Environmental Impact Assessment

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Submitted by-
Danish Rais
Ashna Javed
What is Environment?
o The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 states that "environment includes water, air and land and the inter-
relationship which exists among and between water, air and land, and human beings, other living
creatures, plants, micro-organisms and property". 
Introduction to EIA
o EIA is an "anticipatory, participatory, integrative environmental management tool which has the ultimate
objective of providing decision makers with an indication of the likely consequences of their decisions
relating to new projects or new programmes, plans or policies.“

• EIA helps the decision makers to identify the likely effects at an early stage
and to improve the quality of project planning and decision making.  

• It is a process used to predict the environmental consequences of proposed

major development projects, to identify and plan for appropriate measures to
reduce adverse impacts. 
o Concern for Environment – 1972 – UN conference on
human environment at Stockholm
o Tiwari committee – Department of Environment and
Forest in 1980 (environmental impact studies and administrative
responsibility for pollution monitoring and control)

o Umbrella Legislation – Environment Protection Act in

1986 gave statutory backing for MoEF
o EPA enactment – one of the outcomes was EIA
becoming statutory – first notification in 1994; latest
notification in 2006; which mandated obtaining
environmental clearance for multiple categories of
Projects/Industries. A few are given in this table.
o Potentially screens out environmentally- unsound projects
o Proposes modified designs to reduce environmental impacts
o Identifies feasible alternatives
o Predicts significant adverse impacts
o Identifies mitigation measures to reduce, offset, or eliminate major
o Engages and informs potentially affected communities and
o Lower project costs in the long-term
o Increased project acceptance
o The lack of timely availability of reliable and authentic
environmental data has been a major bottle neck in achieving the
full benefits of EIA.
o The environment being a multi-disciplinary subject, a multitude of
agencies is involved in collection of environmental data.
o Costly affair initially and its benefits are experienced after a long
o It relies heavily on technical data and examinations, from tests in
the field to analysis programs that compare data and predict events.
o Project proponents continue to view EIA process as a speed breaker
in their investment plans.
o Post monitoring is hardly conducted.
To explain briefly EIA involves 3 steps:

1. Identification of environmental impacts

2. Prediction of environmental impacts
3. Evaluation of environmental impacts

In depth, EIA process includes following steps:

• Screening
• Scoping
• Impact analysis
• Impact mitigation
• Reporting
• Review
• Decision making
• Post Monitoring
o The notification categorizes projects
into two categories, A and B based on
the spatial extent of the impacts, effects
on human health and the effects on the
o Category A projects are looked into by
the Central Government (EAC) and
Category B Projects go to the State
Government. (SEAC)
o Category B projects are further sub
divided into Category B1 and Category
B2, the former which do require an EIA
and public consultation and the latter
which don't.
o Process of determining detailed and
comprehensive Terms of Reference
(ToR) for an Environment Impact
Assessment (EIA) Report.
o ToR to be conveyed within 60 days
from receipt of Form 1by the appraisal
committee else the ToR proposed by the
proponent deemed fit
o ToR to be made public on website of the
Baseline Data
Impact prediction is a way of ‘mapping’ the environmental consequences of the significant aspects of the projects and
its alternatives.
The following impacts of the projects should be assessed:
AIR: Changes in the ambient level and the ground level concentrations due to emissions from point, line and area
source. • Effects on soils, materials, vegetation and human health.
NOISE: Changes in the ambient level due to noise generated from equipment and movement of vehicles. • Effects
on fauna and human health.
WATER: Availability to competing users • Changes in the quality • Sediment transport
LAND: Changes in the land-use and drainage pattern • Changes in land quality including effects of waste disposal •
Changes in shoreline/riverbank and their stability.
BIOLOGICAL: Deforestation and shrinkage of animal habitat •Impact on
flora and fauna due to contaminants/pollutants.
•Impact on rare and endangered species, endemic species and migratory
path of animals including birds. • Impact on breeding and nesting grounds
SOCIO-ECONOMIC: Impact on the local community including
demographic changes • Impact on economic status • Impact on human
health • Impact of increased traffic.
o Assessment and evaluation of impacts and development of alternatives, to predict and identify the likely
environmental impacts of a proposed project or development, including the detailed elaboration of alternatives
o Reporting the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) or EIA report, including an environmental
management plan (EMP), and a non-technical summary for the general audience.
o Review of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), based on the terms of reference (scoping) and public
(including authority) participation. EIC stores data in GIS format and makes it available to all environmental
impact assessment studies and to EIA stakeholders.
o Decision making on whether to approve the project or not, and under what conditions
o Monitoring, compliance, enforcement and environmental auditing. Monitor whether the predicted impacts
and proposed mitigation measures occur as defined in the EMP. Verify the compliance of proponent with the
EMP, to ensure that unpredicted impacts or failed mitigation measures are identified and addressed in a timely
A description of the project

