Options CA - CS.CMA - MBA: Naveen. Rohatgi
Options CA - CS.CMA - MBA: Naveen. Rohatgi
Options CA - CS.CMA - MBA: Naveen. Rohatgi
Index option :
These options have index as the underlying asset.
For example options on Nifty, Sensex, etc.
Stock option:
These option have individual stocks as the underlying asset.
For example, option on ONGC, NTPC etc.
Buyer of an option:
The buyer of an option is one who has a right but not the obligation
in the contract.
For owning the right, he pays a price to the seller of this right called
‘option premium’ to the option seller.
Writer of an option:
The writer of an option is one who receives the option premium and
is thereby obliged to see/buy the asset if the buyer of option exercises
his right.
American option:
The owner of such option can exercise his right at any time on or
before the expiry date/day of the contract.
European option:
The owner of such option can exercise his right only on the expiry
date/day of the contract. In India, options are European.
Option price/premium
It is the price which the option buyer pays to the option seller.
Lot size
Lot size is the number of units of underlying asset in a contract .
Lot size of Nifty option contracts is 50.
Expiration Day:
The day on which a derivative contract cases to exist. It is the last
trading date/day of the contract.
Spot price :
It is the price at which the underlying asset trades in the spot market.
Strike price or Exercise price (X):
Strike price is the price per share for which the underlying security may be
purchased or sold by the option holder.
When a put option is purchased, the put option buyer has the
right to sell the stock at the strike price on or before the expiry date
depending on where the underlying price is.
Consider the purchase of a put option at price (premium) p. we take
ST = Spot price at time T
K = exercise price
Intrinsic Value
For and option, intrinsic value refer to the amount by which option is
in the money i.e. the amount an option buyer will realize, before
adjusting for premium paid, if he exercises the option instantly.
As a general rule, the more time that remains until expiration, the
greater the time value of the option.
Investors are willing to pay a higher premium for more time since the
contract will have longer to become profitable due to a favorable
move in the underlying asset.
100 90 12 10 2
101 90 13 11 2
103 90 14 13 1
88 90 1 0 1
95 90 5.50 5 0.50
Intrinsic and Time Value for Put Options: Examples
Spot Price Strike Price Premium intrinsic Time Value
(₹) (₹) value (₹) (₹)
100 110 12 10 2
99 110 13 11 2
97 110 14 13 1
112 110 1 0 1
105 110 5.50 5 0.5
Factors affecting option premium:
1. Underlying asset.
2. Strike price.
3. Time for expiration.
4. Volatility.
5. Risk free rate.
Calculate the profit or loss on the option position for Nitu if the
spot price on expiry is an follows:
₹ 96, ₹ 97, ₹ 98, ₹ 99, ₹ 100, ₹ 101, ₹ 102, ₹ 103, ₹ 104, ₹ 105.