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1.06 Introduction To GSAW Process IWE May2019

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Former AGM/WRI, BHEL, Trichy-14
GM/Siemens COE, NIT, Trichy.
Adjunct Professor/NIT Trichy
Visiting Professor/BIT Campus, Anna University, Trichy.
Technical Adviser / COE Welding, PSG Tech., Coimbatore
Visiting Professor/AMRITA University, Coimbatore.
• Physical Phenomena.
• Shielding gases (inert, active) and their effect
on arc characteristics.
• Handling & storage of gases.
• Influence of the welding parameters on the
weld bead morphology.
• Standards (ISO,CEN and National) for shielding
Learning outcomes for IWE/IWT

• Explain fully the characteristics and operating

principles of TIG, MIG/MAG and FCAW.
• Interpret arc characteristics associated with
each type of shielding gas used for each process.
• Detail the methods for safe handling and storage
of shielding gases.
• Interpretation and use of standards for shielding
gases and filler materials.
Principle of operation of TIG Welding
Principle of the tungsten inert gas welding process
TIG Torch & TIG Arc
TIG welding with Filler Wire addition
TIG Welding

I: 400A
HF Reqd
Wire spool
Wire feeder
Power source

Torch Gas


Gas Metal Arc Welding Process Details

MIG Welding
Wire Spools
Position of contact tip relative to rim of gas nozzle
for spray transfer
[ Gas Metal Arc Welding ]

Metal Inert Gas Welding Metal Active Gas Welding

Argon, Helium. CO2 or Argon+CO2 mixed gas.

Non-Ferrous metals Ferrous metals - All types of
Aluminum, Copper steels

•High current density

•Self adjusting arc
•Different modes of metal transfer
•Gas mixtures can be used
•Higher welding speed

Comparison of Penetration
Process parameters
• Current
• Voltage
• Stand off distance
• Inductance
• Gas flow rate
• Torch Angle
• Welding speed
Wire spool
Wire feeder
Power source

Torch Gas


Flux Cored Arc Welding

Process Details
Flux-Cored Arc Welding
Flux Cored Wires
Folded Type Flux Cored

Seamless Flux Cored Wire


• Arc Stabilizers.
• Deoxidants.
• Gas Formers.
• Slag Formers.
• Alloying Elements.
Classification of Flux Cored Wires

Gas Shielded Self Shielded

Physical Phenomena.
1. Physical Phenomena
• Ionisation process.
• Arc characteristics.
• Arc stability.
• Mode of metal transfer.
• Weldpool behavior.
• Heat transfer from the arc to the job.
V-I Characteristic of DC Discharges
1000 Background Townsend Glow Arc
[V] Ionization Discharge Discharge Discharge

Glow to Arc




0 1
10-10 10-8 10-6 10-4 10-2 102 104[A]
Arc Characteristics

V-I characteristics for GMA welding for various gases.

Polarity and Current Flow

Welding Electrode or "Electrode"

Anode Cathode


Cathode Anode
Work Electrode or "Work"

Reverse Straight
Ionisation Process
Plasma State

Gas is hot enough so that high energy collisions

produce free electrons
 -
A A  e

Plasma may only be a few % electrons

Ionisation Process
Conduction of Current in the Arc

Electrons Emitted
Ionization Free

T>10,000K Recombination

Anode Neutral
Gas Atom

Electrons Absorbed

Ionisation Process

The electric arc

 Electric discharge between two
Peak electrodes through a gaseous
- Cathode medium
18,000 K drop zone  1 to 2000 amps at 10 to 50 V
arc voltage
 Column of ionised gas at high
drop zone temperature
 Forces stiffen the arc column
 Transfer of molten metal from
electrode to workpiece
+  Can have a cleaning action,
breaking up oxides on

Arc Characteristics
Volt – ampere characteristic for GTAW arc with
three different electrodes
Arc Characteristics
TIG, 100 A, 14 atmosphere arc
20 Argon,
Arc Voltage [ Volts ]


1 atmosphere arc

1 2 3 4 5
Arc Length [ mm ]

