E Voting Blockchain App

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Module Name: Blockchain​

Student names: Confidence Chukwunonso Udeh, Matthew

Olalere Ogunlola, Omogbehin Bukola Esther​
Date of Submission: 07 / 04 / 2022​

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using the hyperledger fabric platform
E-voting has been remarkable in its progess since it was first used in the punched-
card ballots in 1960 with how it has adapted to using the internet.Recently,
blockchain has become the common method to secure data storage and its
transmission with a decentralized application.E voting is one of this application.

Although, manipulation of data is still a major challenge in the e-voting

systems.One of the significant issues in the systems is the weakness of security
and lack of trust on the people who have authorized access to the e-voting system.

Security and trust are significant issues in the electronic voting systems.
Countries,Companies,and Institutions has huge concerns on voting security as
they consider the use of e-voting. For that reason, it is paramount to use a
procedure that is cryptographic to ensure vote security,anonymity, privacy of
voters, to ensure a reliable e-voting system.
Blockchain with its cryptographic foundations enables applications to hold these feature to
achieve a strong security solutions.

This blockchain-based application VOTE,will record the vote of each person, preventing
double voting, and guaranteeing that votes are not altered.

Due to the concensus protocols that is being used by public blockchain, the Vote app will use a
permissioned blockchain that will help in enhancing efficiency and reduce the energy that will
be consumed by the voting systerm.

With the use of Hyperledger Fabric , a modular blockchain platform, which is an enterprise-
grade open-source permissioned distributed ledger technology (DLT) platform , it will be able
to develop the Proof of Concept (PoC) in the e-voting systerm.

The Hyperledger fabric will focus on using blockchain networks that are authorized for the
Vote application which has the the following elements:

Tapscot,Don (2016) Blockchain revolution how the technology behind Bitcoin and cryptocurrency is changing the world
Smart Contract Chaincodes is a program stored on a
blockchain with its codes written in a general-purpose
programming language that is unaffected by the normal
language vagueness that traditional contracts possess.

With the smart contract element, the Vote application

automates compliance verification with the consensus set-out
between the parties , which are written in code by the network
which are unalterable. The decentralized and distributed
blockchain network has the code and the smart contract
agreement written in it. Votes will be traceable and can not be
reversed, therefore building trust among its members.

This will help companies to make better and quick

decisions,reducing costs, saving time and and managing risks
appropriately .

Tapscot,Don (2016) Blockchain revolution how the technology behind Bitcoin and cryptocurrency is changing the world
With the Certificate Authority CA, which will generate a
verifiable identity of the public and private key infrastructure,
it will help to authenticate the identities of the users and nodes
that will communicate with the blockchain network to operate.

The Membership Service Provider (MSP) will enable the

application to verify the identify of the participants of the
network and determine the privileges given to a specific
participants. The Vote application will use a wallet component
which will contain sets of identities of users, when a user
executes the application, it selects one of these identities as it
connects to the blockchain network. The combination of the
wallet component with the MSP will give access rights to
resources like the ledger.

Drescher (2019) Blockchain basics : a non-technical introduction in 25 steps


The major skepticism in the application links to accessibility since its

paramount for voters to have access to a digital device and internet access.


Due to requirements of decentralization, scalability is hard to reach in the

Vote blockchain application.Network size,consensus mechanisms, and
verification of transaction are the factors that may affect the performance
of this application.

This limitations can be an issue to the performance of the application that

is why

we are focused on permissioned blockchain since fewer nodes manage

transaction verification and concensus.

Interface Design of the Vote App

The interface design of the blockchain application is adjusted to the access rights that are existing, that is the Voting Admin organizer, Voting Organizer, and
Voters. The application design focused at each access right of the user are different according to the function and needs of the user.

The application design for the voting organizer admin has the function of managing votes, managing the data of the organizers, and managing the access right of
those who will be voting. The interface design for the voting organizer admin includes a change of password page, manage organizers page, view results page,
manage elections page,and manage access right page.The interface design for the organizer's application has the function of managing the data of the voters and
managing the data of the viewers that follows the update of the voting.

The design for the organizer will include a change of password page, viewing results page, manage voters page, and manage viewers page. Whereas the application
design for voters consists of the vote function, the followup on the Votes function. The interface design of the voters will include the password change page,the
view result page,the vote page, and a verification page for individual ballot. Lastly, some of the pages gives access right to all users,like the login page, the register
page,the account setting, and the universal verification page for individual ballot. When the users access the application for the first time ,The login page, the
register page, and account setting page will help in managing their accounts.

