Brand Sustainability: Submitted by Vishnu R Cet-Mba

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Why is sustaining brand equity important over

Changing marketing environment

 Shifts in consumer behaviour
 Competitive strategies

Internal forces
 Changes in strategic focus of the company.

• Sustainability is a new way of doing business; in the same way  “re-

engineering” or “just in time” were in the late 1980s.
• Sustainability is not an asset that can be bought or sold; rather it’s
becoming an integral part of many a company
• Produces proactive strategies designed to maintain and enhance customer
based brand equity over time
• sustainability as a business practice will not only increase companies’
brand value, but also guarantee a long life for the business.
Relationship between sustainability and
brand value

• company’s initiatives must consider environmental, social, and

financial impacts

• companies must make investment decisions that will benefit the

environment and society.

• brand creates value in two ways: generating demand, and reducing

risk and securing future earnings for the business.
Sustainability of brands can be through:

1. Maintaining brand consistency

2. Protecting sources of brand equity
3. Fortifying or Leveraging
1. Maintaining brand consistency

• Consistency of marketing support is essential

for maintaining strength and favorability of the
• Shrinking R&D and communication budgets
may risk the brand becoming out-of-date,
irrelevant or even forgotten.
• Consistency to be shown in brand
• Consistency doesn’t mean no changes at all.
2. Protecting sources of brand equity
• While looking at potentially powerful sources of brand equity,
preserve and defend the existing sources.
• Unless there is some change with either consumers, competitors or
the company that makes the strategic positioning of the brand less
powerful, successful positioning should not be deviated from.
• Key brand associations should not be altered.
• E.g. Maggi’s new introductions.
3. Fortifying versus Leveraging
There is always a trade off between fortifying a brand and leveraging the
benefits of the brand to financial gains.
Fortifying means ways of increasing brand equity and furthering the
brand image through continuous marketing and advertising efforts.
New usage Opportunities
 Appropriateness &
Advantages of using
brands in new situations
 Reminders to use brands
in those situations
 Improving Top of the
mind awareness.
 Functional Fixedness -
avoidance in non
traditional situations
 Associated with special
occasions only.
Changing brand elements
◦ Modification of Brand
◦ Other Brand
Elements –
Packaging, logos etc.
◦ Moderate and
evolutionary in
◦ Preserve salient
aspects of Brand
◦ E.g.: Adidas, Federal
Express, GE
Entering New Markets
 Reachout to new
Customer groups
◦ Johnson and Johnson: Baby
Soap, Baby Shampoo
 Reach out to
decision making
segment instead of
the users
 Women as decision
makers for men’s
 Tapping the female
segment of the market
 New market
segments based on
cultural dimensions
Generating demand for products and
 Companies such as Honda recognized that mineral fuels are limited
and prices of petroleum are rising. This motivated it to adapt its
product range to fuel-efficient cars. Honda was one of the first movers
in this direction and this is paying dividends today. It was the only car
manufacturer to report better US sales in June 2008 than in June
2007, credited to fuel-efficient Civics and Fits. While reducing
dependence of gas-guzzling cars and increasing the number of fuel-
efficient models became a “must do” in the automotive sector, Honda
was first to differentiate and is ahead of the debate. This leading
behavior contributed to an increase of 28% in Honda’s brand value
since 2004.
 P&G is another example, but in a different way. A few years
ago, sustainability was not a relevant issue in the washing
powder or deter- gent category. Through investments in R&D,
P&G developed Tide Coldwater, which does not require hot
water for usage and, as it is more concentrated, allows
reduced packaging materials. Another example, also from
P&G, is Ariel’s “Turn to 30º “ campaign. The campaign
suggests consumers turn water temperature in washing
machines from 40º to 30º when using Ariel with the same
results guaranteed.



 Coca-Cola is the most valuable brand in the world. It
consistently invests in its main brand and develops an
emotional connection with consumers. So why did its brand
value decline US$5.1 billion between 2003 and 2007?Coca-
Cola’s decline is due to the fact that it is seen as one of the
bad guys by many organizations. Increasing health
concerns have been affecting brand earnings in developed
markets, despite its light, diet and zero versions. Also, its
image and reputation have been inconsistent around the
world. On the upside, Coca-Cola has been investing in
many initiatives, such as campaigns to improve community
access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation in
India. Is this only a form of CSR to boost the company’s
reputation after protests were held in the area? No.
Investment in water supply in India is not only relevant to
the population, but also to the sustainability of the
business in the country. After all, how would Coca-Cola
produce soft drinks without water? This and other
initiatives positively influenced the company’s share value
at the end of 2007 and its brand value increased by 2% in
Surf Clinic Modern
Rin Sunsilk Knorr
Wheel Nihar Kwality Walls
Vim Fair & Lovely Brooke Bond
Lux Ponds Taj Mahal
Pears Lakme A1
Breeze Pepsodent 3 Roses
Lifebuoy Closeup Lipton Taaza
Liril Kissan Bru
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