Conditions to be fulfilled:
• Available on Tangible Assets & Intangible
• Assets should be owned by the Assessee.
• Assets should have been used by the
assessee for the purpose of his business
or profession.
• Such use should be during the relevant
Depreciation Depends on What?
• Block of Assets
• Prescribed Rate of Depreciation
• Actual Cost
• Written Down Value
Block of Assets [sec 2(22)]
A Group of Assets falling within a Class of Assets
(e.g. Plant, Machinery, Buildings, Furniture, Know-
how, Trade Mark, Patent, etc.) with the same rate
of depreciation.
Two Criteria:
* Same Class
* Same Rate
Rates of Depreciation
Residential Buildings 5%
Office, Factory, Godown 10%
Temporary Wooden Structure 100%
Furniture 10%
Plant & Machinery 15%
Computers 60%
Pollution Control Equipments 100%
Any Intangible Assets 25%
Computation of Depreciation
A. Depreciated Value of Block of 100
Assets on 1st April, 2009
B. Actual Cost of Asset (s) belonging 20
to the Block acquired in 2009-10
C. A + B 120
D. Money Received/Receivable (including 50
Scrap value) for asset (s) sold, discarded, etc.
in 2009-10
E. Written Down Value on 31-03-2010 (D – 70
F. Depreciation = E * Rate
Zero WDV of a Block of Assets
A. Depreciated Value on 01-04-09 100
B. Actual cost of new asset acquired 20
in 2009-10
C. A + B 120
D. Amount Received for Sale of an 120
Existing Asset in 2009-10
(Actual Sale proceeds Rs.150 but
deduction is restricted to C supra)
50% of Normal
Rate Normal Rate
Additional Depreciation
• Who can claim?
Any person engaged in manufacture or
production of any article or thing.
• On What Asset?
Only new Plant & Machinery subject to Certain
conditions / exceptions.
• When?
Only in the year of acquisition when it is put to
• At What Rate?
20% of the Actual Cost of Plant & Machinery
(10% if period of use is less than 180 days in the
year of acquisition.)
Assets NOT ELIGIBLE for Additional
• Building , Furniture
• Old / Second-hand Plant & Machinery
• Plant & Machinery of Power Generating
• Ships, Aircrafts, Road Transport Vehicles.
• Equipments installed in Office Premises or
Residential Houses including Guest
Scientific Research Expenditure
• Amount of deduction:
1/5th of the qualifying amount every year
• Period of deduction:
5 successive years starting with the
previous year in which the business is
commenced or the extension is completed
or new unit starts operation.
Interest on Borrowed Capital
[Sec 36(1)(iii)]
Conditions for allowing deduction:
(a) Interest is paid or payable (except the cases u/s 43B) on
(b) Capital should be borrowed for the purpose of business
or profession.
Challapalli Sugars Ltd. Vs. CIT
In case of a new concern, interest incurred before the
commencement of production can be capitalized.
Interest on loan taken for acquisition of an asset for the
period from the date of taking loan till the asset is put to use
cannot be allowed as deduction u/s 36(1)(iii). However, it
can be capitalized.
Bad Debts [Sec 36(1)(vii)]
Conditions to be fulfilled:
• Taking the debt into account while computing
income of the assessee of the relevant previous
year or earlier previous year.