The Vote app architecture design using Hyperledger Fabric Platform

Accessing the idea of permissioned blockchains occurs by introducing a cutting-edge perspective that rebuilds the
way blockchain manages events that are non-deterministic and the issue of security, such as Denial of Service (DoS)
attacks or exhaustion of resources.

Hyperledger Fabric is a blockchain frame work of a distributed database that records batches of transactions of a
shared network systerm in blocks that is organized in a chain.

Hyperledger Fabric has different architecture that provides support to the scalability and flexible trust assumptions as
a major challenge in the use of the blockchain app . It uses an execute-order-validate for its architectonics, where the
execution and endorsement of vote takes place first,so that there no conflict before ordering and validating them.

Hyperledger fabric also permits the use of smart contracts and enables privacy, and confidentiality of vote. It
offers a wide variety of method to bring solution to the many election system problems by supporting an architecture
that is efficient for the execution, ordering, validation of votes in blocks, and also provides help in the collection of
vote count and in declaring the results making sure that they are secured.

The election commission data center is a cluster of server of a distributed database using several machines. The
election commission data center will host the application level services , the blockchain level services and Api
endpoints. Due to the reusing of components that are existing and the election commission database execution time
will be reduced and the cost of operation will be cut down.

Hyper-ledger Fabric Framework : This layer permits the permissioned blockchain to

be created. It makes use of the Ordering node which delivers ordered blocks of votes that
are endorsed to the committing peer nodes that will be added to the blockchain.

Micro-service Layer : This layer includes all the services in the e-voting systerm, it is
used as an application services that are inter-related. After the votes are validated by a
Trusted Third Party (TTP) and the sends it the election commission data center.In the
electoral commission data center , the administration nodes will endorse committing
peer nodes and the ordering peer nodes will serve as the constitution. At this point data
will move into the Micro-service layer through the RESTful APIs in Json ( JavaScript
Object Notation) data format.

RESTful APIs : RESTful APIs manages communication between the end-user layer
and micro-service layer. It moves data into the Micro-service layer in Json data format.
This API ensures that the systerm is secured. This will allow voters to use our mobile app
to vote. The voting blockchain will be validated by the TTP by using identifier
information in the election commission data center.
The costs of developing a blockchain app is determined on the basis of
the functions of the app, its efforts, and objective and goals. The
following are the factors that will determine the cost of developing the
Vote app.


The Vote app can be used in every industry that has a need for an
election, so the app will be developed on-demand basis , the estimate
cost of developing the Vote app will range from $80,000-$150,000
Complexity Of The App

There are various factors to consider when defining the complexity of the Vote app:

The Platform; the app will use the Hyperledger Fabric framework which cost $0.05/hr (I.e

Consensus Mechanism: The consensus mechanism for the app will be provided by the
Hybperledger Fabric by depending on the ordering service that manages the communication
between the sender and the receiver.

The API: The Vote app will use the RESTful API which cost $3.50 monthly per million (up to
333 million calls) This APIs will be collecting vote and stockpiling data, it will handle the
interaction of smart contract with the systerm , it will also authenticate and monitor the votes.

UI & UX design: After the developers are done with the backend of the app, we will also need a
front end programmer to build a design for User interface and for Admin. to design a console for
UI and Admin. The price for the UI/Ux designer is $65/hr (total spend $10,000)
The Team involved: We will hire freelancer designers. Using freelancers designers will be cost-effective, and
they can always be available. A freelancer will cost from $50,000- $90,000.

The cost of implementing this blockchain e-voting app will depend on the Maintenance of the recent updates
and testing the app to ensure it has no challenges running smoothly on every updated operating systerm. The
cost will also be determined by the upgrade that will be done on the app for instance if there is a change in
the Smart Contracts, and to add new helpful features.

Third-Party tools will be needed that will assist in notification system, , hosting, collaboration.

The following are 3rd party tools that we will use for the app.