Arc Characteristics
Arc Characteristics




Arc Characteristics
• Located between Anode and Cathode Fall.
• Due to higher temp. molecular gases get
• Higher the temperature greater will be the degree
of dissociation.
• At still higher temp. due to intense collisions,
atom loses an electron. This stage is known as
• Composed of neutral and charged particles.
Arc Characteristics
Dissociation Energy of Some Gases

Gas Dissociation energy (eV)

Hydrogen 4.48
Nitrogen 9.76
Oxygen 5.08
Carbon monoxide 11.11
Carbon dioxide 16.56
Arc Characteristics


• Electrically Neutral.
• Electrically conductive.
• Shallow potential gradient [10 V/cm].
•Thermal equilibrium exists.
Arc Characteristics
Ionization Energy of Some Gases
Element Ionisation energy Element Ionisation energy
(eV) (eV)

H 13.53 P 10.9
H2 15.60 A 15.68
He 24.50 K 4.32
C 11.22 Ca 6.09
CO 14.10 Ti 6.81
CO2 14.40 Mn 7.41
N 14.48 Fe 7.83
N2 15.51 Ni 7.61
O 13.55 Cu 7.68
F 17.34 Zn 9.36
Na 5.12 Zr 6.92
Mg 7.61 Sn 7.30
Si 8.12 W 8.10
Arc Characteristics
Temperature of the arc column
• Ionisation potential of the gas.
e.g., He : 24.5 eV, Ar : 15.8 eV.
• Metallic Vapour. e.g., 7.8 eV for Fe.
MIG : 7000° K
TIG : 10,000° K

Arc column temp. determines many properties of the

• Degree of dissociation.
• Degree of ionisation.
Degree of thermal ionisation for O2 and N2 at 1ata.
Arc Characteristics
Anode Fall Region

Transition region

Sheath edge

Anode fall

• Contraction Zone [ Anod spot ].

• Anode fall.
• Negative space charge.
Arc Characteristics
Anode Fall

• Large temperature gradient.

• Charge density.
• High electric field [ 105 V/cm ].
• High gas flow velocity.
Arc Characteristics
Cathode Fall
• Very large temperature gradient exists [10 7 °K/m]
• Electrons & heavy particles have separate and quickly
changing temperatures.
• The temp. of neutral gas components fall from the plasma
temperature to the electrode temp. over a distance of 1µm.
• To maintain the arc current in this region charge generator
must occur.
Arc Characteristics
Cathode Fall
• High electric field exists adjacent to the cathode.
• This field accelerates the +ve ions from the arc to the cathode
• KE gained from ions is transferred by collision to cathode,
thereby raising cathode temp.
• In Tungsten it is possible to raise the temp. to a level whereby
thermionic emission occurs.
• In MIG welding the electrode material vaporises before
sufficiently high temp is reached for the current to be generated
by thermionic emission.
Arc Characteristics
Thermionic Emission

• Ion bombardment provide electrons from the

conduction band of metal with enough energy
to escape the metal surface.
• This is thermionic emission and it depends on
metal temp. & Work Function Ø according
Richardson-Dushman law.
Arc Characteristics
Cathode fall region
Thermionic emission:
Richrdson-Dushmann law:
J = AT2 exp. [ e /kT ]

T x 103 K J [ A/ mm2 ]

3 1.5 x 10-1
BP of Fe Max
4 3.5 x 101
5 4.4 x 102 for Fe
6 6.0 x 103 For W
BP of W
Arc Characteristics

Field Emission

• Very high Electric Fields can produce electron

emission from a surface.
• Such fields may be generated by the distribution
of ions in the cathode fall [OR]
• Electric field formed by charging oxide layers by
+ve ion bombardment.
• The electron current is given by Fowler Nordheim
Arc Characteristics

Field Emission
Fowler-Nordheim Eqn.
J = C.E2 .exp.( -D/E )
E is the electric field
D = 7 x 109 x 3/2 x F
F = 1 to 14 x 10 –10 E/ 2
Arc Stability

