MIL Class: Dia Divina B. Tabada

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MIL Class
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Materials Needed for Class

Notebooks – for note taking

Paper – for activities
1. Discuss the implication of media
and information to an individual and
the society (MELC).
Be mindful of others.
2. Synthesizes the overall implication
Raise your hand if you want to talk.
of media and information to an
Stand when reciting.
individual (personal, professional,
educational) and the society as a
whole (economic, social, political,
and educational). (MIL11/12CFT-IIIi-
A. True or False: Write True if the statement is correct otherwise write False.
__________1. The media force feeds information to unwilling receivers.
__________2. Media and information literate individuals actively participate in
__________ 3. Communication between media and information literate individuals
have become more complicated.
__________ 4. Media and information literate individuals are in total disconnect to
the world.
__________ 5. IT based jobs needed in the media.
__________ 6. Creation of jobs is the media’s role in economy.
__________ 7. Only paid online content generates income.
__________ 8. Critical thinking is a skill necessary to become a media
and information literate individual False.
__________ 9. Media and information have re-made the learning
__________ 10. Media and information literate individuals enjoy an
improved quality of life.
__________ 11. Deconstructing media messages is a critical skill in our media-saturated culture, as it
helps you cut through the noise and reach your own conclusions
__________ 12. A young learner today has access to a very interesting and challenging world of
experience to explore.
__________ 13. You should look beneath the surface and don’t ask questions to decode what these
media messages are really saying.
__________ 14. The Internet is an incredible resource for news and information, but unfortunately
not everything online is trustworthy.
___________ 15. Fake articles can be difficult to spot at first, which is why it’s good to develop a
habit of checking the accuracy of any article you read.
Concept and Definitions

To become a media literate is not to memorize facts or statistics about

the media but rather to learn, to raise the right questions about what
you are watching, reading, or listening to and to be Information
Literate a person must be able to recognize when information is needed
& have the ability to locate, evaluate those information.
Concept and Definitions
The increased use of digital media is changing people’s everyday lives
and the way they connect and collaborate in the broader societal
context, at work and in civil society. Much of the impact of this
heightened use is beneficial to both individuals and society. It is
enabling unprecedented levels of communication, social interaction and
community building across boundaries of time, place and social
Concept and Definitions
The Media and Information Literate Individual enables
people to interpret and make informed judgments as users
of information and media, as well as to become skillful
creators and producers of information and media messages
in their own right. Media and information improve quality
of life.
Media and information literate
individual capable of doing and

1. Attract greater opportunities 5. Empower economic stability

and enhances the way of living. 6. Enhance business and career
2. Promote awareness on the opportunities
various dealings and activities 7. Encourages personal and
that impact the community and professional growth
society as a whole. 8. Develop communication skills
3. Liberate minds and develop 9. Improved learning
characters. environment
4. Increase political and social 10. Maximize more cohesive
participation social units
What are the advantages if
you are a media literate?

Increases the ability and proficiency of students to

communicate (express) and disseminate their thoughts and
ideas in a wide (and growing) range of print and electronic
media forms - and even international venues.
What are the advantages if
you are a media literate?

It is important to effectively access, organize, analyze,

evaluate, and create messages in a variety of forms. The
transformative nature of IML includes creative works and
creating new knowledge; to publish and collaborate
responsibly requires ethical, cultural and social
Unpacking Media
Who is the
source of the
who is responsible
How is it trying to
get your attention?

The obvious part of a

How could this
message be
The implied part of a
for a message can reveal its message is called the text,
true intention, as well as any message is called the
which includes any
possible bias. If the source language, imagery, music, subtext, and it’s
isn’t obvious, you can find it or anything else you can suggested by the
by following links or
see and hear. content rather than
checking legal disclaimers.
directly seen or heard.
Unpacking Media
Is the message
fair and
media may withhold
or exaggerate information,
like an ad that makes their
product appear more
effective than it really is.
Deconstructing media
messages is a critical skill
in our media-saturated
culture, as it helps you cut
through the noise and
reach your own
What is fake
The Internet is an incredible resource for news and information, but
unfortunately not everything online is trustworthy. Fake news is any
article or video containing untrue information disguised as a credible
news source. While fake news is not unique to the Internet, it has recently
become a big problem in today’s digital world.

Fake news typically comes from sites that In recent years, however, fake news has been
specialize in bogus or sensationalized stories. It responsible for a great deal of
tends to use provocative headlines, like "Celebrity misinformation because more and more
endorses not brushing teeth" or "Politician selling people have begun consuming and believing
toxic waste on the black market". These headlines these articles without bothering to fact check
can seem suspicious or even unbelievable to the or even read beyond the headlines. This
point of being silly, making it tempting to think of acceptance of incorrect information has led
fake news as harmless. to confusion, panic, and an inability to
discuss the actual facts surrounding current
What is fake
What is fake
How did fake news become such a problem?
Why do people write fake news?

A fake news article is designed to outrage Writers of fake news typically create it
and shock, causing some readers to
for one of two reasons: to fulfill a social
share it on Facebook, Twitter, or another
type of social media platform without
agenda, like angering a population
questioning it. Sharing the article exposes against a political opponent; or to earn
it to more people who may be outraged by advertising revenue through visits to
it, who also share it without question, their sites. Unfortunately, business is
and so on. This cycle continues until a booming.
sizeable number of people believe this
fake story is the truth.

What’s being done about it?