An outline of the main alternatives studied by the developer, and an indication

of the main reasons for this choice

A description of the aspects of the environment likely to be significantly affected by the proposed project

A description of the likely significant environmental effects of the proposed


Measures to prevent, reduce and possibly offset adverse environmental effects

A non-technical summary

An indication of any difficulties (technical deficiencies or

lack of know-how) encountered while compiling the required information
o Radius at which impact is assessed is 5-15 km of the project site.
Sustainability includes taking into account three aspects:

1. Economic: we need economic growth; to assure our

material welfare.
2. Environmental: we need to minimize environmental
damage, pollution, and exhaustion of resources.
3. Social: this is equity; the world's resources should be
better shared between the rich and the poor

Sustainability can be seen as a triangle, each of its

cornerstones being environmental, economic and social.
LCA is defined as ‘an objective process to evaluate the
environmental burdens associated with a product, process or activity
by identifying energy and materials used and wastes released to the
environment, and to evaluate and implement opportunities to
enhance environmental improvements.’

•The standardization of these methods has been promoted by the

ISO (the International organization for standardization). ISO has
published a standard 14040 that gives the brad lines on how to
perform LCA Studies.

•LCA can be used as a scientific tools for gathering quantitative data

to inventory, weigh and rank the environmental burden of products,
processes and services.

•It is the cradle to grave concept.

 R’s / 3 R Concept
Reduce/ReductionReduce/Reduction: to make something smaller or use less, resulting in a smaller amount of

The concept behind the first R, reduce, is that you should limit the number of purchases that you make in the
first place. So, for example, you might limit your household to a single computer.

The concept behind the second R, reuse, is that you should reuse items as much as possible before replacing
them. For example, it generally makes more environmental sense to update your computer rather than get rid
of it and buy a new one. However, if you do replace your computer, you should ensure that it, or its
components, are reused.

The concept behind the third R, recycle, is that you should ensure that items or their components are put to
some new purpose as much as possible. If your computer is not fit for reuse as is, you can donate it to one of
several organizations, which will refurbish it or recycle its components.
Design the Hospital Building Layout that disturbs –
As little as possible the environment in which it is being built, during its construction as well as during its
useful life.
• Establish an O&M culture among the staff & workers based on the best green concepts of Building
• Address the optimisation of process water & process power consumption patterns right at the design stage
itself to ensure that the Hospital wastes no water or power and consumes as low as is bare minimum, without
compromising on the quality of utility or service.
• Ensure that the Hospital has adequate ‘indoor healing gardens’, ‘outdoor green walking spaces’ and
connectivity to the external live environment to all in-patient spaces, out-patient areas, diagnostic & surgical
Consider (re)use of existing buildings, including structure, shell, etc.
• Design for durability-life cycle costing/value engineering strategy for finishes and systems to reduce waste.
• Prioritize parks, greenways, and bikeways throughout the new hospital area.
• Provide suitable means of securing bicycles with convenient change/shower facilities for those who cycle to
• Plan sufficient shade for every façade of each building unit.
• Investigate incentives available from the MNRE & Local Govt..
• Identify opportunities to incorporate recycled materials into the building, such as beams and posts, flooring,
paneling, bricks, doors, frames, cabinetry, furniture, trim, etc.
• Design for adaptability of building design as user needs change.
• Establish a project goal for locally sourced materials and identify materials and material suppliers that can
help achieve this goal; this reduces environmental impact due to transportation and supports the local
• Maximize day lighting and view opportunities (building orientation, exterior/interior shading devices, high-
performance glazing, photo-integrated light sensors, shallow floor plates, increased building perimeter, etc.).
• Provide capacity for indoor air quality monitoring to sustain long-term occupant health and comfort (carbon
dioxide sensors integrated into building automation system).
• Designate an area for recyclable collection and storage that is appropriate and convenient with consideration
given to using cardboard balers, aluminum can crushers, recycling chutes, and other waste management
technologies to enhance recycling program.
• Consider the installation of an on-site composting facility.
o Environment Impact Assessment is a very beneficial step to check, whether the project is environment
friendly or not.
o Since economic development is result of interaction between natural resources and technology supported by
designed for people, so all human activity should be economic, social and environment friendly.
o EIA certainly has a crucial role to play in addressing environmental issues surrounding project
development and especially power projects.
o The integration of environment into development planning is the most important tool in achieving
sustainable development.
o Environmental protection and economic development must thus be dealt with in an integrated
o EIA process is necessary in providing an anticipatory and preventive mechanism for environmental
management and protection in any development.
o Several developing countries are still at the infancy stage of operationalization of their EIA
o Despite these small setbacks, environmental impact assessment has become an integral part of project
planning one, which is continually being improved for posterity.

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