MIL Class: Dia Divina B. Tabada
MIL Class: Dia Divina B. Tabada
MIL Class: Dia Divina B. Tabada
MIL Class
with teacher
We lcome
Materials Needed for Class
Fake news typically comes from sites that In recent years, however, fake news has been
specialize in bogus or sensationalized stories. It responsible for a great deal of
tends to use provocative headlines, like "Celebrity misinformation because more and more
endorses not brushing teeth" or "Politician selling people have begun consuming and believing
toxic waste on the black market". These headlines these articles without bothering to fact check
can seem suspicious or even unbelievable to the or even read beyond the headlines. This
point of being silly, making it tempting to think of acceptance of incorrect information has led
fake news as harmless. to confusion, panic, and an inability to
discuss the actual facts surrounding current
What is fake
What is fake
How did fake news become such a problem?
Why do people write fake news?
A fake news article is designed to outrage Writers of fake news typically create it
and shock, causing some readers to
for one of two reasons: to fulfill a social
share it on Facebook, Twitter, or another
type of social media platform without
agenda, like angering a population
questioning it. Sharing the article exposes against a political opponent; or to earn
it to more people who may be outraged by advertising revenue through visits to
it, who also share it without question, their sites. Unfortunately, business is
and so on. This cycle continues until a booming.
sizeable number of people believe this
fake story is the truth.
Improve Quality
applications available in the computer. However,
a child who does not even know how to read can
Improve Quality
cars. Make your order using credit card
and the items you ordered will be delivered
By keeping them informed, as well Since most families have mobile phones,
as connecting them in ways that they do away with the telephone landline
weren’t possible before, media and except when they have Internet connection
information literates become more through telephone lines which they pay
cohesive social units. monthly.
More Cohesive Social Units
With the new media, families who
are not living together and
children whose parents work People can also easily react to
abroad can communicate with one political, social, economic, even
another easily using SKYPE. religious issues thru Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter, and other Internet
applications. Distance is no longer a
big deal. No matter where you are
Information and warning regarding media and information are easily
typhoons and other possible emergencies accessible.
are easily communicated by government
agencies to different parts of the country or
even in other countries so people are able
to prepare in advance.
What’s More
Synthesize your learning by writing an essay
about the value and impact of being a media and
information literate individual to the global
community. Your essay must have a title, an
introduction, a body (1 main argument with 2
examples), and a conclusion with not less than 10
sentences. Refer to the rubric for grading.
Additional Resources
Photos or screenshots of relevant articles are
also effective in reinforcing a class lesson.