Horizontal & Vettical Analysis
Horizontal & Vettical Analysis
Horizontal & Vettical Analysis
• Be familiar with the different tools in analyzing financial
• Perform horizontal analysis to evaluate financial
• Perform vertical analysis to evaluate financial
Jollibee Foods Corporation
Statements of Financial Position
As of December 31, 2014
Computation Interpretation
Phase Phase
Vertical Analysis/
Common-size Approach
Horizontal Analysis
The analytical tool that compares
It helps mamangement analyze
the same account in the
increases and decreases in
financial statements of two
balance sheet and income
periods (current and past year)
Horizontal Analysis
Reflects the differences in peso amount and in
percentage between two periods only,
namely the present year and previous year
Peso Percentage
Change Change
Steps in Performing a Horizontal
2018 2017
Increase (Decrease)
2018 2017 Amount Percent
Cash and cash
equivalents 150,000 180,000 (30,000) (16.67)
Vertical Analysis of Balance Sheet
In balance
sheets, all asset
items are
expressed as a
percentage of
total assets.
Steps in Performing a Vertical
1. Prepare comparative financial statements of two cosecutive years.
2. Add one additional column on the right side of each year.
3. Convert the absolute peso amount of the items in the financial
statements into percentage by dividing each item by the base.
Formula: Peso Amount ÷ Base x 100 %
4. Base to use
Statement of Financial position Total Assets
Statement of Comprehensive Income Total or Net Sales
Statement of Cash Flows Total Cash Available for Use
Interpretation of Data: The largest component of asset is Equipment at 39.3%. Cash is the
smallest component at 14.3%. On the other hand, 50% of assets are financed by debt and
the other half is financed by equity.