Economics Ia Orientation

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Internal Assessment
What is Internal Assessment?
• IA is an integral part of Economics
• Enables to demonstrate the
application of the knowledge of
Economic theory to real world
situations without the time
constraints of written examinations.
Purpose of Internal Assessment

• To fill the gap as the final exams are written at the end
of two years.
• Motivates the learning process.
• To follow up aspects of economics in which students
are interested.
• To focus on international issues or issues related to own
• It serves as a natural part of syllabus activities.
Assessments Internal HL / SL

Portfolio 3 Commentaries

• HL worth 20% of final mark

• SL worth 30% of final mark.

Good portfolio improves the overall

grade level.
Extracts for commentary
• A suitable current article concerned with
real economic matters will be the best.
• Extracts must be drawn from three
different sources.
• Can be from newspaper, magazines,
journals, world wide web [internet] .
• Cannot be from television or radio
• From internet , news media websites are
the only appropriate sources.
Extracts for commentary

• Preferred current articles, the gap

between date of the article
published and date of the
commentary written should not be
more than 1 year.
• If different sources are not used for
each commentary then three marks
will be lost under criterion F.
• Extracts may be of any length but if
they are excessively long then specific
areas of the extract which is selected
for the discussion must be highlighted
or underlined.
• It is better to select such an extract
which is neither too short nor too long
and which gives you scope to
demonstrate your understanding of
economic theory.
• Each commentary should have a key
• Apply relevant theory i.e. link the
extract with the economic theory
studied .
• Do not summarize the article .
• Make good use of diagrams and try
to reach a balanced conclusion.
A good commentary

• Explains the linkages between the extract

and an economic theory taken from the
section of the syllabus on which the
commentary is based.
• Demonstrates economic insights into the
implications of the extract i.e. provides
evidence to evaluate current events from
economist point of view.
Guide lines

• Commentaries must be typed and the

style of presentation must be common to
• Common font (Times New Roman, 12),
common style of heading , common size of
print .
• Portfolio must be written by keeping the
internal assessment criteria in mind.
Guide lines
• Each commentary must not exceed 800 words.
• If any commentary is outside the word limit then marks are
lost in criterion A.
The following are not included in the word count.
• Diagrams
• Labels—of five words or fewer
• Headings on diagrams—of 10 words or fewer
• Tables of statistical data
• Equations, formulae and calculations
• Citations (which, if used, must be in the body of the commentary)
• References (which, if used, must be in the footnotes/endnotes)
• Definitions used should show thorough
understanding of the terms
• Diagrams must be drawn neatly and labeled
properly with proper explanation.
• Keep margins and enough space for diagrams
• Each diagrams must be numbered and given a
title and a reference must be made in the
• Indent first lines and separate paragraphs with
double spacing.
• Commentary must be given a title.
• Foot numbers must be written at the end of the
• Every criterion should be demonstrated in every
• Conclusions are important.
• Number of words must be indicated at the end of
the commentary.

On each commentary students must record:

• the title of the article
• the source of the article (including date of access to
the site if from the internet)
• the date the article was published
• the date the commentary was written
• the word count of the commentary
• the section of the syllabus to which the article relates.
• Select an article from any source .
• Make a list of economic concepts covered in the
article .
• Make a list of diagrams that can be covered to
explain the economic concepts in the article.
• List all the facts and statistics mentioned in the
• Explain the article in your own words by making
use of economic terms .
• Remember to write your evaluation.
• Commentary writing must be such that it enables a
layman to understand about the article.

• Analysis implies application of the

• Evaluation implies a judgment of a
and an application of the theory to a
given situation, with an awareness
that the theory may not provide an
accurate description.
How to reference
• References for articles used in the commentary
• References for information from the internet
• References to materials ( books articles
websites) used in the body text of the
Author title (Edition, Publisher, Place, Year),page
E.g. John Sloman, Economics ( 4th edition ,
Prentice Hall, London 2000) p.323.
Checklist before submitting the

1. On each commentary have you noted the

following on the coversheet
• title of the extract
• source of the extract
• date of the extract
• word count of the commentary
• date the commentary was written
• section of the syllabus to which the
commentary relates
Checklist before submitting the

• Have you checked that each extract is

from a different source
• Have you kept a second copy of your
extracts and commentaries for your file.
• Have you checked the overall style of
• Have you put your portfolio in a suitable
folder .
IA Portfolio coversheet

School Code Name of the school

Candidate Number Candidate Name

Commentary Date article Date Different and Section of the Number of

number published Commentary appropriate syllabus the words
written sources article relates to

Internal Assessment Coversheet
School Code Name of the school

Candidate Name
Candidate Number
Title of the article
Source of the article
Date the article was published
Date the commentary was written
Word count (750 words maximum)
Section of the syllabus the article Section 1: Microeconomics
relates to (Please tick the one that is Section 2: Macroeconomics
most relevant Section 3: International Economics
Section 4: Development Economics
Internal Assessment Criterion

Criteria A Diagrams 3 Marks

Criteria B Terminology 2 Marks

Criteria C Application 2 Marks

Criteria D Analysis 3 Marks

Criteria E Evaluation 4 Marks

Criteria F Rubric Requirements For all commentaries

3 Marks
Best of Luck

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