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Lesson 12 Melody Writing

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Master Your Tbeory - DuIcIe HoIIand - Lesson 12
Homework: (MYT-Grade 3) CompIete Lesson 12
AIm: WrIte a Iour bar meIody to a gIven rbytbm
Irst Steps In WrItIng a MeIody
UsIng tbe IIrst IIve notes oI tbe scaIe
Wriic a mclody io iIc givcn firsi pIrasc. TIc sccond pIrasc musi
answcr iIc firsi. (4 lars in lcngiIi
TIc sccond pIrasc musi usc iIc noics of iIc firsi pIrasc.
TIc sccond pIrasc musi answcr iIc firsi and usc iIc samc rIyiIm or
somciIing closc. Add pIrasing.
TIc complcicd mclody musi sound lalanccd.
Irst Steps In WrItIng a MeIody
UsIng tbe wboIe scaIe
clodics may usc all iIc scalc dcgrccs from onc io cigIi.
TIc sccond Ialf may siari on iIc samc noic wIicI finisIcd iIc firsi
Ialf, lui ii docs noi Iavc io.
Usc iIc rIyiIm of lars onc and iwo or you may cpcrimcni wiiI a liiilc
Complcic iIc following four-lar mclody using scalc dcgrccs 1-8. End
on iIc ionic. arl pIrasing.
Irst Steps In WrItIng a MeIody
IntroducIng Leaps oI 3
an 4
clodics may movc up or down iIc scalc vcry frccly, flowing vcry
smooiIly in 2nds.
Dui iIcy sound morc inicrcsiing wIcn iIcy coniain a fcw lcaps sucI
as a 3
or 4
Noiicc iIc lcaps in iIis mclody.
TIc firsi pIrasc uscs lrolcn cIords, wIilc iIc sccond pIrasc
conirasis wiiI ii ly moving along iIc scalc. Fcpcaicd noics add
furiIcr variciy
Irst Steps In WrItIng a MeIody
IntroducIng Leaps oI 3
and 4
any mclodics Iavc iIis lalancc of lcaps and scalc movcmcni and
occasional rcpcaicd noics.
TIc iwo lar pIrasc lclow Ias a miiurc scalc movcmcni and lcaps.
Add an answcring pIrasc in iIc samc way.
Irst Steps In WrItIng a MeIody
BegInnIng on tbe medIant
pcning pIrascs may lcgin on a noic of iIc ionic iriad, raiIcr iIan
iIc ionic iisclf. TIc middlc noic of iIc iriad is iIc mcdiani or 3
dcgrcc of iIc scalc is a spccially good siariing poini. (dc io Joy
Complcic iIis mclody wIicI lcgins on iIc mcdiani.
Irst Steps In WrItIng a MeIody
Pbrases stretcbIng and octave
TIc following firsi pIrasc sircicIcs up an ociavc moving pasi iIc
dominani io iIc uppcr ionic. Add an answcring pIrasc io lring iIc
mclody lacl io iIc lowcr ionic wiiI onc or iwo lcaps on iIc way. Do
noi Iavc morc iIan iwo succcssivc lcaps in iIc samc dircciion, ai iIis
Irst Steps In WrItIng a MeIody
Tbe AnacrusIs
An anacrusis or up-lcai ai iIc lcginning of a mclody oficn involvcs a
lcap, cspccially from dominani io ionic, or from onc noic of iIc ionic
iriad io anoiIcr.
An answcring pIrasc may also lcgin wiiI an anacrusis io lalancc iIc
firsi pIrasc. You don'i Iavc io maicI ii wiiI a lcap.
Complcic iIis 2-lar pIrasc wIicI lcgins wiiI an anacrusis ly wriiing
an answcring pIrasc, maling four lars in all.
Irst Steps In WrItIng a MeIody
UsIng notes oI tbe domInant trIad
TIc opcning pIrasc may cnd NT on iIc dominani iriad iisclf lui on anoiIcr
noic of iIc dominani iriad.
TIc iIird or middlc noic of iIc dominani iriad is iIc lcading noic of iIc scalc so
DE VEFY CAFEFUL Iow you follow ii, ciiIcr ly STEP ADVE or STEP DELW or
you may lcap io anoiIcr noic of iIc samc dominani iriad.
Siudy iIc camplcs lclow.
Irst Steps In WrItIng a MeIody
UsIng notes oI tbe domInant trIad contInued.
Wriic an answcring pIrasc for iIc following.
Irst Steps In WrItIng a MeIody
6/S tIme (compound dupIe)
clodics in 618 iimc sccm io flow along spccially wcll lccausc of iIcir swaying,
rocling or galloping rIyiIm. Wriic an answcring pIrasc for cacI of iIc following,
coniinuing iIc cIaracicr of iIc opcning.
Irst Steps In WrItIng a MeIody
WrItIng a Iour-bar meIody to a gIven rbytbm
So far wc Iavc wriiicn 2-lar pIrascs io answcr iwo lars alrcady givcn, maling a
four-lar mclody.
Now wc arc going io composc iIc cniirc mclody, lasing ii on a givcn 4-lar
Irst Steps In WrItIng a MeIody
WrItIng a Iour-bar meIody to a gIven rbytbm contInued.
CADENCE PNTS. Four-lar rIyiIms oficn fall inio iwo 2-lar pIrascs.
TIc cnd of a pIrasc always suggcsis a lrcaiIing placc or cadcncc poini.
