Income Tax Deductions
Income Tax Deductions
Income Tax Deductions
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[AY 2025-26]
Section Nature of deduction Who can claim
(1) (2) (3)
Against 'salaries'
16(ia) Standard Deduction Individual – Salaried
(a) In case of normal tax regime - Rs. 50,000 or the Employee & Pensioners
amount of salary, whichever is lower;
(b) In case of new tax regime under section 115BAC -
Up to Rs. 75,000 or the amount of salary, whichever
is lower
16(ii) Entertainment allowance [actual or at the rate of 1/5th of Government employees
salary, whichever is less] [limited to Rs. 5,000]
16(iii) Employment tax Salaried assessees
Against 'income from house properties'
23(1), first Taxes levied by local authority and borne by owner if paid All assessees
proviso in relevant previous year
24(a) Standard deduction [30% of the annual value (gross annual All assessees
value less municipal taxes)]
24(b) Interest on borrowed capital (Rs. 30,000/Rs. 2,00,000, All assessees
subject to specified conditions)
25A(2) Standard deduction of 30 per cent of arrears of rent or All assessees
unrealised rent received
Against 'profits and gains of business or profession'
A. Deductible items
30 Rent, rates, taxes, repairs (excluding capital expenditure) All assessees
and insurance for premises
31 Repairs (excluding capital expenditure) and insurance of All assessees
machinery, plant and furniture
32(1)(i) Depreciation1 in respect of following assets shall be Taxpayer engaged in business
allowed at prescribed percentage on actual cost of an asset of generation or generation
(i.e., Straight Line Method): and distribution of power.
i. Tangible Assets (buildings, machinery, plant or
ii. Intangible Assets (know-how, patents, copyrights,
trademarks, licenses, franchises, or any other business
or commercial rights of similar nature not being
goodwill of business or profession).
However, if asset is acquired and put to use for less than
180 days during the previous year, the deduction shall be
restricted to 50% of depreciation computed above.
Taxpayers engaged in business of generation or generation
and distribution of power have the option to claim
depreciation on written down value basis also
32(1)(ii) Depreciation1 in respect of following assets shall be All assessees engaged in
allowed at prescribed percentage on written down value of business or profession
each block of asset (as per WDV method):
i. Tangible Assets (buildings, machinery, plant or
ii. Intangible Assets (know-how, patents, copyrights,
trademarks, licenses, franchises, or any other business
or commercial rights of similar nature not being
goodwill of business or profession).
However, if asset is acquired and put to use for less than
180 days during the previous year, the deduction shall be
restricted to 50% of depreciation computed above.
32(1)(iia) Additional depreciation shall be allowed at 20% of actual All taxpayers engaged in:
cost of new plant and machinery [other than ships, aircraft, a) manufacture or
office appliances, second hand plant or machinery, etc.] production of any article
(Subject to certain conditions). or thing; or
However, if an asset is acquired and put to use for less than b) generation, transmission
180 days during the previous year, 50% of additional or distribution of power
depreciation shall be allowed in year of acquisition and (if taxpayer is not
balance 50% would be allowed in the next year. claiming depreciation
on straight line basis ).
32AC Investment allowance shall be allowed at 15% of actual cost Company engaged in business
of new asset acquired and installed by a company engaged of manufacturing or
in business or manufacturing or production of any article or production of any article or
thing (Subject to certain conditions) thing.
Deduction shall be available if actual cost of new plant and
machinery acquired and installed by the company during
the previous year exceeds Rs. 25/100 Crores, as the case
may be
57(iii) Any other expenditure (not being capital expenditure) All assessees
expended wholly and exclusively for earning such income
57(iv) In case of interest received on compensation or on enhanced All assessees
compensation referred to in section 145A(2), a deduction of
50 per cent of such income (subject to certain conditions)
B. Non-deductible items
58(1)(a)(i) Personal expenses All assessees
58(1)(a) Interest chargeable to tax which is payable outside India on All assessees
(ii) which tax has not been paid or deducted at source
58(1)(a) 'Salaries' payable outside India on which no tax is paid or All assessees
(iii) deducted at source
58(1A) Disallowance due to TDS default All assessees
(Covered by section 40(a)(ia) and 40(a)(iia))
1. Deduction is limited to whole of the amount paid or deposited subject to a maximum of Rs.
1,50,00012. This maximum limit of Rs. 1,50,00012 is the aggregate of the deduction that may be
claimed under sections 80C, 80CCC and 80CCD.
