor sub-stations: For voltages beyond 66 kV, equipment is invariably installed outdoor.
It is because for such voltages, the clearances between conductors and the space required for
switches, circuit breakers and other equipment becomes so great that it is not economical to
install the equipment indoor.
(iii) Underground sub-stations. In thickly populated areas, the space available for equipment
and building is limited and the cost of land is high. Under such situations, the sub-station is
created underground.
(iv) Pole-mounted sub-stations. This is an outdoor sub-station with equipment installed
overhead on H-pole or 4-pole structure. It is the cheapest form of sub-station for voltages not
exceeding 11kV (or 33 kV in some cases). Electric power is almost distributed in localities
through such substations.
Outdoor Substation:
The outdoor substations are constructed in the open air. These are also known as a 66KV substation,
132KV substation, 220KV substation, and 400KV substation etc. These days gas insulated substations are
built for high voltage systems.

Outdoor Substation
Indoor Substation: The indoor substations are generally of lower voltages and are built under a
roof or closed compartment. These substations are also known as 11KV substations and 33KV
substations etc.

Indoor Substation
Pole Mounted Substation: The pole mounted substations are majorly distribution substations which are
constructed on the structure of two, four, or sometimes six or more poles. In such substations, there is a
need of mounting distribution transformers over poles alongside isolator switches. The single pole is also
known as H pole and 4 pole structures are more relevant which are operating at 25KVA, 125KVA, and

Pole Mounted Substation

Underground Substation: The underground substations are built in ground or subversive. These
substations are built in congested places where building open air/outdoor substations are not
possible. However, the design of such substations is very complex. The usual voltage level of
such substation varies from 34500/19920 to about 4160/2400 volts.

Underground Substation
List of Electrical Substation Equipment  :
• Instrument Transformers
• Current Transformer
• Potential Transformer
• Conductors
• Insulators
• Isolators
• Busbars
• Lightning Arrestors
• Circuit Breakers
• Relays
• Capacitor Banks
• Batteries
• WaveTrapper
• SwitchYard
• Metering and Indication Instruments
• Equipment for Carrier Current
• Prevention from Surge Voltage
• The Outgoing Feeders
Instrument Transformers:
• The instrument transformer is a static device utilized for reduction of higher currents and
voltages for safe and practical usage which are measurable with traditional instruments such as
digital multi-meter etc. The value range is from 1A to 5A and voltages such as 110V etc. The
transformers are also used for actuation of AC protective relay through supporting voltage and
Current Transformer:
• A current transformer is a gadget utilized for the transformation of higher value currents into
lower values. It is utilized in an analogous manner to that of AC instruments, control apparatus,
and meters. These are having lower current ratings and are used for maintenance and
installation of current relays for protection purpose in substations.
Potential Transformer:
• The potential transformers are similar in characteristics as current transformers but are utilized
for converting high voltages to lower voltages for protection of relay system and for lower
rating metering of voltage measurements.
• Conductors are the materials which permit flow of electrons through it. The best conductors are
copper and aluminum etc. The conductors are utilized for transmission of energy from place to
place over substations.

