Behavioural Therapy
Behavioural Therapy
Behavioural Therapy
• Addictions,
• Phobias
• Anxiety disorders
• Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
• Mood disorders.
To help people to learn new
behaviours by Behavioural
experiments, Role-playing,
Assertiveness training, and
Self-management training.
Aspects of Behavioural counselling and therapy
• 1) Classical Conditioning
In classical conditioning, certain respondent behaviours, such as knee
jerks and salivation can be a result of a classical conditioning i.e.
learning principles—learning that occurs when things get paired together
• 2) Operant Conditioning
It focuses on actions that operate on the environment to produce
consequences. If the environmental change brought about by the
behaviour is reinforcing, the chances are high that the behaviour will
occur again. If the environmental changes produce no reinforcement,
the chances are lessened that the behaviour will recur.
Aspects of Behavioural counselling and therapy
Systematic desensitization:
• This is a Behavioural experiments technique used specifically with phobias and
other faulty behavior. It helps the client to pair relaxation with previously
feared stimuli. Moreover, it “teaches” the client a new thing by pairing
relaxation with something they fear
Aversive therapy:
• It is a Behavioural experiments method and has the client pair some
aversive stimuli (e.g., nausea, pain, disturbing images, etc.) with some
behaviour that he/she is having difficulty giving up. For example, Quit
drinking might take a drug that makes her nauseous whenever she drinks
alcohol. It “teaches” a new thing by pairing a bad experience with some
behaviour they want to eliminate.
Techniques of Behavioural counselling and therapy
Use of Reinforcers:
Reinforcers are those events which increase the probability of
occurrence of a desired behaviour in the future by applying
consequences that depend on the behaviour in question.
• Positive Reinforcement: The administration of positive
consequences to workers who perform desired behaviours- Pay,
promotions, interesting work, praise, awards
• Negative Reinforcement: The removal of negative consequences
when workers perform desired behaviours-Nagging,
• Administering negative consequences to undesirable
behaviours in an effort to decrease the probability that the
behaviour will occur again in the future.
• It is a process in which undifferentiated operant behaviours are
gradually changed into a desired behaviour pattern by the
reinforcement of success approximations, so that the behaviour
gets closer and closer to the target behaviour.
• It involves learning through observation and imitation of others. Having a
positive role model can give individuals something to aim for, allowing them to
change their behaviour to match theirs. However, this role model may be the
therapist or someone the individual already knows
• When pairing of conditioned and unconditional stimulus stops then association
weakens and conditioned response becomes less frequent till it disappears.
Role playing-
• It used to identify their own feelings surrounding a given situation while
simultaneously learning how others may feel. A very nice demonstration to
learn this process is in the Youtube video.
• Punishment:
• Administering negative consequences to undesirable behaviours in an effort to decrease the probability that the
behaviour will occur again in the future.
• Shaping:
• It is a process in which undifferentiated operant behaviours are gradually changed into a desired behaviour pattern by
the reinforcement of success approximations, so that the behaviour gets closer and closer to the target behaviour.
• Modelling:
• It involves learning through observation and imitation of others. Having a positive role model can give individuals
something to aim for, allowing them to change their behaviour to match theirs. However, this role model may be the
therapist or someone the individual already knows
• Extinction:
• When pairing of conditioned and unconditional stimulus stops then association weakens and conditioned response
becomes less frequent till it disappears.
• Role playing-
• It used to identify their own feelings surrounding a given situation while simultaneously learning how others may feel.
A very nice demonstration to learn this process is in the Youtube video.