2. The sums paid or deposited need not be out of income chargeable to tax of the previous year. Amount
may be paid or deposited any time during the previous year, but the deduction shall be available on
so much of the aggregate of sums as do not exceed the total income chargeable to tax during the
previous year.
3. Life Insurance premium is part of gross qualifying amount for the purpose of deduction under
section 80C. Payment of premium which is in excess of 10 per cent (if policy is issued on or after 1-
4-2013, 15% in case of insurance on life of person with disability referred to in section 80U or
suffering from disease or ailment specified in section 80DDB/rule 11DD) of actual capital sum
assured shall not be included in gross qualifying amount. The value of any premiums agreed to be
returned or of any benefit by way of bonus or otherwise, over and above the sum actually assured,
which is to be or may be received under the policy by any person, shall not be taken into account for
the purpose of calculating the actual capital sum assured.
The limit of 10 per cent will be applicable only in the case of policies issued on or after 1-4-2012. In
respect of policies issued prior to 1-4-2012, the old limit of 20 per cent of actual sum assured will be
With effect from 1-4-2013, 'actual capital sum assured' in relation to a life insurance policy shall
mean the minimum amount assured under the policy on happening of the insured event at any time
during the term of the policy, not taking into account—
(i) the value of any premium agreed to be returned; or
(ii) any benefit by way of bonus or otherwise over and above the sum actually assured, which is to
be or may be received under the policy by any person.
4. Where, in any previous year, an assessee—
(i) terminates his contract of insurance, by notice to that effect or where the contract ceases to be
in force by reason of failure to pay any premium, by not reviving contract of insurance,—
(a) in case of any single premium policy, within two years after the date of commencement
of insurance; or
(b) in any other case, before premiums have been paid for two years; or
(ii) terminates his participation in any unit-linked insurance plan (ULIP), by notice to that effect
or where he ceases to participate by reason of failure to pay any contribution, by not reviving
his participation, before contributions in respect of such participation have been paid for five
years; or
(iii) transfers the house property before the expiry of five years from the end of the financial year
in which possession of such property is obtained by him, or receives back, whether by way of
refund or otherwise, any sum specified in that clause,
(a) no deduction shall be allowed to the assessee with reference to any of such sums, paid in such
previous year; and
(b) the aggregate amount of the deductions of income so allowed in respect of the previous year
or years preceding such previous year, shall be deemed to be the income of the assessee of
such previous year and shall be liable to tax in the assessment year relevant to such previous
If any equity shares or debentures, with reference to the cost of which a deduction is allowed, are
sold or otherwise transferred by the assessee to any person at any time within a period of three years
from the date of their acquisition, the aggregate amount of the deductions of income so allowed in
respect of such equity shares or debentures in the previous year or years preceding the previous year
in which such sale or transfer has taken place shall be deemed to be the income of the assessee of
such previous year and shall be liable to tax in the assessment year relevant to such previous year.
A person shall be treated as having acquired any shares or debentures on the date on which his name
is entered in relation to those shares or debentures in the register of members or of debenture-
holders, as the case may be, of the public company.
5. If any amount, including interest accrued thereon, is withdrawn by the assessee from his deposit
account made under (a) Senior Citizen Saving Scheme or (b) Post Office Time Deposit Rules,
before the expiry of the period of five years from the date of its deposit, the amount so withdrawn
shall be deemed to be the income of the assessee of the previous year in which the amount is
withdrawn and shall be liable to tax in the assessment year relevant to such previous year.
The amount liable to tax shall not include the following amounts, namely:—
(i) any amount of interest, relating to deposits referred to above, which has been included in the
total income of the assessee of the previous year or years preceding such previous year; and
(ii) any amount received by the nominee or legal heir of the assessee, on the death of such
assessee, other than interest, if any, accrued thereon, which was not included in the total
income of the assessee for the previous year or years preceding such previous year.
1. Provisions of section 32 shall apply whether or not the assessee has claimed depreciation.
2. If sum is borrowed for acquiring a capital asset, interest thereon pertaining to the period before asset
is first put to use shall not be allowed as deduction.