• The insulators are the materials which do not permit flow of electrons through it. Insulators are
resisting electric property. There are numerous types of insulators such as shackle, strain type,
suspension type, and stray type etc. Insulators are used in substations for avoiding contact with
humans or short circuit.
• The isolators in substations are mechanical switches which are deployed for isolation of circuits
when there is an interruption of current. These are also known with the name of disconnected
switches operation under no-load conditions and are not fortified with arc-quenching devices.
These switches have no specific current breaking value neither these have current making value.
These are mechanically operated switches.
• The busbar is among the most important elements of the substation and is a conductor which
carries current to a point having numerous connections with it. The busbar is a kind of electrical
junction which has outgoing and incoming current paths. Whenever a fault occurs in the busbar,
entire components connected to that specific section should be tripped for giving thorough
isolation in a small time, for instance, 60ms for avoiding danger rising due to conductor’s heat.
These are of different types such as ring bus, double bus, and single bus etc. A simple bus bar is
shown in the figure below which is considered as one of the most vital electrical substation
The Lightning Arresters:
• The lightning arresters can be considered as the first ever components of a substation. These are
having a function of protecting equipment of substation from high voltages and are also limiting
the amplitude and duration of the current’s flow. These are connected amid earth and line i.e.
connected in line with equipment in the substation. These are meant for diversion of current to
earth if any current surge appears hence by protecting insulation as well as conductor from
damages. These are of various types and are distinguished based on duties
Circuit Breakers:
• The circuit breakers are such type of switches utilized for closing or opening circuits at the time
when a fault occurs within the system. The circuit breaker has 2 mobile contacts which are in
OFF condition in normal situations. At the time when any fault occurs in the system, a relay is
sending the tripped command to the circuit breaker which moves the contacts apart, hence
avoiding any damage to the circuitry.
• The relay is an electrical device, and the main role of this device in the substation is, it guards
the grid component against the irregular conditions like faults.
• This is one type of detecting device, used to detect and determine the fault location, and then it
sends the signal to the circuit breaker.
• After receiving the signal from the relay, the circuit breaker will detach the faulted part. Relays
are mainly useful for protecting the devices from hazards, damages.
Capacitor Banks
• This device is inbuilt with capacitors that are connected either in series or else parallel. The
main function of this is to store the electrical energy in electrical charge form.
• This bank draws primary current which amplifies the PF (power factor) of the system. As a
source, the capacitor bank works for reactive-power, and the phase-difference among the
current as well as the voltage will be decreased.
• They will enhance the capacity of ripple current of the power supply, and it removes the
unnecessary characteristics within the system. The capacitor bank is an efficient method for
preserving power factor as well as power-lag problem correction.
• In large power stations or substations, the operation of lighting, relay system, or control circuits
are powered by batteries. These batteries are connected to a particular accumulator cell based on
the operating voltage of the particular DC circuit.
• The wave-trapper is located on incoming lines to trap the high-frequency signal. This signal
(wave) comes from the remote station which interrupts the current and voltage signals. This
component trips the high-frequency signal and redirects them to the telecom board.
• The switchyard is the inter-connector among the transmission as well as generation, & equal
voltage is maintained in this device.
• Switchyards are used to transmit the power which is generated from the substation at the
preferred level of voltage to the near transmission line or power station.
Metering and Indication Instruments
