Health 9: Intentional and Unintentional Injuries
Health 9: Intentional and Unintentional Injuries
Health 9: Intentional and Unintentional Injuries
• Intentional injuries are injuries resulting from
violence It can divide into two Self
inflected when a person harms himself/herself
on purpose. Suicide and parasuicide are
example self-inflected
• assault, when person/persons harm another on
purpose assault are violence committed within the
family, peers and other group of people. Domestic
violence may happen in the family when one or
more members of the family harms or abuses
another family member. Peers in school or in the
community may commit bullying, stalking, and
extortion. Other groups may commit gang and
youth violence like illegal fraternity-related
violence, kidnapping and abduction, and different
acts of terror. Sexual victimization and other
forms of abuse and harassment may commit by
verbal abuse, incest, molestation or rape.
• Activity 4: Flash news Direction:
Identify the following news headlines whether
it is intentional and unintentional injury. Write
your answer on a separate sheet of paper.