• TIG arc is normally stable being a non-

consumable process.
• GMAW arc is intrinsically unstable due to
wire melting and metal transfer mechanism.
Arc Stability
Cyclogrammes for GMAW Short arc process –
[CO2, I = 90A, V= 21 Volts]
Arc Stability
Cyclogrammes for GMAW Spray arc process –
[CO2, I = 420A, V= 34 Volts]
Arc Stability
Cyclogrammes for GMAW Short arc process –
[Ar/CO2, I = 90A, V= 21 Volts]
Arc Stability
Cyclogrammes for GMAW Short arc process –
[Ar/CO2, I = 420A, V= 34 Volts]
Measuring set-up for PS Evaluation




COAX 2 2

Analysator Hannover XV
 To measure and
calculate the PDDs of
the transient welding
voltage and current
signals during a
welding process
 CFDs of the process
Each welding process has its own
time signals are
characteristic (“fingerprint”)
derived from the
PDDs and CFDs.
transient welding
Time Analysis / Random Variables
Evaluation of Consumables

Evaluation of
Electrodes for
Evaluation of Consumables
Evaluation of wires
Current PDDs for F2_266 11, …, F2_266_20
 Uniform

 Cyclically

 Three well
defined Peaks

 Smooth
[Inert and Active]
Shielding Gases and Their Effect on
Arc Characteristics
• The job of the shielding gas is to protect the
weld pool from ATMOSPHERIC contamination,
which can cause porosity and defects in the
• The shielding gas is a pathway for the welding
arc and will help in the starting and running of
the welding arc.
An Inert Gas.
1) Better arc starting
2) Good cleaning action
3) Lower arc voltage
4) Low gas flows needed.
An Inert Gas.
1) Faster travel
2) Better penetration
3) Higher arc voltages
Ionisation potential of shielding gases
Arc voltage characteristics of argon and helium
Shielding gas selection
Shielding gas selection
Shielding gas selection
Shielding gases
• The normal gas for TIG welding is argon (Ar).
• Helium (He) can be added to increase penetration and fluidity
of the weld pool.
• Argon or argon/helium mixtures can be used for welding all
• In some cases nitrogen (N2) and/or hydrogen (H2) can be
added in order to achieve special properties. For instance, the
addition of hydrogen gives a similar, but much stronger effect
as adding helium. However, hydrogen additions should not be
used for welding martensitic, ferritic or duplex grades.
• Alternatively, if nitrogen is added, the weld deposit properties
of nitrogen alloyed grades can be improved.
• Oxidizing additions are not used because these destroy the
tungsten electrode.
Root Protection
• A perfect welding result, without impairment of corrosion
resistance and mechanical properties, can only be obtained when
using a backing gas with very low oxygen content. For best results, a
maximum of 20 ppm O2 at the root side can be tolerated.
• This can be achieved with a purging setup and can be controlled
with a modern oxygen meter.
• Pure argon is by far the most common gas for root protection of
stainless steels. Formier gas (N2 + 5 - 12% H2) is an excellent
alternative for conventional austenitic steels. The gas contains an
active component, H2, which brings down the oxygen level in the
weld area.
• Nitrogen can be used for duplex steels in order to avoid nitrogen
loss in the weld metal. The purity of the gas used for root protection
should be at least 99.995%.
• When gas purging is impractical root flux can be an alternative.
Shielding gas comparison
in TIG Welding
Recommended gas flow rates
Recommended gas flow rates
Effect of Shielding Gases in TIG

Current 150 A DCSP, Arc length 4 mm,

Weld speed 15 cm/min
Shielding gases Used in GMAW
• Argon,
• Helium and
• Carbon dioxide.
• Also gas mixtures of these three.
• Argon and Helium are used principally in welding
of light alloys, nickel, copper and reactive
• Helium has a higher ionization potential than
argon, providing larger weld pools, but is more
• Carbon dioxide is an active gas and is used in
welding of carbon steels. It produces high levels
of spatter but provides high penetration depth.
Binary gas mixtures used in GMAW
Binary mixtures are:
• Argon/carbon dioxide (up to 20% CO ), 2

• argon/oxygen (up to 5% O ) and


• argon/helium (up to 75% He).

