Online Student Clearnce System
Online Student Clearnce System
Online Student Clearnce System
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Group Members: -
• Demeke Gezahegn EDCoS/14/09
• Hana Addisu EDCoS/18/10
• Mekonen Azmeraw EDCoS/23/10
• Wolde Bulto EDCoS/40/10
• Zekaryas Getachew EDCoS/46/10
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•The project led to create a platform that would allow for information exchange between the
clearance information units (Library, Student Accounts, and Departmental) and the graduating
•It provide a mechanism that allows a graduating student to submit a transcript request form via the
internet(obstacles are removed ), check how far the clearance procedure has progressed without
having to physically visit the clearance bureaus.
•Object-oriented development approaches and an iterative software process model will be used .
Implementation tools such as MySQL, PHP, Apache, Dreamweaver, and Wamp server are supplied
•We use different data collection approaches such as questionnaires and observations.
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• Clearance is an official decision saying that someone has permission to do
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Statement of The Problem
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Objectives of the Project
• General Objective
• The main objective of this project is designing and developing an online clearance
system that uses a stored information from KEU offices on student’s database.
• Specific Objectives
• The main objective of this project is analyzing the current system and come up
with a system that provides the following specific solutions
• To alleviate the problems and stress of travelling and queuing up of student during
• To effectively and efficiently process students’ clearance
• Use faster searching techniques on the system
• Support students to know how clearance are progressing
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Scope of the Project
• The system allows the graduating student to fill the transcript request form online
without student going to different academic units and administrative offices
• Academic units and administrative officers can confirm student status through the
• Manage students who are free from any of the university’s property and check it that
they are fulfilled the matters which the university needs from them.
• The respective academic units can be sign through online with secured process applied
on the implementation. Suspended clearance confirmed through report generating
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Limitation of the Project
• Limited to clearance system for regular graduating students from
Kotebe University of Education.
• Does not include online payment for processing the clearance.
• Does not include university staff clearance system in this project.
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• Data Collection Methodology
• The developer team of this project chooses structured type interview because
data collected by structured interview is qualitative method of research used in
survey research
• Interviewing respective personnel of university
• Collecting different formats and criteria documents forms of the university
registrar. Some format names collected from the KUE registrar (KUE
Registrar and Alumni Management Directorate Clearance/Withdraw form for
Regular )
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System Development Tools
• The following programming tools will be applied in order to
implement the project
• Macromedia Dreamweaver
• Microsoft Windows 10
• Microsoft Visio 2016
• Microsoft Office2019
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System Testing
• Testing is evaluation of the software against requirements gathered from users and
system specifications
• Unit testing focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of software i.e. the
module. Unit testing is first done on modules, independent of one another to locate
errors. This enables to detect errors.
• Link testing does not test software but rather the integration of each module in
system. The primary concern is the compatibility of each module.
• Integration Testing the goal here is to see if modules can be integrated properly, the
emphasis being on testing interfaces between modules
• System Testing Here the entire software system is tested. The reference document for
this process is the requirements document, and the goal is to see if software meets its
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System Testing Cont’d….
• System Testing Here the entire software system is tested. The
reference document for this process is the requirements document, and
the goal is to see if software meets its requirement
• Acceptance Testing Acceptance Test is performed with realistic data
of the client to demonstrate that the software is working satisfactorily
•Testing here is focused on external behavior of the system; the internal
logic of program is not emphasized
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General System Requirements
• Hardware Requirements
• CPU / Memory) architecture).
• Multicore 2.9 GHz Intel Xeon (x86) architecture).
• CPU: 16 Cores Memory: 64 GB
• Operating System
• Windows and Linux on 64-bit x86 architectures.
• Storage
• SSD or M2 (preferred) disk with RAID
• Network
• For network connections between the clearance system server and the database, low
latency time connection (less than 1 ms) and at least 10Gb network bandwidth are
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System Development Model
• The project team selects an object-oriented approach
• Object oriented system, structuring programs in to objects offers
conceptual simplicity, promoting ease of understanding
• Encapsulation of data and method produces a modularity, which
localized the effects of changes.
• Inheritance mechanism combined with polymorphism and dynamic
binding allows reused objects to be tailored to fit a new application.
• And also we are using Iterative software process model.
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Significance of the Project
• Overall being web system enables students to communicate with the
university 24/7 without going to KUE and work on the same files and
update to one storage.
• The system could benefit for university and their student and also the
KUE employee
• Applications of the Project
• It is applied in KUE registrar office and accessible to the student and
respective staffs through Internet from anywhere inside and outside KUE.
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Feasibility Study
• Feasibility analysis enables the system to determine either or not the project can be developed,
evaluates and identifies the newly developed system
Technical Feasibility Study
• Feasibility analysis enables the system to determine either or not the project can be developed,
evaluates and identifies the newly developed system
• This assessment determines whether or not the technology required for the proposed system is
Operational Feasibility
• All behavioral concerns would be carefully studied, and the project would be determined to be
behaviorally feasible
The proposed system can be implemented easily.
The proposed system can be solved the existing system problem and challenge
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Feasibility Study cont’d…
Economic Feasibility
• The cost and utility of the emerging system must be justified.
• Minimize time of to complete different activities.
• Reduce work overload: if one student wants to get a clearance the it must
searches many staff offices but now, he/she can search and provide the
respective staff easily
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• Requirements analysis is the process of determining the users' expectations for a modified
or new system.
• The procedure is carried out by conducting regular meetings with system operators in order
to regulate exact features, customize while adhering to user needs, and consider all aspects
of project development.
