LD Case Writing (Cook)
LD Case Writing (Cook)
LD Case Writing (Cook)
What is LD Debate?
Introduction To LD Debate
Lecture Notes
Trends in LD
Lecture Notes
(. Introduction
2. Resolutional Interpretation
3. Standard (Value/Criteria)
4. Contentions
5. Conclusions
M I affirm/I negate
Framework/Resolutional Analysis/Observations
There are a variety of ways the state could provide health care to their citizens.
The implication for the round is the affirmative does not necessarily have to defend
socialized medicine. Since the resolution doesn¶t specify the way in which the
government should provide health care, indicts of specific systems do not
actually address the normative question of the resolution. Any system enacted
poorly or ineffectively would give way to these arguments, but these arguments
do not address the normative question in the resolution - should a state provide
health care.
Value: The first thing to keep in mind is not to make it too wordy.
Stick with the simple 'My value is ______, because ________' and
here is where you will justify why yours is the better value. The best
way to do this is in terms of relevance to the topic. By that I mean
that you should explain why your value is what the resolution wants
us to debate. It's usually based on wording in the resolution! Ex: 'I
value democratic ideals, because it is prescribed by the resolution,'
or 'because they are the end specified by the resolution.'
Common Values
· Justice
· Freedom/ Liberty
· Life
· Human Rights
· Democracy
· Equality
· Societal Welfare
· Legitimate Government
· Individualism / Autonomy
· Safety
· Progress
· Privacy
I. State value
A. Define value
B. Link to resolution
C. Importance of the value
capital punishment has a strong deterrent effect
(8 fewer murders
within-prison homicides of guards and fellow inmates.
paroled into the general population, some of them will kill again.
the permanent incapacitation of murderers through execution save lives on net.
(. Analytical
³It is about to rain because it is cloudy´
2. Evidentiary
³According to the Washington Post«´
3. Empirically
³This happened in Maryland«´
Fallacies - an error in reasoning.
Ad Hominem
Ad Hominem Tu Quoque
Appeal to Authority
Appeal to Belief
Appeal to Common Practice
Appeal to Consequences of a Belief
Appeal to Emotion
Appeal to Fear
Fallacy: Slippery Slope
Also >nown as: The Camel's Nose.
The Slippery Slope is a fallacy in which a person asserts that some event must
inevitably follow from another without any argument for the inevitability of the
event in question. In most cases, there are a series of steps or gradations
between one event and the one in question and no reason is given as to why
the intervening steps or gradations will simply be bypassed. This "argument"
has the following form:
Event X has occurred (or will or might occur).
Therefore event Y will inevitably happen.
This sort of "reasoning" is fallacious because there is no reason to believe that one
event must inevitably follow from another without an argument for such a
claim. This is especially clear in cases in which there is a significant number
of steps or gradations between one event and another.
"We have to stop the tuition increase! The next thing you know, they'll be charging
$40,000 a semester!"
"The US shouldn't get involved militarily in other countries. Once the government
sends in a few troops, it will then send in thousands to die."
Thesis/Tag line/Contention(s)
Respect for life demands a heavy moral presumption against deliberate killing. This places a
moral burden of proof squarely on the negative.
The death penalty is not justified because the convicted has already been rendered impotent
And incapable of harming others. The only instance of justified killing would be in self defense,
which excludes the death penalty by definition as it kills in cold blood with no imminent danger to
any one.
When the state executes the innocent, it acts contradictory to the protection of life- it terminates
; even
the extensive legal safeguard within the criminal justice system of the United States of America
(USA) have manifestly failed to prevent wrongful death sentences in many cases. Furthermore,
many of these basic safeguards have been seriously undermined in recent years, increasing the
risk of lethal and irreversible error.
Amnesty International, (2 November (998,
Third, the death penalty diverts resources that could be utilized more effectively to protect life.
A just society has a moral obligation to refrain from capital punishment because the death
penalty symbolically justifies killing and the state will use the power of the death penalty in unjust
ways to kill in the name of justice.
Lloyd Steffen elaborates,
A just society has a moral obligation to refrain from capital punishment, because the death
penalty symbolically justifies killing. Plus and the state will use power of the death penalty in
unjust ways to kill in the name of justice.
The question we must ask, beyond the moral analysis considered up to this point, is what the death penalty actually means as a symbol. Is it an
effective symbol for justice, or does it draw its power as a symbol from another symbolic locus another center of meaning and value?
The symbolic appeal that capital punishment makes in claim to be just is simple enough to understand, for if justice means returning the offenders
their deserts, then the death penalty is the returns desert of an extreme punishment for an extreme crime. The statement ³a life for a
The death penalty is an instrument of state policy and action, and its
life´ makes a problem arise.
symbol power gets deeper than association with retributive justice; in fact since I can be used as
an instrument of state repression, its deeper symbolic value must be said to lie in the values
beyond any requirements of justice. The heart of the matter at the level of symbol is that the
death penalty represents a rare instance of legitimated killing²like just war, tyrannicide, and
self-defense The death penalty as a symbol transforms moral meaning and authorizes such
killing, and does so in the in the face of our ordinary moral propitiations against such killing;
Ordinarily moral prohibited killings of members of the moral community become permitted acts.
The authorization may be sought after in the name of justice, but justice may be effected by
other means; and the power to execute, once claimed, can be²and has been²used to effect
ends that have nothing to do with serving justice.
Lloyd Steffen, Prof. Of religious & chaplain, Lehigh University. (998, page (43-4
(Executing justice, Cleveland: the pilgrim press, p(43-4)
State value
State criterion
Thesis/Tag line/Contention(s)
Pre-standard arguments
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