• The first is used in the welding of carbon and low alloy steels.
• The second is used in stainless steels and
• The third is used in nonferrous materials.
The addition of oxygen or carbon dioxide to argon stabilizes the
welding arc and changes the bead shape.
The objective of adding helium to argon is to increase heat input and
consequently welding speed, but also to reduce the incidence of weld
Ternary gas mixtures used in GMAW

The most common ternary mixtures are:

• argon/oxygen/carbon dioxide, used in welding of
carbon steels.
• argon/helium/carbon-dioxide and argon/carbon-
dioxide/hydrogen, used in welding stainless steels.
• Ternary mixtures are intended for improving weld bead
profile, increasing tolerance to material contamination
and promoting higher travel speeds.
• Carbon dioxide is chemically active.
• Has a higher density than air.
• Dissociate in the arc to release oxygen and carbon
monoxide and this can result in a reduction in the weld
metal content of elements such as silicon, manganese
and titanium and an increase in carbon.
• Because of its chemical activity its use is restricted to
GMAW welding of steel.
• The arc voltage is 1–2 V higher in CO2 (for an
equivalent current and arc length) than that found in
argon-based mixtures and the heat input is slightly
higher resulting in increased fusion.
• Transfer behaviour, operating tolerances and arc
stability are generally poor, especially at high currents.
• Oxygen is not used as a shielding medium,
but is an important constituent of many gas
• When added to argon it improves arc stability,
reduces the surface tension of steel and
improves arc root behaviour.
• The reduced surface tension improves metal
transfer and bead shape.
• Hydrogen increases the arc voltage and heat
input when mixed with argon.
• Its use is usually restricted to the GTAW and
plasma processes, and to materials that do not
suffer any adverse chemical or physical changes
in its presence.
• Its chemically reducing properties may be used
to advantage on austenitic stainless steels where
it promotes wetting and produces improved weld
bead finish.
Effect of shielding gases on GMAW

In GMAW Shielding gases have an effect on:

• Arc stability,
• Metal transfer mode,
• Weld bead shape and
• Wire melting rate.
Arc Characteristics

V-I characteristics for GMA welding for various gases.

Handling & storage of gases.
• Gas cylinders come in several sizes and fill
pressures of the order of 300 bar.
• Therefore they need careful handling, storage
and use.
• Some cylinders can weigh in the region of
How to move the cylinder
• Close the cylinder valves, remove the regulator and
replace the valve protection cap and hand-tight before
moving a cylinder.
• Move cylinders with appropriate trolleys.
• secure the cylinders in an upright position.
• Use proper lifting cradles or a suitable platform when
hoisting cylinders by a crane, derrick, or other hoisting
• Call the supplier to remove leaky cylinders immediately.
• Secure cylinders in an upright position when cylinders are
transported by motor vehicle.
How to move the cylinder
• Do not lift a cylinder by the valve cap.
• Never sling with ropes or chains or lift with electromagnets.
• Do not drag, slide, or drop cylinders. They can be rolled for
short distances on their base.
• Do not allow the cylinders to strike each other violently.
• Never place cylinders on their sides as rollers to move
• Do not lay acetylene cylinders on their sides. If an acetylene
tank has accidentally been left on its side, set it upright for at
least one hour before it is used.
• Do not try to refill a cylinder or mix gases in a cylinder.
Cylinder handling
When one should “crack” the cylinder
• Before attaching the regulator, wipe clean the valve outlet
with a clean cloth free of oil and lint and "crack" a secured
cylinder by opening the valve slightly then closing it
immediately to blow out dust or dirt from the valve outlet.
• Use two hands on the valve and stand at the side of the
valve - never stand directly in front of or behind the valve