• Putting aside the particular document for now, requirements are instructions describing what
functions the software is supposed to provide, what characteristics the software is supposed
to have, and what goals the software is supposed to meet or to enable users to meet.
• There are two major categories of system requirements. Functional requirements specify
what the system must do.
• The main purpose is to manage information about Clearance, Student and the system users
related to the clearance process
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Purpose of the System
• The aim of this project is to design and develop an online student’s Clearance
system that will eliminate the delays in the manual process and create a
central repository for students to be cleared.
• The main modules of clearance system are Main Module, Clearance
Registration, Cleared/ Not Cleared and Administer
• Online Clearance System for Graduating student that will facilitate
communication between the student and the clearance information units
• The system will allow the clearance information units to approve on or off
the work and finally enables the student to download the approved form in
order to completely disengage from the university and to collect the
graduation certificate.
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Existing System Description
• Kotebe University of Education appears to have a semi-manual clearance system in place for
graduating students
• When a student requests a transcript from the student admissions office, the procedure begins
• The student must be cleared by the student accounts department who will verify that the student
has paid all fees and other monetary obligations.
• Following that, the university library department will determine whether or not the student owes
the library.
• The academic department will then approve the student if the two stages are completed in order.
• The form is returned once all of the appropriate formalities have been completed and the
university registrar has cleared it.
• Furthermore, the procedure is time demanding, as too much time is wasted before a student
successfully completes the clearing process.
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Proposed System Description
• Project developers’ team are going to change the manual student
clearance system after the user is familiar with the proposed system,
until that the students and the university uses parallel with the manual
processing system.
• The proposed system is meant to lift up users’ problems explored
during the requirement gathering of the existing system and introduce
new system so that customers can benefit from the unlimited benefits
that Information Technology can give to users.
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Functional Requirements
• The functional requirements are the features that the system must include to
satisfy the system need and to be acceptable by the user. Some functional
requirements for the system are:
• [FR-01] A responsible staff should ask an account from system administrator.
• [FR-02] A responsible staff should activate an account by login/sign in to the system.
• [FR-03] A responsible staff shall change the default account to a strong password.
• [FR-04] A responsible staff should put a signature if there is a request from a student.
• [FR-05] The system shall allow administrator to change his /her account information.
• [FR-06] The system should verify applicant for clearance have valid and renewed ID card.
• [FR-07] The system shall capture student details
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Nonfunctional Requirements
• The non-functional specs define the features that are required for the
system to work as intended. These are the characteristics that make
the app secure, dependable, efficient, and portable. Some of them
• [NR-01] The system should be able handle multiple users at a time using any
of the web browsers.
• [NR-02] Database updating should follow transaction processing to avoid data
• [NR-03] The project will be deployed on a public shared server so it will be
available all the time and will be accessible anywhere of the world using
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• Introduction This chapter deals with analyzing the proposed system by
using different UML analysis modeling techniques such as
• use case diagrams,
• use case descriptions (scenarios),
• sequence diagrams,
• activity diagrams,
• analysis class diagram.
• System Modeling
• Process of developing abstract models of a system, with each model presenting a
different view or perspective of that system [SOMMERVILLE2010].
• Has some graphical representation
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Use Case Diagram
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Use Case Diagram Cont’d…
• System Use Case
A simple way to find all the use cases of a online clearance
system is to ask the question: “What the users can do using
the system?” Student Registrar Officer Administrator
Answers:- Fill clearance form Add Student View Request Add officer
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Use Case Diagram Cont’d…
• There are four actors
and 15 use cases
• Student
• Registrar
• Officer
• Administrator
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Use Case Description
Use case name Add Officer
Participating Actor(s) Administrator
Entry condition The System Admin must log in to the system.
Description System Admin assigns privilege to the user.
Basic course of action Step1: This use case is initiated when the actors click on the create
account option.
Step2: The system displays the create account page.
Step3: The actor enters the required information.
Step4: The systems check the information is correct or not.
Alternative course of Step5: If the actor does not fill the required information then the
action: system displays error message and return to step 2.
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Activity Diagram
• Activity diagrams describe the workflow behavior of a system.
• They are typically used for business process modeling, for modeling
the logic captured by a single use case or usage scenario, or for
modeling the detailed logic of a business rule.
• In many ways UML activity diagrams are the object-oriented
equivalent of flow charts.
• Activity diagrams do not give detail about how objects behave or how
objects collaborate.
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Activity Diagram Cont’d…
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Sequence Diagram
• A sequence diagram is an interaction diagram that emphasizes the time
ordering of messages
• A sequence diagram has four key elements:
Object, Lifeline, Focus of Control and Message
• Objects appear along the top margin
• Each object has a lifeline, which is a dashed line that
represent the life and perhaps death of the object
• Most objects will be in existence for the duration of the interaction
• Objects may also be created or destroyed during the interaction
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Sequence Diagram Cont’d…
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Class Diagram
• Class diagrams describe the structure of the system in terms of
classes and objects
• A class is a definition of objects that share the same properties,
relationships and behavior.
• An object is an instance of a class.
• The properties of a class are called attributes and the
behavior is expressed in operations.
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Class Diagram Cont’d…
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Supplementary Specification
• Supplementary Specification is to capture the system requirements
that are not readily captured in the use cases of the use-case model.
• Online student clearance system include the following supplementary
specifications in the project
• Help: to show the rules how to login and how to access the system.
• The system is compatible with any browser.
• The graphical user interface (GUI) can be customized
• The GUI is attractive
• In general, the system has got a good graphical user interface that enable the user to use
easily in efficient manner
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• Questions and Answers
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Thank You
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