Water Intake System
(Depending on the manner in which the water is collected from the sea)
Directly from the sea via a submerged inlet structure.
Indirectly from sea via saline aquifers.
(Depending on the location of Inlet structure)
Inlet Depth: Selected by analyzing the depth profile of turbidity, salinity, algae content.
Thumb rule- Depth between 12m to 20m is preferred.
Depth should be at least 4m at the low tide condition.
Inlet should be >4m above the ocean floor to avoid sediments carryover
Inlet Screens: Coarse bar screens with distance of 50-300mm between bars.
Max through screen design velocity depends on Jellyfish content and varies between
0.10 to 0.15 m/sec
Velocity is calculated only for 50% of total area to compensate for the loss of area due to
debris accumulation over time.
Inlet Configuration: 2 or more inlets sufficiently apart can be connected to a
single conduit.
Conduit diameter is 1.2 to 1.4 times the intake flow.
2- Select the depth from the ocean surface to the top of the velocity cap. Hs-vc
3. Determine the depth from the ocean surface to the ocean bottom.
Hs-b = 20.1 m
4- Select the distance between the ocean bottom and the bottom of the bar screen. Hb-vc = 4.1 m
6- Calculate the total design active surface area of the bar screen.
Asbs = (Qmax/Vts) × (100/A%)
where Vts = design through-screen velocity (selected to be 0.15 m/s) and
A% = available screening area expressed as a percentage of total through area of the screen
openings (assumed to be 50 percent for design purposes).
Asbs = (1.36/0.15) × (100/50) = 19 m2
Chemicals that encourage coagulation are added to the water stream. The mixture
is agitated quickly and thoroughly in a process called flash mixing
Flash Mixer Designing
• Retention Time: 30-60 seconds.
• Ratio of tank height to diameter- 1.5:1
• Impeller rotational speed: Above 100rpm
• Velocity Gradient(G): Greater than 300 per second
Inlet Flowrate- 111303 m3/day = 4700 m3/hours
• The bottom surface is sloped and felicitated with a rotating scraper. The scraper
collects the settled sludge and the same is drained through gravity.
• Remaining liquid flows upward in the clarifier zone. Then the clarified liquid is
discharged over a peripheral weir.
• The dewatered sludge from Centrifuge outlet will be suitable disposed off
Design basis:
• Depth of tank = 3-4.5 m
• Detention time = 1.5-2.5 h
For a depth of 3m and detention time for 1.5 hrs
• Surface overflow rate 2 m/h
• It contains two or more paddler for mixing.
Area is large to ensure low velocity and high retention time
• For design of center pipe= inlet velocity=1.2m/s
• total inlet flow= 111315 m3/day =4638 m3/hr
• Total outlet flow rate=102410 m3/day
• Sludge flow(3% of inlet)= 3339 m3/day
• Backwash Water flowrate(5% of inlet)= 5565 m3/day
• TSS Guarantees=<20ppm
References- Waste water engineering by Metcalf and Eddy
• Sand is used to remove the suspended particles and anthracite is used to remove the odor
and color
• The coarse anthracite layer does pre-filtration and removes most of the turbidity from the
water before the water comes in contact with the fine sand.
• Over the course of time, upon continuous operation, the beds get clogged with impurities
thereby increasing the pressure drop. Therefore, a cycle of Air Scoring, Backwashing and
rinse are performed to clean the bed and achieve original state.
Design of Filters
• Design flow rate per filter= 50 m3/h
• Maximum surface area per unit filter= 100 m2
Number of Filter units=4700/50= 94 units
• Head loss and effluent turbidity increases with time during filtration.
Head loss in clean filter can be determined using kozeny carman
• Head loss for anthracite layer:
H= 0.0508 m
UF membrane pretreatment system for a 40,000 m3/day (10.6 mgd) seawater desalination
plant designed for 43 percent SWRO system recovery and 5 percent reject flow (i.e., 95
percent UF system recovery). The source water turbidity varies between 0.3 and 10 NTU (a
total suspended solids concentration of 5 to 15 mg/L), with occasional spikes of up to 15 NTU
(total suspended solids = 20 mg/L).
The maximum algal count in the source water is 20,000 cells per milliliter, and the
hydrocarbon levels are below 0.04 mg/L. The pretreatment system is designed to operate
without addition of coagulant or flocculant and without pH adjustment of the source water flow.
The pretreatment system will need to be designed to treat a total of 97,920 m3/day
[(40,000/0.43)/(1 – 0.05) = 97,920].
Target Quality of Pretreated Saline Water
Turbidity (average/maximum) 0.05 NTU/0.3 NTU
SDI15 < 3 (95 percent of the time); < 5 at all times
Pressure-Driven UF Membrane Pretreatment System
Membrane module (8-in. element) Norit (Pentair X-Flow) Seaguard SXL 225
As indicated previously, the vessels are configured in trains. The proposed design
would have 10 trains at 48 vessels per train for a total of 480 vessels. This
configuration incorporates 6 percent standby capacity (480/451 = 1.06).
Cost Considerations:
For a 40000m3/day
plant which has an
average intake flow of
97,920 m3 /day the
construction cost of the
intake pretreatment
system is estimated in
a range of $6.5 million
to $11.3 million
(average of $8.9
million) based on the
cost curves depicted in
the figure i.e close to a
65 crores.
RO unit consists of :-
• Filtered water transfer pump
• High pressure pump
• RO system
Filtered water transfer pump
• These are used convey filtered water to the RO system.
• These are typically vertical turbine or horizontal centrifugal pumps.
• High-quality stainless steel is typically used for high-pressure feed and concentrate piping of RO
• A commonly used measure for the quality of stainless steel in terms of corrosion is the parameter
referenced as pitting resistance equivalent number (PREN).
PREN = % Cr + 3.3 × % Mo + 16 × % N
• For brackish water of low salinity PREN should be in range 25 to 30.
• For brackish water of high salinity PREN should be in range 30 to 40.
• For SWRO system PREN should be more then 40.
• Besides stainless steel, copper-nickel (Cu-Ni) alloys have also found applications for brackish and
seawater intake screens and other facilities. FRP and HDPE piping is used for low-pressure
applications as well.
Mass Balance on Reverse Osmosis System
Flow (43% recovery) = 0.57Qo
Feed: Pressure = PR
Flow = Qo
Pressure = Pfeed
Flow = 0.43 Qo
Pressure = PP
Net driving pressure= actual pressure that derives the transport of fresh water from feed side to permeate side.
It’s the difference between applied feed pressure and all other forces that counteract the movement of permeate.
NDP = Fp - (Op+Pp+0.5Pd)
Fp = feed pressure applied using high pressure feed pumps
Op = avg. osmatic pressure
Pp = product water back pressure
Pd = pressure drop between feed and reject
Dp = 0.77*48126/1000=37bar
NDP = Fp-(Op+Pp+0.5Pd); Fp = about 2 times of initial Op (26.8)
Required Ca(OH)2=
=2960 Kg/Day