• Ammeters, Voltmeters, Wattmeters, kWh meters, KVARH meters, power factor meters reactive
volt-amperes meters are installed in substations to control and maintain a watch over the current
flowing through the circuits and over the power loads.
Equipment for Carrier Current
• Such equipment is installed in the substations for communication, relaying, telemetered or for
supervisory control. The equipment is suitably mounted in a room known as carrier room and
connected to the high voltage power circuit.
Transformer Sub-Stations :
• The majority of the sub-stations in the power system are concerned with the changing of voltage
level of electric supply.
• These are known as transformer sub-stations because transformer is the main component
employed to change the voltage level. Depending upon the purpose served, transformer
• sub-stations may be classified into :
(i) Step-up sub-station
(ii) Primary grid sub-station
(iii) Secondary sub-station
(iv) Distribution sub-station
Pole-Mounted Sub-Station :
• It is a distribution sub-station placed overhead on a pole.
• It is the cheapest form of sub-station as it does not involve any building work.
• The 11 kV line is connected to the transformer (11kV /400 V) through gang isolator and fuses.
• The lightning arresters are installed on the H.T. side to protect the sub-station From lightning
strokes. The transformer steps down the voltage to 400V, 3-phase, 4-wire supply.
• The voltage between Any two lines is 400V whereas the Voltage between any line and neutral is
230 V.
• The oil circuit breaker (O.C.B.) Installed On the L.T. side automatically isolates the transformer
from The consumers in the event of any fault.
The pole-mounted sub-stations are generally used for transformer capacity upto *200 kVA.
In pole-mounted sub-stations :
(i) There should be periodical check-up of the dielectric strength of oil in the transformer and
(ii) In case of repair of transformer or O.C.B., both gang isolator and O.C.B. should be shut off.
Underground Sub-Station :
• In thickly populated cities, there is scarcity of land as well as the prices of land are very high.
• This has led to the development of underground sub-station.
• In such sub-stations, the equipment is placed underground.
• The design of underground sub-station requires more careful consideration than other types of
• While laying out an underground sub-station, the following points must be kept in view:
(i) The size of the station should be as minimum as possible.
(ii) There should be reasonable access for both equipment and personnel.
(iii) There should be provision for emergency lighting and protection against fire.
(iv) There should be good ventilation.
(v) There should be provision for remote indication of excessive rise in temperature so that H.V.
supply can be disconnected.
(vi) The transformers, switches and fuses should be air cooled to avoid bringing oil into the
Symbols for Equipment in Sub-Stations:
Bus-Bar Arrangements in Sub-Stations :
• An electrical bus bar is defined as a conductor or a group of conductor used for collecting
electric power from the incoming feeders and distributes them to the outgoing feeders. In other
words, it is a type of electrical junction in which all the incoming and outgoing electrical
current meets.
• The most common of the bus-bars are 40×4mm (160 mm2); 40×5 mm (200 mm2) ; 50×6 mm
(300mm2) ; 60×8 mm (480 mm2) ; 80×8 (640 mm2) and 100×10 mm (1000 mm2).
The types are:
1. Single Bus-Bar Arrangement
2. Single Bus-Bar Arrangement with Bus Sectionalization
3. Main and Transfer Bus Arrangement
4. Double Bus Double Breaker Arrangement
5. Sectionalized Double Bus Arrangement
6. One-and-a-Half Breaker Arrangement
1. Single Bus-Bar Arrangement :
• The arrangement of such type of system is very simple and easy. The system has only one bus
bar along with the switch. All the substation equipment like the transformer, generator, the
feeder is connected to this bus bar only.
• The advantages of single bus bar arrangements are :
1. It has low initial cost.
2. It requires less maintenance
3. It is simple in operation
• Drawbacks of Single Bus-Bars Arrangement :
1. The only disadvantage of such type of arrangement is that the complete supply is disturbed
2. the occurrence of the fault.
3. The arrangement provides the less flexibility and hence used in the small substation where
continuity of supply is not essential.

