Rental Income Tax
Rental Income Tax
Rental Income Tax
Overview of Rental Income Tax
Basic Legal Provisions for Rental Income
Accounting for rental income tax
Rental Income Tax Basics
Rental Income
Refers to Income from rental of buildings.
Does not include income from lease of business and
income from casual rental of property
Business lease means lease of goods, equipments and
building which are part of the normal operation of a
Rental Income Tax
Rental Income is taxed under Schedule “B” of Income
Tax Proclamation No. 979/2016 and Regulation No.
Rental Income Tax Basics : -cont'd
A lease is a contractual arrangement calling for the lessee
(user) to pay the lessor (owner) for use of an asset.
Parties in Rental of buildings
1. Lessor: a person who owns building and who provides
building rental service
2. Lessee: a person who rents/leases a building directly from
the lessor for residential, business or subleasing purpose.
3. Sub-lessor: the first lessee that sub-leases the whole or a
portion of the building
4. Sub-lessee: the third party who rents the building from
the sub-lessor
Rental Income Tax Basics : -cont'd
Sub-lessor shall pay the tax in the difference between
income from sub-leasing and the rent paid to the lessor
provided that the amount received by the sub-lessee is
greater than the amount payable to the lessor.
The owner of a building who allows a lessee to sub-lease is
liable for the payment of the tax for which the sub-lessor is
liable, in case the sub-lessor fails to pay.
The leased building can be empty or furnished
Income that covers a period longer than one year (Advance
Payments) shall be prorated over the number of years
covered by the amount paid for tax purposes (this is only for
those tax payers who do not maintain book of accounts).
Taxable Rental Income
Determination of Gross Rental Income
Gross Rental income shall include:
All amounts derived by the tax payer during the year under
the lease agreement, including any lease premium or similar
All payments made by the lessee during the year on behalf of
the lessor according to the contract of lease
The amount of any bond, security, or similar amount that,
during the year, the tax payer is entitled to retain as a result of
damage to the building and that has not been used by the tax
payer in repairing the damage to the building;
The value of any renovation or improvement made under the
lease agreement to the building when the cost was borne by
7 the lessee in addition to the rent payable to the tax payer.
Gross Rental Income…
If the tax payer leased furnished building, amount of income
attributable to the lease of furniture or equipment.
Deductible Expenses from Gross Rental Income
For those Maintaining Book of accounts
Any expenditure, to the extent necessarily incurred in deriving
rental income and paid during the year including:
Cost of lease of land on which the building is situated
Repair and maintenance
Depreciation expense for the building, furniture and equipment
Interest and insurance premiums;
Interest Expense
Fees and charges, but not tax, levied by a state or city
administration in respect of the land or building leased.
General and administrative expenses
Tax Rates
Schedule “B” Rental Income Tax Rate
TB Income T RI Tax Rate
End of the Unit