• Do not crack fuel gas cylinders due to the chance for the
gas to ignite by friction, heating, or other ignition sources.
• Never crack hydrogen cylinders since the release of
compressed hydrogen may ignite by itself
What one should do with the empty cylinder
• Mark them as "Empty cylinder" and store empty
cylinders away from full cylinders.
• Return empties to the supplier.
• Remove regulators when not in use and store these
away from grease and oil.
• Put protective caps on the fittings when in storage.
• Keep cylinders and fittings from becoming contaminated
with oil, grease or dust.
• Do not use a cylinder that is not identified or if the label
is not legible.
• The colours of industrial gas cylinders are not
Avoid doing
• Do not use a cylinder as an electrical ground
• Do not fasten cylinders to a work table or to
structures where they could become part of an
electrical circuit.
• Do not strike an arc on a cylinder.
• Do not use a flame or boiling water to thaw a
frozen valve. Valves or cylinders may contain
fusible plugs which can melt at temperatures
below the boiling point of water. Warm water is
Avoid doing
• Do not store cylinders in unventilated enclosures such as
lockers or cupboards.
• Do not use full or empty cylinders as rollers or supports.
• Do not use a cylinder for any purpose other than to
contain the gas for which the cylinder was designed.
• Do not place acetylene cylinders in a horizontal position.
• Do not accept compressed gas cylinders from the
supplier unless they are properly labeled and have
protective valve caps in place.
Basic cylinder safety advice
• Store oxygen cylinders and fuel gas cylinders
• Indoors, separate oxygen from fuel gas cylinders by at
least 6.1 m, or by a wall at least 1.5 m high with a
minimum half-hour fire resistance. (From: CSA W117.2-
12 "Safety in welding, cutting and allied processes“.)
• Cylinders must also be separated away from flammable
and combustible liquids and from materials that easily
ignite (such as wood, paper, oil, grease, etc.) by similar
requirements as oxygen cylinders (6.1 m, or a fire wall
at least 1.5 m high with ½ hr fire resistance)
Basic Cylinder Safety Advice
• Always wear appropriate hand and foot protection when moving
or transporting cylinders.
• When transporting cylinders, always have an appropriate
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) available and be familiar with
the properties of the particular gas you are transporting.
• Always secure cylinders while transporting and wherever
possible, transport them upright and in an open vehicle.
• If transporting cylinders in an enclosed vehicle, always ensure
you have adequate ventilation, i.e. an open window.
• If you suspect a cylinder has developed a leak during transport,
park the vehicle in a safe place with the windows down and
telephone the agent or the supplier for advice.
IS 4379: Identification of contents of industrial
gas cylinders

• Argon : Peacock blue

• CO2 : Black [Aluminum band]
• Helium: Middle Brown
• Oxygen : Black
• Nitrogen: French Grey [Black Band]
• Hydrogen: Signal red
Influence of the welding parameters on
the weld bead morphology.
Welding Parameters Secondary Adjustable
Preselected [Fixed]: Variables
• Electrode type.
• Type of current. • Travel angle
• Type of shielding gas. • Electrode extension
• Electrode taper angle. • Work
Primary adjustable Variables:
• Current
• Voltage/Arc length
• Welding Speed
• Torch Angle
Weld Bead Morphology

• Penetration
• Bead width
• Bead height
• Wetting angle
• Dilution
Type of Tungsten electrode
• Type of Tungsten electrode depends on the type of parent metal
& specific application.
• pure tungsten electrodes are widely used for AC welding of
aluminum and magnesium because they do not disintegrate as fast
with alternating current, and are the least expensive.
• The thoriated tungsten electrodes are more expensive but are
preferred for many applications because of the higher current
carrying capacity, longer life, easier starting, more stable arc, and
greater resistance to contamination.
• Zirconium tungsten electrodes generally have properties that fall
somewhere in the middle. Zirconium electrodes often give the best
characteristics with alternating current and are used to give x-ray
quality welds in aluminum and magnesium.
Electrode size
• The size of the electrode used will depend on the
intended welding current range:
• For all types of tungsten electrodes, in addition to the
electrode diameter, the current-carrying capacity is affected
by the electrode extension, type of electrode holder, type of
shielding gas, and type of welding current.
• Larger electrodes will allow higher welding currents.
• For a given welding current setting, you will need to use a
larger electrode when using direct current electrode positive.
• For a given size of electrode, direct current electrode
negative will be able to carry the largest amount of current.
• Larger electrodes are generally used for welding thicker
metal, very small electrodes may be used for welding very
thin sheet metal.
Current ranges for Tungsten electrodes
[AWS A5.12]
Type of welding current
Depends primarily on:
• the type of metal to be welded,
• the current levels required, and
• the availability of a machine that produces
that type of welding current.
Effect of Type of Welding Current
Type of welding current
• DCEP is often used for welding thin aluminum and
magnesium parts. It is popular for these
applications because the cathodic cleaning action
created at the surface of the workpiece removes the
refractory oxide surface that inhibits wetting of the