3. W.e.f. assessment year 2016-17, bad-debts shall be allowed as deduction even if they are not written-
off from books of accounts. Such deduction shall be allowed if amount of debt or part thereof has
been taken into account in computing income on the basis of Income Computation and Disclosure
Standards notified under section 145(2) without recording the same in the accounts.
4. With effect from assessment year 2018-19 business of developing or maintaining and operating or
developing, maintaining and operating a new infrastructure facility, has been included.
♦ Section 35AD was amended by Finance (No. 2) Act, 2014 with effect from assessment year
2015-16 :
With a view to ensure that the capital asset on which investment linked deduction has been
claimed is used for the purposes of the specified business, sub-section (7A) has been inserted
in section 35AD to provide that any asset in respect of which a deduction is claimed and
allowed shall be used only for the specified business for a period of 8 years beginning with
the previous year in which such asset is acquired or constructed. Moreover, if such asset is
used for any purpose other than the specified business, the total amount of deduction so
claimed and allowed in any previous year in respect of such asset (as reduced by the amount
of depreciation allowable in accordance with the provisions of section 32 as if no deduction
had been allowed), shall be deemed to be income of the assessee chargeable under the head
"Profits and gains of business or profession" of the previous year in which the asset is so
used. However, this provision will not apply to a company which has become a sick
industrial company under section 17(1) of the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions)
Act within the time period of 8 years as stated above.
♦ Where any deduction under section 35AD has been availed of by the assessee on account of
capital expenditure incurred for the purposes of specified business in any assessment year, no
deduction under section 10AA shall be available to the assessee in the same or any other
assessment year in respect of such specified business.
5. With effect from assessment year 2015-16 a new Explanation 2 has been inserted in section 37(1) to
clarify that expenditure incurred by the assessee on Corporate Social Responsibility activities in
accordance with section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 will not be considered as expenditure
incurred by the assessee for the purposes of the business or profession.
Further, with effect from assessment year 2022-23, a new Explanation 3 has been inserted in section 37(1)
to clarify that expenditure incurred to provide perquisite, in whatever form to any person, irrespective of
whether the recipient is engaged in any business or profession, where the acceptance of such benefit or
perquisite is a violation of any rule, law or regulation, which governs the recipient, shall be deemed to
have not been incurred for business or profession and accordingly, the deduction for the same shall not be
available. Furthermore, the expenditure, whether constituting an offence as per the prevailing laws in
India or outside India, or prohibited by any law in force – whether in India or outside India, shall not be
eligible for deduction under section 37(1) .
8. One residential house in India with effect from assessment year 2015-16. With effect from
Assessment Year 2020-21, a taxpayer has an option to make investment in two residential house
properties in India. This option can be exercised by the taxpayer only once in his lifetime provided
the amount of long-term capital gain does not exceed Rs. 2 crores. With effect from Assessment
Year 2023-24, the exemption shall be limited to Rs. 10 crores.
10. One residential house in India with effect from assessment year 2015-16. With effect from
Assessment Year 2023-24, the aggregate of amount invested in new house property and deposited in
capital gain account scheme shall be considered as eligible investment to the extent of Rs. 10 crores.
11. See Bank Term Deposits Scheme, 2006.
12. with effect from assessment year 2015-16.
13. Where deduction is claimed under this section, deduction in relation to same amount cannot be
claimed under section 80C.
14. section 80CCE provides that the aggregate amount of deductions under section 80C, section
80CCC and section 80CCD(1) shall not, in any case, exceed Rs. 1,50,000
With effect from assessment year 2015-16, amended sub-section (1) has clarified that a non-
government employee can claim deduction under section 80CCD even if his date of joining is prior
to January 1, 2004.
15. With effect from the assessment year 2012-13 section 80CCE is amended so as to provide that
contribution made by the Central Government or any other employer to a pension scheme under
sub-section (2) of section 80CCD shall not be included in the limit of deduction of Rs. 1,50,000
provided under section 80CCE.
With effect from assessment year 2016-17, sub-section (1A) of section 80CCD which laid down
maximum deduction limit of Rs. 1,00,000 (under sub-section (1)) has been deleted.
Further, a new sub-section (1B) is inserted to provide for additional deduction to the extent of Rs.