Online giants like Google and Facebook are attempting to crack
down on fake news by banning suspicious sites from advertising
on their platforms and asking users to report dishonest articles.
However, many critics feel that Google, Facebook, and other
online services still aren't doing enough.
How can I tell if an article is fake?
Fake articles can be difficult to spot at first, which is why it’s
good to develop a habit of checking the accuracy of any article
you read, especially ones you find through social media. Here
are some things you can do if you come across an article that
seems fishy:
1. Enter the keywords of the story into
a search engine and get a second
opinion from a credible news site with
verifiable sources.

2. Check the dates involved in the article. Fake news writers

sometimes take a real story from the past, put an outrageous
headline on it, and try to pass it off as a current event.
3. Find the source of the author’s
information for the article. Is the source

4. Does the website’s appearance look a little strange? Some

fake news sites mimic the appearance of legitimate news
sources, tricking the casual reader.
5. Take a look at the headlines of other stories
from the same website. Are most of them hard to
believe? Shocking? Inflammatory? If so,
You can also confirm information at fact-
question the website’s practices. checking sites like,, and These sources
specialize in fact checking and debunking
inaccurate stories and claims.

6. Is the article actually a joke? When we say fake news, we

aren’t talking about comedy sites like The Onion and Click
Hole, which write humorous stories based on current events.
They also reflect the quality of
national discourse and priorities.
Media in Nation

The electronic and print media are It has to be acknowledged that

indeed the most powerful tools in essentially the media reflects the
shaping the perceptions of societal norms and values. While it
individuals and nations about every can play a positive role in correcting
major national and international national values it is equally
issue. vulnerable to societal ills and
Media and As early as preschool, children are allowed to use
the computer as well as mobile phones. A

Information computer liberate individual knows the different

Improve Quality
applications available in the computer. However,
a child who does not even know how to read can

of Life play computer games.

There is no denying the extent of Doing research readings have

how the media and information age also become very convenient,
has drastically improved the lives of in the past, students have to
people. get permission from different
libraries to be able to avail of
books in other libraries.
Media and If you live a very busy life, even shopping
can be done online, you can view whatever

Information you need like clothes, shoes, gadgets, even

Improve Quality
cars. Make your order using credit card
and the items you ordered will be delivered

of Life at your doorstep.

You can plan your trips and vacation and

Looking for a job is easy, go to the
avail of discounts in the airlines through the
different job sites and find which job
internet. You pay your airline reservation
you are qualified. Prepare your letter of
through your credit card when you make the
application, resume, transcript of
reservation online and print the e-ticket
records, and other qualifications and
(electronic ticket) which you present at the
send them through e-mail to the
airport when you are ready to take your trip.
company you are applying to.
Greater Political
Political participation includes a
broad range of activities through
Some of the most common forms
of political participation are:
which people develop and express
their opinions on the world and how it 2.Protest
is governed and try to take part in 3. Public consultations
and shape the decisions that affect 4. Jury duty
their lives.
Greater Political
While these are some of the most •Volunteering for a campaign
common forms of political
participation, there are many
•Joining an activist or interest group
others. These include: •Holding a public official position
•Signing a petition •Occupying a building in an act of
•Writing a letter to a public official
•Blogging about a political issue
•Donating money to a cause •Committing a terrorist act
Better Economic
The media industry has
g r o
number on today’s infor wn in
age both in content and m at i o n With the availability of modern technology and the
in the new media information, many job opportunities are
workforce open to qualified young people who have the skills
and proficiency in English.
ro v ed
Im p g
ea r nin
L m en t
nv ir o n
Many believe that media and information have made learning
easy, accessible, and inexpensive.

Learning in schools meant understanding –or at least attempting

to- subjects for the sake of passing and getting good grades.
Media does not force feed information to unwilling receivers,
instead, media has made information sought after.
ro v e d
Im p g
ea r n in
L m e n t
nv ir o n
E A young learner today has access to a very interesting and
challenging world of experience to explore. Television now
offers cable connections that enable a learner to access
information of the different countries in the world with
translation in English.

Most schools are equipped with computers with Internet

connections. In some schools, they have an extra room beside
the library which has computers for student’s research use.
Most homes now have desktop computers, laptops, or computer
tablets with internet connections available from cable networks
and telephone companies.
ro v ed
Im p g
ea r nin
L m e n t
nv ir o n
E Learners from grade school, high school,
and college levels have access about media
and information both in school as well as in
their homes.
More Cohesive Social Units
The concept of unit cohesion
stems from a military concept of The media is said to have the power
bond soldiers have that makes to affect social change.
them more effective in working
together to complete a mission.

By keeping them informed, as well Since most families have mobile phones,
as connecting them in ways that they do away with the telephone landline
weren’t possible before, media and except when they have Internet connection
information literates become more through telephone lines which they pay
cohesive social units. monthly.
More Cohesive Social Units
With the new media, families who
are not living together and
children whose parents work People can also easily react to
abroad can communicate with one political, social, economic, even
another easily using SKYPE. religious issues thru Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter, and other Internet
applications. Distance is no longer a
big deal. No matter where you are
Information and warning regarding media and information are easily
typhoons and other possible emergencies accessible.
are easily communicated by government
agencies to different parts of the country or
even in other countries so people are able
to prepare in advance.
What’s More
Synthesize your learning by writing an essay
about the value and impact of being a media and
information literate individual to the global
community. Your essay must have a title, an
introduction, a body (1 main argument with 2
examples), and a conclusion with not less than 10
sentences. Refer to the rubric for grading.
Additional Resources
Photos or screenshots of relevant articles are
also effective in reinforcing a class lesson.

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