Energy Sector of Germany & USA
Energy Sector of Germany & USA
Energy Sector of Germany & USA
Fig 1.2
• The transmission grid length comprises of 35,000 KM with a
maximum voltage of 220(KV) or 380(KV).
• The transmission grid is owned by 4 Transmission
Operators(TSO) which are responsible for operation ,
maintenance and development of the grid named as :
1) TenneT
2) 50 Hertz
3) Amprion
4) TransnetBW
• The distribution grid is responsible in bringing power directly to
the consumers
• Germany distribution grid comprises of 1679000KM and is
operated by a large numbers of distribution operators (DSO)
approximately 880.
There are different stakeholders in Germany’s grid which are given
below :
• The German federal government
• Federal legislative (Bundestag & Bundesrat)
• The federal states
• Local governments
• Federal agencies and government advisory bodies
• European Union
• Political parties
• The energy industry
• The renewables industry
• Other industry
• Trade unions (3)
Power grids of USA
• The US grid is divided into three major grids which operates independently. The names of
which are given below :
1. Eastern Grid (comprises largest area of the country)
2. Western Grid (comprises the west area of rocky mountain)
3. ERCOT Grid (comprises most of the territory of Texas )
• The US power grid is made up of 73000 Power Plants, 257500 KM high voltage power lines
and millions of KM of lower voltage power lines and distributing transformers having a
total of 145 million customers
• Electricity in the United States is generated using a variety of
resources and technologies. Most electricity is produced using
conventional sources such as natural gas, oil, coal and nuclear.
• The total generation capacity comprises of 4.12 trillion Kwh.
The table clearly states the mode of production of electrical energy in USA , and it shows that
it majorly comprises of the Natural gas (40%), Renewable energy (20%) and Nuclear energy
Fig 2.1
• The electric power transmission grid of the United States
consists of 120,000 miles (190,000 km) of lines operated by
500 companies.
• There are currently 4 RTOs within North America :
1. PJM—PJM Interconnection
2. MISO—Midcontinent Independent System Operator
3. SPP—Southwest Power Pool
4. ISONE—ISO New England.
• There are also 4 independent system operators (ISO) in USA
power grid .
Actual installed capacity from 2016 to 2021
Fig 4.1
• (1)
• (2)
• (3)
• (4)