50,000. The additional deduction is not subject to ceiling limit of Rs. 1,50,000 as provided under
section 80CCE.
However, it is to be noted that additional deduction of Rs. 50,000 shall not be allowed in respect of
contribution which is considered for deduction under section 80CCD(1), i.e., within limit of 10% of
salary/gross total income
Any payment from NPS to an employee because of closure or his opting out of the pension scheme
is chargeable to tax. However, with effect from the assessment year 2017-18, the whole amount
received by the nominee from NPS on death of the assessee shall be exempt from tax.
17. The deduction under Section 80D will be available as per the limit specified below:
Individual HUF
For self, spouse and dependent children : Rs. Premium up to Rs. 25,000 (Rs. 50,000 if member
25,000 (Rs. 50,000 if person insured is a senior insured is a senior citizen) paid to insure any
citizen*); member of the family.
For parents of the assessee : (Additional) Rs. NA
25,000 (Rs. 50,000 if person insured is a senior
Medical expenditure if no amount is paid in Medical expenditure if no amount is paid in
respect of health insurance-Rs.50,000 (only in respect of health insurance-Rs.50,000 (only in
case of senior citizen) case of senior citizen)
Aggregate amount of deduction cannot Aggregate amount of deduction cannot exceed
exceed Rs.1,00,000 in any case Rs.50,000 in any case.
*‘Senior citizen’ means an individual resident in India who is of the age of sixty years or more at
any time during the relevant previous year.
18. Maximum deduction is Rs. 40,000 (Rs. 1,00,000 where expenditure is incurred for a senior citizen
[w.e.f assessment year 2019-20])
With effect from assessment year 2016-17, the taxpayer shall be required to obtain a prescription
from a specialist doctor (not necessarily from a doctor working in a Government hospital) for
availing this deduction.
19. Scope of 'higher education' is enlarged with effect from assessment year 2010-11 to cover any
course of study pursued after passing the Senior Secondary Examination or its equivalent from any
school, Board or university recognised by the Central Government or State Government or local
authority or by any other authority authorized by the Central Government or State Government or
local authority to do so.
With effect from 1-4-2010 the scope of expression 'relative' has also been enlarged to cover the
student for whom the taxpayer is the legal guardian.
20. Donation of any sums paid by the assessee, being a company, in the previous year as donations to
the Indian Olympic Association or to any other association or institution established in India, as the
Central Government may, having regard to the prescribed guidelines, by notification in the Official
Gazette, specify in this behalf for—
(i) the development of infrastructure for sports and games; or
(ii) the sponsorship of sports and games,
in India;
is eligible for the purpose of deduction under section 80G [this is in consequence of omission of
section 10(23)].
21. Donation made to an authority constituted in India by or under any law enacted either for the
purpose of dealing with and satisfying the need for housing accommodation or for the purpose of
planning, development or improvement of cities, towns and villages, or for both is also eligible for
the purpose of deduction under section 80G from the assessment year 2003-04 [this is in
consequence of omission of section 10(20A)].
22. With effect from 1-4-2013 no deduction shall be allowed in respect of donation of any sum
exceeding two thousand rupees unless such sum is paid by any mode other than cash.
23. With effect from 1-4-2013 no deduction shall be allowed under this section in respect of any sum
exceeding ten thousand rupees unless such sum is paid by any mode other than cash.
24. With effect from 1-4-2014 deduction will not be allowed if sum is contributed in cash.
25. Time limits stated under section 80-IA(4)(iv) have been extended from 31-3-2014 to 31-3-2017.
26. 100% deduction shall be allowed from the AY beginning on or after the 1st day of April, 2021.
27. With effect from Assessment Year 2018-19:
i. 'Eligible business' means a business carried out by an eligible start up engaged in innovation,
development or improvement of products or processes or services or a scalable business
model with a high potential of employment generation or wealth creation.
ii. "Eligible start-up" means a company or a limited liability partnership engaged in eligible
business which fulfils the following conditions, namely:
a. it is incorporated on or after the 1st day of April, 2016 but before the 1st day of April,
b. the total turnover of its business does not exceed 100 crore rupees in the previous years
in which deduction is claimed; and
c. it holds a certificate of eligible business from the Inter-Ministerial Board of
Certification as notified in the Official Gazette by the Central Government