Millennium Evelopment Goals
Millennium Evelopment Goals
Millennium Evelopment Goals
Development Goals
Presented by :
Netra Jyothi Institute of Allied Health Sciences, Udupi
Moderater :
Ms Clerissa B Fernandes
Department of Hospital Administration
Netra Jyothi Institute of Allied Health Sciences, Udupi
The MDGs are drawn from the actions and targets contained in the
Millennium Declaration that was adopted by 189 nations-and signed by
147 heads of state and governments during the UN Millennium Summit
in September 2000.
Its have 8 goals, 8 of the 18 targets required to achieve these goals, and
18 of the 48 indicators of progress
The leaders made specific commitments in
seven (7) areas:-
2.Security and disarmament
3.Development and poverty eradication
4.Protecting over common environment, human rights,
democracy and good governance
5.Protecting the vulnerable
6.Meeting the specific need of Africa
7.Strengthening the United nations
Millennium Development Goals
1)Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
2)Achieve universal primary education
3)Promote gender equality and empower women
4) Reduce child mortality
5)Improve maternal health
6)Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases
7)Ensure environmental sustainability
8)Develop a global partnership for development
Improving agricultural
productivity and incomes and
promoting better nutritional
practices at all levels and
programmes that enhance
direct and immediate access
to food by the neediest
MGNREGA and Food Security in poorer states; and focus greater attention on
rural development, states falling behind and socially-excluded groups (including
the urban poor).
Distribution both cereals and non-cereal food to people living in below poverty line
Employment rate
Ensure that by 2015,
children everywhere, boys
and girls alike will be
required to complete a full
course of prima-schooling.
Education is vital to meeting
all other Millennium
scaling up efforts to reach the most excluded groups such as Scheduled Castes
(SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST),
NCBDCP programme
Environmental Governance
Climate change
India has already achieved gender parity in primary school enrolment (Goal 3)
control of the spread of deadly diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis
(Goal 6)
increased forest cover and has halved the proportion of population without access to
clean drinking water (Goal 7).
K Park’s
Preventive and social medicine