• DCEP also provides shallow penetration and has a

low current-carrying capacity because of the high
amount of heat that builds up on the electrode.
Since this heat buildup can cause electrode
melting, using DCEP is limited to welding thin
materials at low current levels.
Type of welding current
• DCEN is used to obtain deep penetrating welds and
is the most common type of current used for
welding metals other than aluminum and
• For aluminum and magnesium, alternating current
with a superimposed high frequency current is most
commonly used.
• This type of current provides good oxide cleaning
when the electrode is positive and good penetration
when the electrode is negative.
• Overall, alternating current gives moderate
penetration and is the second choice of current type
on most other metals.
Type of shielding gas
• Argon is the most common type of shielding gas
used in TIG and can be used for most
• Argon will give less penetration and heat input
than helium but is less expensive to use because
it requires lower flow rates, produces the least
spatter, and costs less.
• It provides a smoother, quieter, arc action, better
cross-draft resistance, and an easier starting arc.
• Argon is used exclusively on thin metals because
the high heat input of helium causes melt-through.
Type of shielding gas
• Helium gives a hotter arc and more heat input
into the base metal, which produces deeper
penetration and allows faster travel speeds. It is
used especially for welding thick sections, for
metals with high heat conductivity, and for high-
speed mechanized applications.
• Mixtures of argon/helium are used to obtain a
balance between the characteristics of these two
gases. Using helium instead of argon allows to
use lower welding currents and produces higher
arc voltages for a given arc length.
Electrode Taper Angle

• This variable applies only to thoriated

tungsten electrodes. These are ground to a
tip to give better arc starting with high
frequency ignition and a more stable arc.
• The grinding wheel should be reserved for
grinding only tungsten to eliminate possible
contamination of the tungsten tip with foreign
matter during the grinding operation.
Electrode taper angle
• The most common taper angle is approximately 22°.
• The degree of taper affects the bead shape and
• Increasing the taper angle tends to reduce the bead
width and increase the weld penetration.
• Smaller taper angles tend to wear away electrode
quicker, especially on starts where the tip of the
electrode is touched to the work.
• To reduce the erosion and the number of regrinds,
use a larger taper angle.
• Regardless of the electrode tip geometry selected, it
is important to use a consistent taper angle once a
Primary adjustable variable

All of the following help determine the current:

• type of electrode
• size of the electrode
• type of welding current
• position
• joint design
• metal thickness
• current range of the machine
Effect of Current on Bead Morphology

Keeping other parameters constant, increasing

• Increases penetration.
• Size of the weld bead.
Excessive weld current can result in:
Excessive penetration.
Irregular bead.
Primary adjustable variable
[Welding speed]
Keeping the other variables constant, increasing
the travel speed:
• will reduce the size of the weld bead and
decrease the amount of penetration.
Excessive travel speed will result in:
• Too small weld bead.
• Poor penetration.
• Irregular bead shape.
Primary adjustable variable
[Arc Length]

• Arc length has a direct effect on the welding voltage. Increasing

the arc length will increase the arc voltage.
• Excessive arc length will produce an irregular weld bead with poor
penetration. Further the shielding gas may not provide enough
protection, which could cause porosity and a discolored weld
• Too short an arc can cause the danger of electrode contamination
because the welder is more likely to dip the end of the electrode
in the weld puddle. Another problem is a higher heat buildup on
the tungsten electrode and the torch nozzle because they are
closer to the weld puddle. This reduces the service life of the
(ISO,CEN and National)
Standards (ISO,CEN and National) for
shielding gases.
• ISO 14175: Welding consumables - Gases and
gas mixtures for fusion welding and allied
• AWS A5.32: Specification for welding shielding
Specification for welding Shielding gases AWS A5.32

A-Argon C- CO2 H- Hydrogen N- Nitrogen
He-Helium O-Oxygen

SG – BXYZ - % / % / %
SG – Shielding gas
B – Base gas
XYZ – Minor individual gas indicators in decreasing
order of %.
% - Percentage designator.
AWS A5.32
SG – BX - % 2 Component mix.
SG – BXY - % / % 3 Component mix.
SG – BXYZ - % / % / % 4 Component mix.

