3.2 Business Profit Tax
3.2 Business Profit Tax
3.2 Business Profit Tax
Chapter Contents
Deductible Expenses
Non-Deductible Expenses
any company;
any registered partnership;
any entity formed under foreign law resembling a
company or registered partnership
any public enterprise or public financial agency that
carries out business activities
Any body of persons, corporate or unincorporated
whether created or recognized under a law in force in
Ethiopia or elsewhere.
Any foreign body’s business agent doing business in
Ethiopia on behalf of the principle.
Scope of business profit tax
Ethiopian income tax system is based on the
principle of residence (worldwide income) as
opposed to Territorial (local income) and
Any business or individual which is a resident
in Ethiopia pays tax on its world wide income.
Any non-resident business or individual that
derives income in Ethiopia shall pay income tax
only on its Ethiopian income source (local
An individual shall be resident in Ethiopia, if he::
has a domicile (permanent residence address)
within Ethiopia;
has an habitual abode (a place that he frequently
resides) in Ethiopia; and/ or
is a citizen of Ethiopia and lives abroad for a
consular, diplomatic or similar purposes of the
government of Ethiopia.
lives in Ethiopia for more than 183 days in a
period of twelve calendar months, whether
continuously or intermittently.
Special Notes
Residential status is determined at the end of
a tax period.
The residential status of a taxpayer in
Ethiopia is determined not for a particular
source of income but for all sources.
A resident in Ethiopia is considered as such
even though that person has a residency in
other countries at the same time.
Scope of business profit tax
A body shall be resident in Ethiopia, if it:
has its principal office in Ethiopia;
has its place of effective management in
Ethiopia; and/or
is registered in the trade register of the
Ministry of Trade and Industry or Trade
bureau of the Regional Governments as
Categories of Taxpayers
The categorization of taxpayers depends upon the following
9 liability
Category ‘A’ Taxpayers
Category ‘A’ Taxpayers shall include:
Any business having an annual turnover over Br
Any company incorporated under the laws of Ethiopia
or in a foreign country
Legal requirements:
Maintain accounting records
Use registered vouchers
Submit Balance sheet and a profit & loss statement
The tax year is the fiscal year of the government.
They shall submit the Tax Declaration Form within 4
Category ‘B’ Taxpayers
Category ‘B’ shall include any business having an annual
turnover over Br 100,000.
Legal requirements:
financial statement
The tax year is the government fiscal year and tax shall be
Tax Accounting Methods
Regulation 78/2002.
Schedule “C”
Taxable Business Income per Year
Tax Rate
Income Tax
It includes:
Insurance Expense
Donations and Gift Expense not exceeding 10% of the unadjusted taxable
Maintenance and Improvement Expense (i.e. if it is immaterial or
Trading Stock Disposed (Cost of Goods Sold) -
Example : BIRTY Share Company has the following
beginning and purchase of merchandise Inventory
during the Tax Year 2006 (Assume a tax year from
Hamle 1 to Sene 30)
Date Particulars Quantity Unit Cost
Hamle 1, 2005 Beg Bal. 2,000 10
Tikmet 16, 2006 Purchase 2,600 11
Megabit 22, 2006 Purchase 3,000 10.5
Sene 13, 2006 Purchase 2,500 10.6
Depreciation Methods (Article 23)
Fine Art, Antiques, Jewelry, and Trading Stock and other
depreciation base, the whole amount will be added to the depreciation base of
26 category.
Example 1
Alpha Co. has a building that was purchased for Br
10,000,000 on Megabit 22, 1999 and was placed in
service on Hamle 14, 1999. In Sene 2005, the company
made major structural repairs on the building at a cost of
Br 2,000,000. Construction of extension for workers’
canteen also took place in the same period at a cost of Br
Required: What is the Accumulated depreciation as at
Hamle 1, 2004? What is the depreciation expense for the
tax year ending on Sene 30, 2005?
Example 2: Assume ABC PLC uses the tax year Hamle 1 to Sene 30 and has
the following assets: Computers, information system, software, and data storage.
Date of Purchase Acquisition Cost
Yekatit 10, 2003 Br 16,000
Ginbot 01, 2003 Br 6,000
Nehassie 07, 2003 Br 7,000
Tahisas 19, 2004 Br 3,500
Example 3
The following information relates to Zumra Company.
