Bismillah Nabila Sidang

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Nabilla Hilda Fahira Nata (1732810075)

C ha pt e r s
02 Research 04
Review Of Related methods
Development research

Introduction and

Chapter 01

2. Development Purp

• To develop bilingual guide book for

1. Background Southern Beaches Causeway in
Malang Regency
• Southern Beaches In Malang
• plenty of People don’t know the • To provide written information
Beaches that can help attracting more
• There is no bilingual guidebook tourists and giving detailed
available information of the southern
• The Guidebook will explained 7
3. Significance of The Study
• Tourism and Hospitality Industry : help the
government, especially in Tourism and Hospitality
Industry to provide better information, so that it will
attract more tourists
• The Writer : This final project can be meant for the
writer to apply the materials that are learned from
English study program.
• Visitors : increase visitor knowledge and raise their
interest in Southern beaches causeway.
• Other Researches : The report and product of this
final project can be used as references for student’s
English study Program at State Polytechnic of
Malang, or other researches who want to conduct
similar final project.
4. Scope of the research

This product is aimed for This final project only This guide book contains
tourists who want to get explains about seven the history about each
more detailed information beaches that frequently beaches, and the specific
about Southern Beaches visited. about all information
Causeway. there.
5. Definition of Key
 Guide book : book that is used as a guide that
provides detailed information with instructions for
travelers, tourist, and usually about tourist
 Bilingual : In this study the term bilingual can be
interpreted as the ability to use two languages such
as English and Indonesian.
 Southern Causeway : path that was built along the
coast of Balekambang to Sendang Biru beach which
is about 24 kilometers away
1. Theoretical foundation

1.1. Definition of Guidebook

Guidebook is defined as any literature that provides destination
information for visitors and as a tool to make independent tourists
feel to find advice and information worth knowing about the place,
attractions, accommodations, transport, eating out, etc. (Bender,
Gidlow, and Fisher, 2013)
1.2 Southern Causeway
Southern trails were built at the end of 2017 to
facilitate tourists who will visit Southern Beaches in
Malang Regency. the path has a width of about 8
1.3 Bilingual

According to Wulandari and Nurhantoro (2019),

in a journal entitled "The Importance of Bilingual
Safety and Warning for Disaster Prone Areas"
bilingual is the ability to understand and use two
languages in everyday life.
Putri and Dewi (2014) a research
about The Use of Travel Guide Books by
visiting Yogyakarta .From this research, Putri
and Dewi concluded that there are seven basic needs
that are tourist needed in the use of travel guide books. RESEARCH
02 Linda (2007), also have done research which have
similar topic about guide book by the tittle ‘Travel
Another researcher, Sarah (2005) which have done Guidebooks and The Independent Traveler in The Asia
about A Content Analysis of Travel Guidebooks. The 03 Pacific Region’. This research has demonstrated that
purpose of this research is to analyze and describe how travel guidebooks are an aid in reducing risks associated
travel guidebooks communicate information on socio- with travelling independently, and they play a positive
cultural, environmental, and other destination specific role in the recent tourism trend of a shift away from
issues. mass tourism towards independent tourism.

1. Research design
Design and Development Research (DDR)

2. Research Setting
Southern beaches causeway, in the Southern
Sumbermanjing District, Malang, and East Java
3. Data Collection Method

Interview Observation Documents

Product Development Steps
Based on the theory of Richey, Klein
and Tracey (2011) in developing a
new product divided into 5 steps as
this following step

