Surgical Skin Preparation
Surgical Skin Preparation
Surgical Skin Preparation
The following are Recommended Standards of
Practice related to skin prep in the perioperative
setting. The skin prep is part of the daily patient
care in the O.R.
The majority of surgical site infections (SSIs) are
caused by the entry of the patient’s own microbial
flora into the surgical wound. Since the patient’s
skin cannot be sterilized, skin prep is performed.
Skin prep aids in preventing SSIs by removing
debris from, and cleansing, the skin, bringing the
resident and transient microbes to an irreducible
minimum, and hindering the growth of microbes
during the surgical procedure.
1. To reduce the resident and transient
microbial counts at the surgical site
immediately prior to making the
surgical incision.
2. To minimize rebound microbial
growth during the intraoperative and
postoperative period.
3. To reduce the risk of post surgical
site infection.
4. To prevent injury to the patient
during surgical skin preparation.
Many surgeons prefer to have their HAIR REMOVAL –carried out per surgeon’s
order, whether on the preoperative unit or in
bathe with antimicrobial soap the the OR as close to the scheduled time for
morning of the surgical procedure. surgical procedure as possible.
CLIPPERS –electric clippers with fine teeth cut
hair close to the skin. Clipping can be done
immediately before the surgical procedure or
* The up to 24 hours preoperatively.
perioperative nurse should assess the DEPILATORY CREAM –hair can be removed by
chemical depilation before the patient comes
patient’s skin before, during and to the OR suite. This should not be used
after the prepping process. around the eyes or genitalia. After the cream
has remained on the skin for the required
time, usually about 20 min, it is washed off.
* Abnormal skin irritation, infection, The hair comes off in the cream.
or abrasion on or near the surgical RAZOR –shaving should be performed as near
the time of incision as possible if this method
site might be a contraindication to is used.
the surgical procedure and is SKIN DEGREASING –it is used to enhance
reported to the surgeon. adhesion of ECG or other electrodes.
UMBILICUS : some surgeons prefer the umbilicus to be
cleaned with cotton-tipped swabs before the main incision.
`STOMA :should be
isolated with a sterile clear plastic adhesive dressing to
prevent fecal material from entering the wound..
E. Skin prep
(1) Prep parameters