Pressure Sores & Management
Pressure Sores & Management
Pressure Sores & Management
•Protein-calorie malnutrition,
•Microclimate (skin wetness caused by
sweating or incontinence).
•Diseases such as arteriosclerosis.
•Diseases that reduce the sensation / feeling in
the skin, such as paralysis or neuropathy.
•Temperature is also a very important factor.
•Moisture on the skin.
May be caused by inadequate perfusion
Results in ischemia
Leading to tissue necrosis or damage & cell
If untreated wound may be infected.
Determining Risk
By using the Braden Scale for Predicting
Pressure Ulcer Risk. The scale contains 6
areas of risk, sensory perception, immobility,
inactivity, moisture, nutrition, friction/shear.
Turning the patient every 2 hours day & night
Using special mattress
-Water bed
-Ripple mattress-alters pressure continuously
-Net bed
-Air fluidized bed- air pumped through sand medium
-Low air loss bed- air filled with different pressures
-Sheepskins – not suitable for incontinence
-Roho cushion
Physiotherapy – UST, UVR/IRR, LASER, Ice
massage, passive movements, friction massage,
stretching, strengthening.
Air fluidizer Roho cusion