Uptime Robot monitoring service will be used for  Sending notifications for when there is downtime ($10 to

Amazon SNS Notification Services will be used for notification inside the app.($10 to $50)

IBugsee Bug Tracking Tools will be used for Collecting information on live bugs and reporting the live bugs
for action ($10 to $100 per month)

Integration: Our developer will use Github to manage the apps source code to make sure it works well
with other developers code . The developer will manage the quality and scalability of the apps through an
automated process. This will cost $49 per month
Our developers will test the app through Github , that is our best option to know the scalability of the app
before it gets to millions of users. The concept of testing for scalability is to know the major issues and
reduce the bottlenecks that will affect the apps scalability. The scalability issues will be tested regularly. Our
developers will run the following test to manage scalability of the app.

The Load testing : Here our developers will apply the pressure from demand on the app and measuring the
response time of the app, the throughput rates of the app, , and the breaking point of the app.

The Performance testing : Our developers achieves this by analyzing the data collected so as to optimize the
consumption of the resources. 

The Scalability testing: The primary aim for the developers with this test is to determine the breakpoint of
the app. 

Starting early to plan for scalability for the app’s development will allow a proper growth for the app.

Meanwhile, the Vote (blockchain e-voting app) will be able to handle the increasing number of
customers/users with the Hyperledger fabric framework modular architecture.

Hyperledger Fabric is dveloped on a modular architecture which will separate votes into the distributed logic
processing and agreement phase ("smart contract/chaincode), the vote ordering phase, and the vote
validation and commitment phase.

This feature of separating the votes into phases confers more levels of trust and all the nodes type will be
verified and scalability and performance of the app will be optimized .

Drescher (2019) Blockchain basics : a non-technical introduction in 25 steps

A general rule of thumb is to spend as much time consumed creating the app in promoting it as well.

The following are various methods we will adopt to promote the Vote app.

Marketing The Vote An App Through Optimizing App Store

We can do this by optimizing the description of the app by making it clear and concised.

Testing multiple key identifiers of the Vote app like the logo and the marketing message.

Lastly, by providing a free lite version of the app while promoting the version to be paid for within the app.

Marketing The Vote App Through a Website

We will create a website for the Vote app. A landing page for prospective users.

Making use of Search Engine Optimization

Introducing a blog that creates awareness on the problem the Vote app solves and also talks about the updates on the

Marketing The Vote App Through Social Media

This can be done through the use of a marketing influencer, creating channels for reviews and joining social media
groups that are relevant to the Vote app promotion.

Marketing Through The Vote App Via Ads

We will use the google ads, Instagram ads and Facebook ads to promote this app.

The Vote app will target the following end users, the Government, the
Universities, and Companies. Our primary market will be the
Government (Nigerian Government).

The challenges facing the Nigerian election inspired the creation of

this app. The Vote app will solve the following issues in the Nigerian

The costs of ballot papers, the overhead cost of running the election
(the adhoc staff, the training section to be held, the cost of logistics of
moving the voting materials, the security), conflicts that arise from
contacts between the voters and political thugs, lack of integrity
among electoral personnel, alteration of voting result, multiple voting
and disqualification of votes.

With the Hyperledger fabric blockchain technology which was used

to develop the Vote app, all of this issues will be solved.

The Hyperledger fabric makes the Vote application

sustainable with its special elements like the Smart
Contract Chaincodes which will help the Nigerian
electoral commission to make better and quick
decisions,reducing costs, saving time and and managing
risks associated with running an election appropriately ,
the Certificate Authority CA, which help to authenticate
the identities of the voters and lastly The Membership
Service Provider (MSP) will give access rights to

González et al, (2020) Electronic Voting System Using an Enterprise Blockchain

Claus Hillermeier (2001) Nonlinear multiobjective optimization: a generalized homotopy approach.Germany: Verlag.

Drescher (2019) Blockchain basics : a non-technical introduction in 25 steps. London: Sage. Available through: Ulaw Library website
https://library.law.ac.uk (Accessed: 04 April 2022).

Meier, A.,Zumstein (2010).Web controlling – Analysis and Optimization of the Digital Value Chain with Web Analytics (in German).

Johannes Ledolter (2013) Data Mining and Business Analytics with R: Packt Publishing. New Jersey: Wiley. Available through: Ulaw
Library website https://library.law.ac.uk (Accessed: 23 March 2022).

Tapscott, Don (2016) Blockchain revolution how the technology behind Bitcoin and cryptocurrency is changing the world.London:
Penguin.London.Available through: Ulaw Library website https://library.law.ac.uk (Accessed: 23 March 2022).

González et al, (2020) Electronic Voting System Using an Enterprise Blockchain - Available through: https://researchgate.com

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