Surgical Scrub Process

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• it is as a process of removing or decreasing
from hands & the forearms as many
number of bacterial count & transient skin
flora as possible to a safe level of surgical
• By this process the skin becomes free
from many microorganisms & this
decreases the contamination of the surgical
• Surgical scrub consists of two processes.
• Mechanical scrubbing &Chemical
1. Mechanical scrub: This process removes
microorganisms by friction and reduces
resident flora and bacterial count from the skin.
• 2. Chemical process: This process
inactivates microorganisms with a chemical
antiseptic or antimicrobial agent. This prevents
the growth of microorganisms by its antiseptic
action but may not kill the microorganisms

• To remove soil, debris natural oils from the skin of the

hands and the forearms.
• To decrease the number of resident microorganisms on
the skin.
• To keep the population of microorganisms minimum by
inhibiting their growth and multiplication.
• To prevent transfer of microorganisms to the surgical
wound of the patient.
• To arrest the hazard of microbial contamination of the
surgical wounds during operation.
• Scrub Area:
• scrub Sink:.
• The water tab: .
• Scrub-brush:.
• Nail Brush: .
• Chemical Soap: .
• Running Water:
• Before the scrub following preparation is necessary
– Nails are to be cut short and nails should be free of dirt.

– Check for skin of the hands and the forearms
for infections, cuts,
– Bruises, lesions or abrasions, burns and skin
break on the skin surface.
– All jewelleries such as finger ring, bangles,
wrist watch etc. are to be removed.
• Wet the hands and the forearms.
• Apply the antiseptic detergent.
• Take a clean scrub brush and follow the technique
mentioned below.
• Scrub each individual finger-back, front and around.
• Scrub the palm and back of the hands.
• Scrub the skin of the forearm moving from the fingertips
to the elbows.
• The mechanical friction and the action of the antiseptic
soap help removing the microorganisms from the skin
• Then take a clean nail brush, scrub around the nail beds,
remove the dirt and debris from the subungual area
under the nail of each finger.
Duration of scrub

– Scrub the nails of one hand -30 strokes.

– Scrub al sides of each finger-20 strokes.
– Scrub back of the hand -20 strokes.
– Scrub palm of the hand -20 strokes.
– Scrub forearms (up to 2 inches
• Or 5 cm above elbow) -20stroke.
• Minor operation: :scrub3-5 mints
Use of towel
• The hand towel is to be opened to full length.
The sterile hand towel is used to wipe the
hands and the forearms dry from the
fingertips to upward till the elbow using one
side of the towel for each arm..

• sterile gown is to worn by the each of
scrubbed surgical team members
• Immediately before the operation which
permits the members to come near or
within a sterile field.

• 1) The sterile gown provides a protective

barrier between the non-sterile body
surface and the sterile areas
• 2).It prevents migration of microorganisms
from the skin and clean operation theatre
• 3) The Sterile gown is worn to avoid
contamination of sterile supply.
• The sterile gowns are kept folded inner surface out and
outer surfacing in.
• The Steps of Wearing Sterile Scrub Gown:
• The gown is held by the inside front just below the
neckline with both hands.
• Then gradually the gown is unfolded, keeping the inside
of the gown toward the body and without touching the
outside of the gown with bare hands.
• Then by holding the sterile gown at shoulder level by
both hands the scrubbed personnel has to slip both arms
simultaneously into the sleeves through the armholes.
• Then the assistant or the circulatory nurse pulls or
brings the gown over the shoulder and then fastens the
ties at the neck
• Sterile gloves are to be put on after wearing the sterile
gown and this completes the operation theatre attire of the
surgical team members.
• The purpose of gloving is
• To ensure sterility and
• To prevent contamination of patient’s surgical wound by
direct contact of the bare hands during surgery.
• The sterile gloves allow the surgical team members to
handle patent’s surgical wound or the sterile supplies

• Surgical gloves are made of latex which is natural rubber.

Steps of Wearing a Pair of Sterile Gloves
• The sterile Gloves pair is kept in a sterile glove packet.
• The folded cuff of the gloves mentions the size of the glove and for
which hand (R) or (L)
• The glove packet also contains a small packet of powder..
• Sterile gloves are put without touching the outer surface of the gloves
with bare hands..
• With the right hand the scrubbed personal picks up the folded cuff of the
left hand glove on the fold,
• with out touching the outer surface of the glove with the bare hand and
then insert the left hand into the glove
• Then picks up the right hand glove with the gloved left hand by slipping
the fingers under the folded cuff. The right hand then is inserted and the
glove is pulled on leaving the cuff of the glove folded.
Steps of removing the Gloves

l. grasps the under cuff of the left glove with the

gloved fingers on the right and pulls it off inside
2. Slips the ungloved fingers of the left hand inside
the right glove and slips it off Inside out;
3. Discards the gloves in the appropriate
receptacle; and
• 4. Washes hands and arms with soap and
Steps of Removing the Gown
l. grasps the shoulders of the gown, pulls it
downward from the shoulder and off the arms,
and turns the sleeves inside out;
2. folds the contaminates surface of the gown on
the inside and rolls it away from the body; and
3. Discards the rolled gown in the appropriate
Assisted Gowning
• 1. Assisting gowning- The scrub person may assist
another member in drying, gowning, and Gloving by-
• a. Opening the towel that the other member will use to
dry his/her hands
• b .laying the towel on the team member's hand without
touching his/herhands;
• c. Holding the gown at the neckband and carefully
unfolding it the gown at the neckband and carefully
unfolding it
• d. Keeping the hands on the outside of the
gown, forming a protective cuff of the neck
and shoulder area as the person being
gowned holds both arms out stretched;
• e. Offering the inside of the gown to the
other member so he or she can slip his or
her hands into the sleeves; and
• f. Releasing the gown when the team
members' hands are in the sleeves.
Assisted gloving-
• - To glove another team member, the scrub person always gloves
the other person's right hand first. The scrub person:
• a. Picks up the glove with his or her fingers under the cuff
• b. Holds the palm of the glove toward the person being gloved
• c. Stretches the cuff to open the glove and holds his or her thumbs
out to keep them from touching the other team member's bare
• d. As the other person inserts his or her hands into the glove, exerts
upward firm pressure making sure the hand does not go below the
• e. Unfolds the inverted glove cuff over the the sleeve
• f. Gloves the left hand with the assistance of a team member by
repeating the Steps
Thanking you

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