CH401 MODULE 1 - Learning Packets
CH401 MODULE 1 - Learning Packets
CH401 MODULE 1 - Learning Packets
Department: CH Department
Duration: Module 1- Week 1
Hello Students!
This course that you are enrolled in this quarter is a historical study that focuses
on the theology of the Church and the Sacraments. This course is designed to
acquaint you with the major patterns of ecclesiological and sacramental thoughts
which emerged in the Christian tradition and to help you attain deep understanding of
these doctrines which will help you possess clarity and faithfulness to the Christian
The first part of the course will present the doctrinal, historical origin and growth
of the Catholic Church as experienced in the Judeo-Christian community. The second
part of the course will focus on the sacraments. Here, Jesus Christ is presented as the
Primordial Sacrament of the Father’s loving presence and empowered by the Spirit of
At the end of this course, you are expected to make a “Wedding Liturgy”. This
Performance Task is described briefly below:
Through this project, it is aimed that you will fully understand what
the Church teaches about Christian Marriage, recognize that married life
is not just a personal choice but a vocation of God, a covenant of love and
service and demonstrate the sacramental value of getting married in the
Church and to embrace the call of perfect commitment.
You are expected to finish the course in eleven weeks. To help you complete
the course, the CH teachers prepared learning packets which you will be working
independently. We hope that you will religiously follow the Academic Learning Time
suggested in every module.
Best Regards,
CH401 Teachers
1. Just before His Ascension into Heaven, Jesus promised a gift to his disciples, which they later
received on the day of Pentecost. What was this gift?
A. Knowledge of the Future C. The power of the Holy Spirit
B. Immeasurable wealth D. Wisdom
2. During the Pentecost, which one of Jesus' disciples took the opportunity to stand up and speak to
the crowd of people?
A. Peter C. Matthew
B. Thomas D. James
3. In what city did this first Pentecostal celebration take place?
A. Jerusalem C. Canaan
B. Bethlehem D. Nazareth
4. The baptism of Jesus marked the beginning of His ____________________.
A. Miracle C. Public ministry
B. Proclamation of the Gospel D. Temptation in the desert
5. With the descent of the Holy Spirit, the apostles were emboldened to proclaim the message of
A. Faith C. Justice
B. Love D. Salvation
6. What was Jesus' first miracle?
A. Healing the blind man C. Changing water into wine
B. Multiplication of loaves and fishes D. Resurrection of Lazarus
7. Peter was one of only three disciples to see Jesus transformed into his divine glory. What is this
event called?
A. Ascension C. Road to Damascus
B. Great Commission D. Transfiguration
8. By what Greek name, also meaning "rock," is Peter sometimes called?
A. Andros C. Semon
B. Cephas D. Thadius
9. Finish the quote: "Upon this rock I will build my church, and the ________ will not prevail against it."
A. Power of evil C. Gates of hell
B. Pharisees and Scribes D. Powers of Rome
10. The Gospel according to Saint Luke says the Ascension occurred in the vicinity of Bethany (Luke
24:50-51). Where does the Acts of the Apostles say it happened?
A. Mount Sinai C. Galilee
B. Mount Zion D. The Mount of Olives
Dear Student,
You are about to start Module 1 of the Christian Humanism Course. You are
expected to devote three (3) hours to finish this module.
At the end of this module, it is hope that you will demonstrate mastery of the
following learning competencies:
Moral: Respond to Jesus’ gift of faith by reaching positively to the needs of the
people especially to the least fortunate.
Worship: Pray for the gift of the Holy Spirit needed in continuing the mission of
bringing the Good News of salvation to others.
To help you accomplish the task in this course, we recommend that you follow
the Academic Learning Time we prepared for you. Please see the table below.
