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Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research

Gohar Nayab Tariq Hussain

Saint Mary College Gujranwala
Abstracts Material or Method Results Conclusion
The current study was undertaken to determine the histopathology and The Study Site: Analysis of heavy metals in water samples: This study suggests that Luciobarbus xanthopterus has the ability to bio
heavy metals content (lead and cadmium) in water and in fish samples Baghdad City is separated by Tigris River into a Karsh (right side) and into The mean levels of heavy metals in water are shown in Table 1. Average accumulate some heavy metals in its tissues with varying levels and so it
caught from the Tigris River in Baghdad. Results showed that metal Rusafa (left side) sections with a flow way from 2 are North to South. This mean level of Pb was the highest in site 3 and was the low est in site 1 could be used as a significant bio-monitor to assess metal pollution in
accumulation in fish tissue was detected in the following descending order: study involved three sites along the stretch of the Tigris River in Baghdad. (reference site). Average mean concentration of Cd was the highest in site 2 many aquatic environments. Results showed that metal accumulation in
Pb > Cd. The general order of metals levels in different tissues are The first site was designated as a reference or control site since it is far and was the lowest in site 1. These values were exceeded on standard fish tissue was detected in the following descending order: Pb> Cd. The
represented as follows livers > kidneys > muscles> gills. These results from any industrial and agriculture activities. The second ch site was sited safety levels set by WHO (2011). general order of metals levels in different tissues was livers > kidneys >
present a good indicator for bio-monitoring of heavy metals pollution in the near the confluence of the Diyala River with Tigris River about 10 Km Analysis of heavy metals in tissues: muscles> gills. These metals (Pb and Cd) were above the maximum levels
Tigris River. Hence, it is very important to make a comprehensive from the third site. The third was situated of nearby Ibn-Khateeb Hospital. set by WHO. This was rein forced by observing several histopathological
The levels of Pb and Cd in different tissues obtained from the three
assessment of the hazards posed by these metals in other water bodies of Fish & Water Sampling: changes in the Luciobarbus xanthopterus tissues. Based on these results,
sampled sites are shown in Figs. 2 and 3. The current data showed that the
the country. the authorities should give great concerns to save the Tigris River from
A total of 150 of L xanthopterus fish (weight ranged between 100 and 150 amount of heavy metals accumulated in tissues was detected in the
pollution risks.
g and length ranged between 10 and 20 cm) were caught from the three following descending order: Pb> Cd. The general order of both Pb and Cd
sampling sites (up and downstream of Tigris River) for three months from levels in various tis sues of the L xanthopterus can be represented as
Introduction October to December 2018. The fish were kept in a cooler packed with follows liver > kidney > muscles > gills. The highest values of these metals
fresh water from Tigris River and then transported to the laboratory for were recorded at site 3, which received industrial wastes followed by site 2,
dissection. Water samples of approximately 1 L were collected from the which received the agricultural wastes. The lowest values of Pb and Cd References
three sites (10 sample/site) at about 30 cm depth. These samples were were reported at site 1. The highest concentration of Pb was recorded in
stored in polypropylene bottles washed with distilled water and after that livers tissue of site 3. This was statistically significant (P < 0.05) compared
with the river water from the sampling stations. Then, water samples were to sites 2 and 1. The second highest intensity of Pb and Cd accumulation Abalaka, S.E., 2015. Heavy metals bioaccumulation and histopathological
Globally, pollution of aquatic biota represents a major problem, which is
filtered and preserved in 5 ml of HNO3/L (55%) of water to prevent metal was in kidney tissue followed by the muscles and gills. Cd recorded the changes in Auchenoglanis occidentals fish from Tiga dam, Nigeria. Journal
usually brought about by increasing industrial wastewater, agricultural,
adsorption on the inner surface of the bottle and were stored at 4 °C for highest values in livers at sites 2 and 3. However, the differences were not of Environmental Health Science & Engineering 13, 1-8. Al-Lami, A.A.,
commercial and human activities. Heavy metals are representing the main
estimation of heavy metals. statistically significant (P>0.05) because of a relatively high variability of Al-Jaberi, H.H., 2002. Heavy metals in water, suspended particles
hazards of all environmental pollutants due to their tendency to bio-
Analysis of heavy metals: individual observations. Further, Cd showed the lowest concentration in the andsediment of the upper-mid region of Tigris River, Iraq. Proc of Int
accumulate and their toxicity ability (El-Nagger, 2009). They generally
Heavy metal analysis included evaluation of Cd and Pb concentrations in muscles followed by gills tissue. Symp on Environ Poll Control and Waste Manage, pp. 97-102 Al-Saadi,
gain access into aquatic ecosystem through both natural and anthropogenic
tissues and water samples according to the protocol proposed by Al- HA, Al-Mayaly, E.K. Hassian, D.M., 2002. Heavy metals in diyala and
sources. This may become a serious hazard as they are non-biodegradable,
Subiai , Moody, Mustafa, and Jha (2011), Tissues (livers, kidneys, muscles Tigris River Southern Baghdad City, Iraq, Journal of al-qadisiyah for Pure
and are biomagnified via food chain. Fish have been recognized as the
and gills) were dried to constant weight. Science..
main aquatic organisms that accumulate considerable amounts of certain
metals. Soon after catching, tissue specimens (liver, kidney, muscles, and gills)
from each collected fish were carefully removed and pre served in 10%
buffered formalin (40%, UK). Then, the organs were dehydrated in
ascending grades of alcohol and cleared in xylene impregnated and
embedded in paraffin wax at 56 °C for one hour and sectioned into 5 am
thickness. Sections were stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin (Bancroft,
Stevens, & Turner, 1996). Then, the sections were observed under light
microscope and photographed using a microscopic camera.

Statistical analysis:
Analysis of data was performed using SPSS Statistics 20 Anderson-Darling
test was applied for testing the normality of data at 95% confidence. The
data obtained from this study were - expressed as mean ± standard
deviation (SD). One-way and two way analysis of variable (ANOVA) were
applied to assess for significant differences in the levels of heavy metals in
the tissue samples and the sites. Multifactor analysis of variance and
Turkey pairwise comparison were used for comparison of means. A result
of the test was considered significant if P value is <0.05.



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