• The book value of the pooled machineries in the opening
balance sheet of the tax period as of Hamle 1, 2005 was
Br. 85,000.
• During the tax year 2006: Zumra bought additional
machines for Br. 50,000, received Br. 5,000 as
compensation from the vendor since one of the machines
does not work properly, paid Br 40,000 for maintenance
of a machine, and sold an existing machine for Br.
Required: - Determine Deprn expense for the year ended Sene
30, 2006.
Disposal of Fixed Assets
For individually depreciating assets, gain or loss from the
disposal would be recognized by comparing the disposal
price of the asset with its book value at the time of
disposal. But, loss wouldn’t be recognized if the disposal
transaction is carried out between related persons.
For business assets that depreciate in a pool, gain or loss
from disposal is not allowed for income tax purposes.
However, the cost and accumulated depreciation of the
asset disposed of must be written off from the accounting
records of the business in the following year of the
disposal year.
Example 4: The following information relates to ABC Co. for a pool
of machineries:
The cost and Accumulated depreciation of the pool of machineries
on Hamle 1, 2004 were Br 582,000 and Br 500,000, respectively.
The firm acquired new machinery for Br 50,000 on Sene 10, 2005
and sold the following three machineries in the tax year of 2005.
Non-Deductible Expenses
be allowed)
Non-deductible Expense (
Punitive damages (by court) and penalties
Expenditures exceeding the legal limits
The following categories ofExemptions
income shall be exempt from
payment of business income tax hereunder:
Awards for adopted or suggested innovations and cost saving
Public awards for outstanding performance
Exemptions…. (Cont’d)
The revenue obtained by the Federal
Government, Regional Governments and Local
Governments of Ethiopia; and the National
Bank of Ethiopia from activities that are
incidental to their operations.
Accounting for Business Profit Tax
TB Over Br To Br Tax Rate Deduction
Computing BIT: Examples
Special Items that Reduces Business Profit Tax
Loss Carry Forward and Loss Carry Back
Loss Carry Back is a tax provision that allows
If there is a loss in any year, it can be off set against taxable income
A loss may be carried forward only for two periods of three years.
In the process of carry forward, earlier losses should be off set
loss that is not off set after carry forward may be carried back to
previous years.
Example: The following relates to taxable
income for three different companies.
Comp Taxable Income (loss) for year
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Withholding scheme on local transaction
Foreign Tax Credit
If the tax payer has deducted any expense which is non-
check or in cash,
Comprehensive Illustration:
The following transactions are given for the tax year Hamle
1st, 1998 to Sene 30th, 1999 for AMT General Trading Pvt.
Ltd. Co.:
Sales during the tax year is Br 2,320,000
Inventory account balance:
Beginning 26,000 units @ Br.20 a unit
purchased during the year 70,000 units @ Br.22 a unit
Ending ( Sene 30, 1999) 26,600 units
Promotional expense of Br 83,000 was incurred which
comprises Br 38,000 advertising expense; Br 25,000 trading
coupons and Br 20,000 entertainment expense.
Salary expense of Br 165,000 was incurred and
composed of Br 100,000 basic salary; Br 25,000
provident fund contribution; Br 20,000 representation
expense and Br 20,000 overtime payment
Store Rent Expense of Br 240,000 was also incurred
Br 21,000 interest is paid on Br 100,000 principal
amount of loan where the interest rate between
NBE and Commercial Banks is 9%
Penalties paid by the business is Br 1,360
Illustration- cont'd
Building has a cost of Br 500,000 and has not
depreciated before the tax year 1999
Truck has a carrying amount of Br 120,000 on
Hamle 1st, 1998.
Computers, Information System, Data Storage
and Software have a balance of Br 69,000 on
Hamle 1st, 1998. During tax year the business
enterprise acquired and disposed Br 32,000 and
39,000 assets, respectively
Br 80,000 award for outstanding performance
was received from the government
Illustration- cont'd
The business incurred Br 100,000 expenses on behalf of
the owners
Donation of Br 50,000 was made by the business to charity
organization with successful achievement and transparent
Withholding income tax receivable has a balance of Br
23,800 at the end of tax year 1998
Br 50,000.00 loss was carried forward to tax year 1999
from the tax year of 1998.
Prepare income statement for tax purposes for tax year
ending Sene 30, 1999 as per Ethiopian tax law
End of the Unit