Banking Systems in India: S.P.Mohanty Assistant General Manager Reserve Bank of India Bhubaneswar

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Assistant General Manager
Reserve Bank of India
Evolution of Banks in India

Financial system refers to: The system of

borrowing and lending of funds or the demand
for and the supply of funds of all individuals,
institutions, companies and of the Government.
 Industrial Finance
 Agricultural Finance
 Development Finance
 Government Finance
New finances
 Finance to services sector
 Housing finance
 Consumer finance
 Other retail finances
History of banking
Existed in India few centuries before Chriest-Lending
moneys to traders/ placed funds with kings for
financing wars-unsecured loans without any charge
Manu’s Sanhita-Rules & rates regarding deposits and
advances were laid down
12th century-Hundis & Bills of exchange came into
Mogul Era-Indigenous bankers lent money and
financed for domestic and international trade. Money
(metallic money) changing across the boarder
Indigenous bankers could not develop to any
considerable extent the system of obtaining deposits
of money from the public and lending there from.
History of banking contd…
The Indian financial system & Banking system-
contribution of British Government
1770-Bank of Hindustan by one British Agency
1809-Bank of Bengal-Govt. charter & Govt.
share holding.
1840-Bank of Bombay
1843-Bank of Madras
These three banks were known as Presidency
banks & also given power to issue bank notes
1862-Note issuing power were withdrawn
History of banking contd…

Mushrooming of banks there after

1913-1938- series of bank crises-locking of bank
funds in industries, financing speculative deals, not
adhering to principles of sound banking
1934-35-Reserve Bank of India Act- 1934 enacted.
RBI started functioning since April 1, 1935
1949-Nationalisation of RBI, Banking Regulations
Act- 1949
1955- SBI-nationalisation
1959-Nationalisation of Associate banks
1965-BR Act provisions applicable to Co-op banks
1967-Govt. introduced “Social control” in banking
History of banking contd…

July 19, 1969-Nationalisation of 14 major

1975-formation of RRBs
1980-Nationalisation of six more banks
1991-92-Banking reforms as part of
financial reforms in India
1994-New private banks were allowed to
set up
1998-second banking sector reforms

Definition:Section 5(b) of BR Act 1949

defines banking as “accepting for the
purpose of lending or investment,
deposits of money from the public,
repayable on demand or otherwise,
and withdrawable by cheque, draft,
order or otherwise.
Banking structure in India

Reserve Bank of India

RRBs Co-op Banks

Private Sector
Public Sector Banks UCBs SCBs

SBI Group Indian CCB


Associate Banks New

Nationalised Banks Foreign

Different Acts relating to Banking

Reserve Bank of India Act-1934

Banking Regulations Act-1949
Negotiable Instruments Act-1881
State Bank of India Act-1955
State Bank of India (Subsidiary banks) Act-
Banking Companies {Acquisition &
Transfer of Undertakings} Act, 1970
Banking Companies {Acquisition &
Transfer of Undertakings} Act, 1980
Regional Rural Banks Act, 1975
Capital and Liabilities Assets
1.Capital 1. Cash
2.Reserve Fund & Other Accounts 2. Balances with Other Banks

3.Deposits & Other Accounts 3. Money at Call & Short Notice

4.Borrowings 4.Investments

5.Bills Payable 5.Advances

6.Profit & Loss 6.Premises-depreciation

7.Furniture & Fixtures-Depreciation

8.Other Assets

9.Non-banking assets acquired in

satisfaction of claims
10. Profit & Loss
Banker-customer relationshp
Banker as a trustee-(safe keeping or
deposit certain money for specific
Bailee-Bailor relationship (safe custody)
Agent-Principal relationship (remittance,
collection of cheques, bills etc.)
Lessor-Lessee (safe deposit locker)
Rights of a banker

Banker’s lien-Its an implied pledge,

where a banker acquires the right to
sell the goods which came to his
possession in the ordinary course of
banking business as a banker, in
case the debt is not paid.
 General lien
 Particular or special lien.
Banker’s general lien not applicable

1. Safe custody of articles

2. Items held in lockers
3. Documents/money deposited for
specific purpose
4. Securities/valuables left negligently
5. Immature debts
6. Stolen goods
Right of set off
It is the right to combine the two or more
accounts of the same person in the same
Important considerations
 The same name & the same right
 Proprietor & individual account can be
 Debts due but not future contingent debts
 Debt must be certain/ absolute before
exercising the right to set-off.
 No agreement to the contrary
 Banker’s discretion
Negotiable instruments-characters

Easily transferable
Can be transferred by mere delivery,
if it is a bearer instrument; by
endorsement & delivery if it is an
order one.
Transferee does not get better title
than that of transferor.
What is negotiation

Where a bill of exchange, promisory

note or cheque is transferred to any
person as to constitute that person
the holder thereof, the instrument is
said to be negotiated.
It is transfer by endorsement and
delivery if payable to order or by
delivery if payable to bearer.
Characterstics of a cheque

Monetary nature
Certainty-amount & payee
Can be payable either to order or to
Crossing of cheques

General Crossing-Payment through

another bank- through banking
Special crossing-Payment through a
specific bank
Not negotiable crossing
Account payee crossing
When & Who can cross a cheque?

Uncrossed cheque-can be crossed generally or

Crossed generally- can be crossed specially
When crossed generally / specially-the holder may
add the words “not negotiable”.
Crossed specially to a banker, he (the banker) can
again cross it specially to another banker, his
agent for collection.
The drawer has the right to cancel the crossing by
writing the words “crossing cancelled pay cash”
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