Trade AND Capital Movements

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The external sector shapes the foreign exchange
market (foreign currency inflow-outflow )through
its trade,capital movements,and financial
flows.Trade includes factor payments such as
remittances from overseas contract workers and
profit remittances of foreign companies to their
home countries.Capital movements include both
short-and long-term foreign investments in the
country and Filipino investments abroad.Financial
flow involve international debtsannd loans and
their repayments.
Foreign currency (largely in
dollars) inflow less outflow
payments define the Balance of
Payment (BOP) of the
economy.Foreign currency
receipts from abroad (inflows)
eventually sell for pesos while
foreign curriencies for payments
to other countries (outflows) are
bought with pesos.From the
viewpoint of the economy,a BOP
surplus means that more foreign
currencies are being sold for
pesos than those being bought
with pesos.Likewise,a BOP deficit
means that less foreign currencies
are being solf for pesos than those
being bought with pesos.
In Figure 4.10,from Point A,the
Central Bank buys (demand
shift D¹ to D² ) the excess
supply of foreign currency (F¹-F²
from supply shift S¹ to
S²).Thus,buying this excess
supply maintains exchange rate
E¹ and foreign currencies
bought and sold
(supply=demand)F¹ at point
A.Conversely the Central Baank
can sell foreign currency
reserves(supply shift S⁰ to S¹) to
fill the shortage F¹ to F⁰from
supply shift S¹ to S⁰)to likewise
restore equilibrium at point A.
The economy's
production is yet
to go deeper into
more technology-
bases stages that
it imports the
capital good and
final goods even
consumer items
that it could
produce (Figure
and electronics
exports are simply
products from
their imported
assembled locally
by transnational
As the country exports little but
imports much,it spends more but
hardly earns foreign currencies
(largely dollars).What buy the foreign
currency maarket are net capital
inflows (foreign
investment,loans)that offset trade
deficits (imports exceed exports)
resulting in mostly BOP surpluses
(Figure 4.13)Unfortunately,local
production can hardly fill in for costly
imports as handicapped by limited
scale,access to technology and
goverment incentives againts the
backdrop of stiff import
competition.Thus,local businesses
engage in low technology production
and trade that includes cheap and
shoddy imports of consumer items.
Imports are becoming
cheaper relative to local
goods while exports are
becoming less
competitive with less
peso profit margin for the
same dollar price.Much
less are exports
competitive as our
neighbors and rivals
successfully reversed
their exchange rate
conditions to make their
exports more competitive
(Figure 4.14).
• The use of the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index - HHI
would be useful since it helps the proponent
identify markets are highly competitive and
saturated and those markets with high market
• The HHI number can range from close to zero to
10,000.The HHI is expressed as:

• HHI = MS² of Firm 1+MS² of Firm 2+MS² of Firm

3...+MS² of Firm n.
• If for example,there was only one firm in an industry,that
firm would have 100%market share,and the HHI would
equal 10,000 (100^2),indicating a monopoly.This means
the market is highly competitive and us characterized by
the existence of numerous competitors.
• Result of the HHI would indicate the following:
• HHI below 100 indicates a highly competitive market.
• HHI below 1000 indicates an unconcentrated market
• HHi between 1000 to 1800 indicates moderate market
• HHI greater than 1800 indicates high market
Philippine Business Icon:Manuel
V. Pangilinan
• In 2008,he was the 39th richest man in the
Philippines with a net worth of US$39 million.Now
68 years old,Pangilinan was not born with the literal
golden spoon in his mouth,but he worked his way
to what he is today.Graduating from the Ateneo de
Manila with a degree in 1968 from th wharton
School of Finance and Commerce at the University
of Pennsylvania,as a procter & Gamble fellow.He
subsequently worked with the PINMA
group ,Bancom International Limited,American
Express Bank,and the First Pacific Company.
• Mr.Paangilinan has been
recognized in various fields,by
the TOYM,the Office of the
President Of the Phillipines,and
by schools such as the San Beda
Collage and Xavier University.
• Born in 1955,relatively young entrepreneur Bill
Gates foundedthe world's largest software
business,Microsoft,with Paul Allen,and
subsequently became one of the richest men in
the world.Gates and Allen wannted to start their
own company,but Gate's parents wanted him to
finish ,school and go on to collage where they
hoped he would work to becomr a lawyer.He
personally reviewed every line of code thee
company shipped,often rewriting code when he
saw it necessary..It was through Mary that Bill
Gates met the CEO of IBM.
• In November 1985,Bill Gates and Microsoft
lauched Windows.Giving back to the
community set off Gate's philanthropic
activities.In 1994,Gates and his wife
established the William H. Gates Foundation
which was dedicated to supporting
education,world health,and investment in
low-income communities,In 2000,the couple
combined several family foundations to form
the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.They
started out by making a $28billion
contribution to set up the foundation.
Baby kymm A. Hernandez
Grade 12 F GAS (Ripper)

Maam JehannaTrestiza

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