Typical Classifications:
SG – AC – 25 SG – HeA – 25
SG – AO - 2 SG – ACO – 8/2
SG – AHe – 10
SG – AH - 5
Purities and dew points of gases and gas mixtures
(BS EN 439:1994)
Group Purity Dew point at 1.013 bar Moisture
% by vol min. C max. p.p.m max
R 99.95 -50 40

I 99.99 -50 40

M1 99.70 -50 40
[He > 0 –33]
M2 99.70 -44 80
[He > 33 - 66]
C 99.70 -35 200

R – Reducing gas mixtures. I – Inert gases and inert mixtures

M- Oxidizing mixture containing oxygen, CO2 or both.
Properties of Gases [ISO 14175]
Properties of Gases [ISO 14175]
Classification of shielding gases
• Table-2 classifies into groups the various component/composition
combinations of shielding gases according to their reaction behaviour.

• The symbols used for classification groups are:

– R: reducing gas mixtures;
– I: inert gases and inert mixtures;
– M: oxidizing mixtures containing oxygen, carbon dioxide or both;
– C: highly oxidizing gas and highly oxidizing mixtures;
– F: unreactive gas or reducing gas mixtures.

• Where components not listed in table 2 are added to one of these

classifications it is designated as a special gas mixture and carries the
prefix S. Details of the S designation are given in clause 4.
Classification of shielding gases for welding
• Shielding gases shall be designated by the term “shielding
gases”, reference to this International Standard, group and
identification number according to table 2.
• EXAMPLE 1: A gas mixture containing 30 % helium, and
balance of argon is designated: Shielding gas IS0 14175 - I3
• EXAMPLE 2: A gas mixture containing 10 % carbon dioxide,
3 % oxygen and balance of argon is designated: Shielding
gas IS0 14175 - M24
If argon is partly replaced by helium, the helium content is
designated by an additional identification number, see
table 3. This identification number is added in
parentheses as a suffix.
• EXAMPLE 3: A gas mixture M21 containing 25 % helium is
designated: Shielding gas IS0 14175 - M21 (1)
Special gases shall be designated by the prefix S
followed by the base gas or mixture symbol as in table
2, followed by the percent concentration by volume
and chemical formula of the additional gases.
• S (designation) + % chemical symbol
• EXAMPLE 4: A special gas mixture containing 10 %
carbon dioxide, 3 % oxygen and balance of argon,
designation M24, but also containing 2,5 % neon is
• Shielding gas IS0 14175 - S M24 + 2,5 Ne
Identification numbers for gases in
Groups R and M containing Helium.
Tolerance of mixtures

• For component concentrations up to 5 % (V/V) the

permissible deviation shall not exceed + or - 0,5 %
(V/V) from the specified value.
• For component concentrations of between 5 %
(V/V) and 50 % the concentration shall not vary by
more than +or - 10 % of the specified value.
Purities and dew points of gases and gas mixtures
Forms of supply

• Shielding gases are supplied in the gaseous or

liquid state either as single gas or gas mixture.
• Where gas mixtures are prepared on site from
individual gases, the mixing system shall be
designed and maintained such that the tolerance
and the purity specified in clauses 5 and 6 can
be achieved and maintained.
Gas cylinders
• With the exception of carbon dioxide, all the gases
and gas mixtures listed in table 2 are fully in the
gaseous state when supplied in gas cylinders.

• The gas cylinders for the gases listed in table 2 are

filled to a stated volume and pressure as indicated by
the supplier.
• The actual pressure will vary with the ambient
temperature, e.g. the pressure of argon (II) will vary
as in figure 1.

• Suitable regulators shall be fitted to the gas cylinder

before use.
• Liquefied gases will be supplied as low
temperature (cryogenic) liquids in insulated tanks
or, in the case of carbon dioxide, as a liquid at
ambient temperature in gas cylinders.
• Before use liquefied gases supplies have to be
converted into the gaseous state.
• In order to produce gas mixtures from liquefied
gases, the liquids have to be converted to the
gaseous state prior to mixing.
• Argon-oxygen mixtures can also be stored pre-
mixed as a liquid without using a mixer for the

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