05 Evaluation

04 Implementation

03 Development

02 Design
01 Analysis
PRODUCT Bilingual Guidebook
Detail Information

About 7 beaches

Paper Size

Printed using art paper

Consist of 52 pages
Chapter 04

1. Analysis
• Interview with The
Cultural and Tourism
Department of

• Distribute online
2. Design and
 Collected and summarized all the
information data about each beaches
 Making the outline of the guidebook
 This guidebook in one book containing
Indonesian and English version.
 Write Indonesian draft
 Translated the text into English
Language Validation
No Criteria Grade
1 2 3 4 5
1 The Design and Layout of the Guidebook are attractive and       √󠆗  
2 The descriptions of each beach in a Guidebook can provide a         √󠆗
lot of knowledge and information to readers.
3 The Indonesian language used in the Guidebook is clear and       √󠆗  
easy to understand.
4 The English used in the Guidebook is clear and easy to     √󠆗    
5 Translation between the two languages ​is easy to understand     √󠆗    
and appropriate.
6 The information in the Guidebook is clear and easy to       √󠆗  
7 The Information that provides in a Guidebook complete and       √󠆗  
8 Some special terms are well explained in English.     √󠆗    
9 The sentences are grammatically correct, which include   √󠆗      
conjunction, capital letter and etc.
10 The choice of font types and sizes is clear and appropriate.       √󠆗  
Content Validation Expert
No Criteria Grade
1 2 3 4 5
1 The Design and Layout of the Guidebook are attractive         √󠆗
and appropriate.
2 The descriptions of each beach in a Guidebook can         √󠆗
provide a lot of knowledge and information to readers.

3 The Indonesian language used in the Guidebook is         √󠆗

clear and easy to understand.
4 The English used in the Guidebook is clear and easy to         √󠆗
5 Translation between the two languages ​is easy to         √󠆗
understand and appropriate.
6 The information in the Guidebook is clear and easy to         √󠆗
7 The Information that provides in a Guidebook complete         √󠆗
and accurate.
8 . The choice of font types and sizes is clear and         √󠆗
9 The use of images in the manual is appropriate and         √󠆗
supports the description,
I m p l e m e n t a t I o n


The product will be printed and then given to the tourism and cultural department
of Malang district to be distributed to each beach manager or tourist information
center office
Eval uat I on
No Criteria Response Average
1 2 3 4 5
F % F % F % F % F %  
1. The Design of the Cover             6 30% 14 70% 4.7
Attracts readers.  
2. The design and layout of             1 55% 9 45% 4.45
the guidebook are attractive 1
and appropriate.

3. The contents of the             8 40% 12 60% 4,6

guidebook are complete
and appropriate.

4. The guidebook is useful for         1 5% 2 10% 17 85% 4.8

tourists who want to visit
the Sothern Beaches  

5. The language used in the     1 5%     6 30% 13 65% 4,55

guidebook is clear and easy
to understand.

6. Information in the             5 25% 15 75% 4.75

guidebook is clear and easy  
to understand.
7. Information in guidebook         1 5% 6 30% 13 65% 4.6
are complete and accurate.

8. The description of each             7 35% 13 65% 4.85

beach in a Guidebook can
provide a lot of knowledge
and information to readers.  
This guidebook explained about one of the tourists needed
as written in the journal Putri and Dewi (2014) It only refers
to one tourist need that is functional needs which according
to the author are very dominant and needed because it can
provide information needed by visitors.

Most of the respondents revealed that the

02 guidebook will help the visitors when visiting
Southern Beaches Causeway without a tour

Based on the field testing, most respondents agreed

that this guidebook could give more knowledge or
03 information to the visitors.
H Conclusion
A  This guidebook consisted of descriptions of
P seven beaches that have been translated
into English and made into one book.
T  provide information to visitors who would
H visit the Southern Beach Causeway
 The information included location, short
E history or description, uniqueness, access to
R the beach, available facilities and which
activities that could be done in each beach.

Su g e s s t I o n
1. For Cultural and Tourism Department of Malang
 Developed on the Tourism Office website
 Distribute to tourist arrivals, or at Tourist Information Center.
2. For Future Researches
 Imitate or apply similar research to introduce other tourist attractions
 In the City or Regency of Malang that need to be further developed.
 Further researchers can also add more theory related to the research.
Thank You

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