Single Bus-Bar Arrangement in substation:

Single Bus-Bar Arrangement :

2. Single Bus-Bar Arrangement with Bus Sectionalization :
• In this type of busbar arrangement, the circuit breaker and isolating switches are used.
• The isolator disconnects the faulty section of the busbar, hence protects the system from
complete shutdown.
• This type of arrangement uses one addition circuit breaker which does not much increase the
cost of the system.
• The following are the advantages of sectionalized bus bar :
1. The faulty section is removed without affecting the continuity of the supply.
2. The maintenance of the individual section can be done without disturbing the system supply.
3. The system has a current limiting reactor which decreases the occurrence of the fault.
• Disadvantages of Single Bus-Bar Arrangement with Sectionalization :
The system uses the additional circuit breaker and isolator which increases the cost of the system.
Single Bus-Bar Arrangement with Bus Sectionalization in substation
3. Main and Transfer Bus Arrangement :
• Such type of arrangement uses two type of busbar namely, main busbar and the auxiliary bus bar. The busbar
arrangement uses bus coupler which connects the isolating switches and circuit breaker to the busbar. The bus
coupler is also used for transferring the load from one bus to another in case of overloading.
The following are the steps of transferring the load from one bus to another.
1. The potential of both the bus bar kept same by closing the bus coupler.
2. The bus bar on which the load is transferred is kept close.
3. Open the main bus bar.
Advantages of Main and Transfer Bus Arrangement :
• The continuity of the supply remains same even in the fault. When the fault occurs on any of the buses the
entire load is shifted to the another bus.
• The repair and maintenance can easily be done on the busbar without disturbing their continuity.
• The maintenance cost of the arrangement is less.
• The potential of the bus is used for the operation of the relay.
• The load can easily be shifted on any of the buses.
Disadvantages of Main and Transfer Bus Arrangement :
• In such type of arrangements, two bus bars are used which increases the cost of the system.
• The fault on any of the bus would cause the complete shutdown on the whole substation.
Main and Transfer Bus Arrangement in substation:
4. Double Bus Double Breaker Arrangement :
• This type of arrangement requires two bus bar and two circuit breakers. It does not require any
additional equipment like bus coupler and switch.
Advantages of Double Bus Double Breaker
• This type of arrangement provides the maximum reliability and flexibility in the supply.
Because the fault and maintenance would not disturb their continuity.
• The continuity of the supply remains same because the load is transferrable from one bus to
another on the occurrence of the fault.
Disadvantages of double bus Double breaker
• In such type of arrangement two buses and two circuit breakers are used which increases the
cost of the system.
• Their maintenance cost is very high.
• Because of its higher cost, such type of bus-bars is seldom used in substations.
5. Sectionalized Double Bus Arrangement :
• In this type of bus arrangement, the sectionalized main bus bar is used along with the auxiliary
bus bar. Any section of the busbar removes from the circuit for maintenance and it is connected
to any of the auxiliary bus bars. But such type of arrangement increases the cost of the system.
Sectionalization of the auxiliary bus bar is not required because it would increase the cost of the
6. One and a Half Breaker Arrangement :
• In this arrangement, three circuit breakers are required for two circuits. The each circuit of the
bus bar uses the one and a half circuit breaker. Such type of arrangement is preferred in large
stations where power handled per circuit is large.
• In the figure, CB stands for Circuit Breaker, LA for Lightening Arrestor, ES for Earth Switch and DS for
Disconnect Switch also called Isolator.
• In One and Half Breaker Scheme, three breakers are connected between the two buses. Each Breaker is
provided with two Isolators and two Earth Switches. These Isolators are provided to physically isolate
the Circuit Breaker for maintenance. Earth Switch ES is provided to ensure that isolated portion is
effectively earthed. Earth Switch shall be closed after the opening of Isolator.
• One bay of three breakers is called Diagonal in One and Half Breaker Scheme. In the figure, thus two
Diagonals are shown. A feeder is connected in between the two Breakers CB-A and CB-C & CB-B and
CB-C. Notice that three Breakers are used in this scheme to protect two Feeders and therefore it is called
3/2 i.e. One and Half Breaker scheme.
• Let us consider some interesting aspects of One and Half Breaker Scheme. Let us assume a fault in
any one feeder say in Feeder-1. In this case protection shall open the CB-A and CB-C & send Direct
Trip signal to the Remote station through Power Line Carrier Communication (PLCC) to isolate the
fault. Mind that even though CB-A and CB-C are open, Feeder-2 is still in service and fed by Bus-2.
Thus One and Half Breaker scheme increases the reliability of Power System.
• Let us assume that, we need to take maintenance of CB-B of Diagonal-1. So we will open the
Breaker CB-B and will isolate it by opening Isolators and closing Earth Switch ES. Again, notice
that none of the feeder will be out of service rather Feeder-2 will be fed through CB-A and CB-C.
The most important advantage of this scheme is that you can take one Bus out for maintenance
without interrupting power supply in Feeders.
Advantages of One and a Half Breaker Arrangement
• It protects the arrangement against the loss of supply.
• The potential of the bus bar is used for operating the relay.
• In such type of arrangement, the additional circuits are easily added to the system.
Disadvantages of One and a Half Breaker Arrangement
• The circuit becomes complicated because of the relaying system.
• Their maintenance cost is very high.
Key Diagram of 66/11 kV Sub-Station :
Key Diagram of 11kV/400 V Indoor Sub-Station:

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