TIc firsi pIrasc of a 2-pIrasc mclody, oficn cnds on iIc dominani noic or a noic
of iIc dominani iriad, suggcsiing an impcrfcci cadcncc or Ialf-closc lilc a
TIc sccond pIrasc, musi cnd on iIc ionic, suggcsiing a pcrfcci cadcncc or full
closc, lilc a full siop.
Kccp iIis in mind wIcn composing mclodics wiiI maicIing pIrascs.
Irst Steps In WrItIng a MeIody
WrItIng a Iour-bar meIody to a gIven rbytbm contInued.
crc is a 4-lar rIyiIm wIicI falls inio iwo 2-lar pIrascs. n C major, wriic a
mclody io fii ii. Dcgin wiiI a ground plan ly planning iIc siariing and cnding
noics of cacI pIrasc. ovcmcni sIould lc mosily ly sicps lui you may wisI io
add an occasional lcap.
Irst Steps In WrItIng a MeIody
WrItIng a Iour-bar meIody to a gIven rbytbm contInued.
TIc sccond pIrasc may lcgin on iIc samc noic as iIc final noic of iIc firsi
pIrasc or on a noic a STEP alovc or lclow ii.
Wriic a mclody io fii iIc rIyiIm lclow in iIc major lcy indicaicd ly iIc lcy
Irst Steps In WrItIng a MeIody
SbapIng Iour-bar pbrases
A four-lar mclody may consisi of onc cniirc pIrasc, cadcncing only ai
iIc cnd.
SucI a pIrasc nccds io Iavc good sIapc, and noi io mcandcr up and
down ovcr iIc samc fcw noics.
i may risc io a clima and curvc lacl again iIus.
Irst Steps In WrItIng a MeIody
SbapIng Iour-bar pbrases contInued.
i may movc in a downward curvc and lacl again iIus.
i may curvc down iIcn up, or vicc vcrsa, lilc an S lying on iis sidc
Irst Steps In WrItIng a MeIody
SbapIng Iour-bar pbrases contInued.
i may lcgin fairly low in iIc scalc and iravcl up io iIc uppcr ionic.
i may dcsccnd from iIc uppcr ionic aiming io rcacI iIc lowcr onc.
Irst Steps In WrItIng a MeIody
SbapIng Iour-bar pbrases contInued.
n summary, mclodics musi Iavc varying sIapcs and iIcy always nccd
io Iavc a good scnsc of dircciion. TIcy sIould sound convincing wIcn
sung or playcd.
Irst Steps In WrItIng a MeIody
SbapIng Iour-bar pbrases contInued.
crc arc somc four-lar rIyiIms in singlc pIrascs. alc a mclody for cacI onc,
in iIc major lcy indicaicd ly iIc lcy signaiurc. Usc scalc movcmcnis and a fcw
lcaps, and iry for a good sIapc for cacI pIrasc.
Irst Steps In WrItIng a MeIody
AdvIce about Ieaps In meIody wrItIng
Lcaps of a 3
sound wcll, wIciIcr iIcy lc major or minor 3rds, onc alovc iIc
oiIcr maling a iriad in lrolcn cIord from, usually sound wcll.
Pcrfcci 4iIs sound wcll, cspccially dominani io ionic ai iIc siari of a mclody. Dc
carcful, DO NOT use tbe 4
degree IoIIowed by ?
degree oI tbe major or
mInor scaIe. Sounds ugly! i's callcd iIc Dcvil in usic". (Eamplc Ai
Pcrfcci 5iIs sound wcll cspccially wIcn iIc mclody comcs lacl wiiIin iIc noics
of iIc lcap. (Eamplc Di
6iIs sound wcll in major or minor lcys, cspccially wIcn iIc mclody comcs lacl
wiiIin iIc noics of iIc lcap
Irst Steps In WrItIng a MeIody
AdvIce about Ieaps In meIody wrItIng
ajor 7
lcaps (major lcysi arc noi adviscd. TIcy arc awlward.
inor 7iIs usually sound wcll lui jusi malc surc iIai iIc uppcr noic
of iIc inicrval of a 7
nccds io fall.
8vc lcaps may lc vcry cffcciivc, if iIcy arc approacIcd and quiiicd ly
noics wiiIin iIc 8vc.
Irst Steps In WrItIng a MeIody
AdvIce about Ieaps In meIody wrItIng
Avoid morc iIan iwo lcaps in iIc samc dircciion, unlcss iIc noics
malc a lrolcn cIord.
Irst Steps In WrItIng a MeIody
AdvIce about Ieaps In meIody wrItIng
Vcry oficn scalc movcmcni is good for quicl noics, and lcaps arc lciicr
for longcr noics.
Fcmcmlcr iIcrc arc noi Iard and fasi rulcs aloui Iow io wriic a good
any of iIc guidclincs givcn Icrc may lc sci asidc if iIc ovcrall mclody
sounds convincing.
Epcrimcni wiiI occasional widcr lcaps wIcn wriiing 4-lar mclodics in
major lcys from iIc following rIyiIms.
Irst Steps In WrItIng a MeIody
AdvIce about Ieaps In meIody wrItIng
Irst Steps In WrItIng a MeIody
AdvIce about Ieaps In meIody wrItIng
Irst Steps In WrItIng a MeIody
AdvIce about Ieaps In meIody wrItIng

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