Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM)
Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM)
Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM)
Method (DSDM)
DSDM Introduction
Recommended Core Techniques
DSDM Principles
Roles in DSDM ( Project-level roles)
DSDM Roles ( Solution development team roles)
DSDM Roles ( Supporting Roles)
DSDM Introduction
A timebox is an interval, usually no longer then 6 weeks, where a given set of tasks should be achieved.
Timeboxes can contain several tasks, and at the end need to deliver a product
Milestones also suffer from having a fixed deliverable, while timeboxes are subject to change, since the tasks
are defined, not the necessarily the deliverable, which can change if prioritization shifts during the timebox
iteration, allowing for rapid response to business needs
MoSCoW Rules
Prioritization rules. Since DSDM projects are concerned to be in time and on budget, and since the users are heavily involved
into the development process, it’s mandatory to keep a constant watch on which features the user needs most.
MUST HAVE - These features are a show stopper if they are not delivered, the system would simply not work
SHOULD HAVE - Features of this priority are important to the system and contribute a significant value, but
can be omitted if time constraints endanger the delivery of any “Should have” feature.
COULD HAVE - These features enhance the system with functional items, which can easily be
Business Analyst
It is a relationship facilitation role, bridging gaps between the SDT and the Project Level and between the technical/solution
developer roles and the business roles.
Business Ambassador
They provide daily requirements to the team during Evolutionary Development, being the primary decision-maker for the
Solution Developer
The Solution Developer translates the business requirements into a Solution Increment that meets the needs of the increment.
Solution Tester
The Solution Tester is tasked with making sure the solution works, testing to the decided standards.
Team Leader
They are tasked with ensuring goals are met and working with the team to coordinate solution development and delivery.
Supporting Roles
Technical Advisor
They may be responsible for operational changes, assisting with the release, or ongoing maintenance of the solution.
Business Advisor
The Business Advisor’s role is to help ensure the testing of the solution meets the business needs.
Workshop Facilitator
The Workshop Facilitator will manage the workshop process. They are responsible for organizing meetings that
achieve a workshop objective.
DSDM Coach
The DSDM Coach is responsible for helping the team understand the DSDM approach. They are there to ensure that
DSDM is followed and to help those outside the team understand the process. They provide the details of DSDM.