Questions and Issues in History/Historian/ Sources: Lesson 2

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Lesson 2
Questions and Issues in History
It is the
history of
history History and
Why study Historiography
What is History? should not be
confused with
each other

And history The object of the study

for whom? is the past, the events
that happened in the
past, and the causes of
such events
Object of the Study
It lets the students Historical Text Written
have a better Who wrote it?
understanding of What was the contexts of its publication?
history What particular method was employed?
What were the sources used?

The methods
employed by the
historian and the
Students will learn theory and
historical facts, but perspective, which
they are also provided guided him will also
with understanding of It is important for someone be analyzed
the facts and who studies history because
historian’s contexts it teaches the student to be
critical in the lessons of
Unite the nation

Can be used as a tool to legitimize regimes and forge a sense of

collective identity through collective memory.

Lesson from the past can be used to make sense of the present

Learning of past mistakes can help people to not repeat them.

Being reminded of a great past can inspire people to keep their good
practices to move forward
It is the school of thought that merged the 18th century
and 19th century.

This thought requires empirical and observable evidence

before one can claim that particular knowledge is true.

It also entails an objective means of arriving at a

conclusion. The mantra “no document no history”
stems from this very same truth

Positivist historians are also are also expected to be

objective and impartial not just in their arguments but
also on their conduct of historical research
When American
When Ilustrados, like historians depicted
Jose Rizal, Isabelo delos the Filipino people as
Reyes, and Pedro uncivilized in their
The same was attempted
Paterno wrote history, publications, they
by Marcos in the
they intended it for the intended that
Philippines during the
Spaniards so they would narrative for their
realize that Filipinos are fellow Americans to
people of their own justify the
intellect and culture colonization of the
It is a school of thought that emerged in the early 20th century when
formerly colonized nations grappled with the idea of creating their
identities and understanding their societies against shadows of their
colonial past

It looks two things in writing history:

1. To tell the history looks of their nation that will highlight their
identity free from colonial discourse and knowledge
2. To criticize the methods, effects, and idea of colonialism

Postcolonial history is therefore a reaction and an alternative to the

colonial history that colonial powers created and taught to their

The history of the

One of the problems This connotes that the Second World War in
confronted in history is narratives of the past the Philippines always
the accusation that the is always written from depicts the United
history is always written the bias of the States as the hero and
by victors. powerful and the more the Imperial Japanese
dominant player Army as the
Historians’ job It is the job of the
not just to seek historian to give He is a person of his own
historical meaning to these is influenced by his own
evidences and facts and organize context, environment,
facts but also them into timeline, ideology, education, and
interpret these establish causes and influences, among others
facts write history

History is always subjective

Group Task

◦ Group 1. Filipino Government during Pre-Spanish era

◦ Group 2. Kodigo in Maragtas at Sumakwel
◦ Group 3. Early Filipino Government (Pre-Spanish Period)
◦ Group 4. First Mass in Limasawa
◦ Group 5. Battle in Mactan
Timeline Lorem Ipsum

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