Who do you
say that I
Mark 8:29
Who do you
say that I
Key Life Events am? Lessons We Can Learn
Mark 8:29
Draw a symbol that represents Jesus to you Write a short reflection about your symbol
Guide Questions
• His baptism
• His temptation in the desert
• He called the 12 Apostles
• He turns water into wine
• He cleanses out the Temple
• He talks with Nicodemus about being born again
• He has great success in Samaria after talking to a woman at Jacob’s well
• He takes His healing and teaching ministry back into the Galilee area
From the beginning of Jesus’ ministry until the end of His ministry, He took
advantage of every situation no matter where He was, who He was talking to, or what
time of day it was, He treated everyone the same without partiality and we should do
the same. In fact, part of Jesus’ instruction to His disciples was to proclaim the Gospel
to everyone:
Mark 16:15- “And He said to them! Go into all the world and preach the gospel to
every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not
believe will be condemned”.
• Matthew 28:16-19: 16 Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain
to which Jesus had directed them. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him;
but some doubted. 18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven
and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all
nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit.
Clear as the promise made by Jesus, His death brought forth forgiveness of our
sins. The sin inherited from the first man and woman is gone through His death. Thus,
the cross serves as the best sign of God’s love for humanity. We carry our own crosses
daily. These may be burdensome, but with love, we can overcome hardships no matter
how difficult and painstaking they may be. The triumph of the cross will always be
there for each one us to look forward to. In the end, the triumph of the cross would
become the triumph of God’s love as embedded in the hearts of men and women.
3. Mark 10:32-34- “They were on the road, going up to Jerusalem, and Jesus
was walking ahead of them; they were amazed, and those who followed were afraid.
He took the twelve aside again and began to tell them what was to happen to
him, 33 saying, “See, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be handed
over to the chief priests and the scribes, and they will condemn him to death; then they
will hand him over to the Gentiles; 34 they will mock him, and spit upon him, and flog
him, and kill him; and after three days he will rise again.”
The reports are clear. Jesus knew that he would die. He announced it three
times. In his announcements, He also spoke of His resurrection. Everything was part
of the plan of the Father. If the suffering and death of Jesus was part of the plan of the
Father, so too, was the resurrection. Thus, the resurrection of Jesus speaks more than
the event. It deals with His (God’s) triumph over death and sin.
“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses to
the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)
In saying this, Jesus is actually referring to the next event that will happen, the
Pentecost. But since the apostles was overwhelmed by the situation, they did not still
understand. After that, he lifted up into heaven.
“When he had said this, as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him from
their sight.” (Acts 1:9)
“The Lord Jesus, after he spoke to them, was taken up into heaven and took his seat at the
right hand of God.” (Mark 16:19)
Right from the beginning of the ministry of Jesus, the Church was already taking
shape. Intimately linked with Jesus and his saving mission was the community of the
disciples that would continue that mission until the present time.
NOTE: Jesus founded the Church with the leadership of St. Peter.
Jesus Christ founded His church upon the Apostles, and appointed St. Peter to
be His Vicar on earth, the visible Head.
“And I say to you: That you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my
Church… I will give to you the keys of the kingdom of heaven.” Mt. 16:18
In saying this, Jesus made Peter the head of the entire community of believers,
and the spiritual guidance of the faithful in his hands.
Acts 2:1-13: When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in
one place. 2 And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent
wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. 3 Divided tongues, as of
fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. 4 All of them were
filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave
them ability.,g_1:catholic:qs0CpLalL6I%3D&safe=active&hl=e n&ved=2ahUKEwiRvcWrnIPqAhUOvJQKHRT5CX0
Jesus’ apostles felt fear and discouragement after witnessing their Master’s
passion and death. They felt orphaned and abandoned. Cowed with fear, they were
in the Upper Room hidden behind closed doors and windows. All their hopes have
gone to shambles. The man for whom they staked their lives, the man whom they
believed was the Messiah, the man for whom they left everything- family and
possessions- is now dead! And now they fear for their lives. The authorities must be
after them now that their master has been crucified. But though tense, confused, and
fearful for their very lives, they followed Jesus’ instructions and waited prayerfully.
Fortunately, something wonderful was to happen that morning, the day of Pentecost.
(cf. Acts 2:1-13)
Seven weeks after the Passover is the Jewish Feast of weeks, which is known
as Pentecost, meaning the 50th day after the Passover. This was a Jewish harvest
time festival, one of the annual feasts in Israel. The feast of Pentecost is a Christian
adaptation of the 50th day feast celebrating Moses’ reception of the law on Mt. Sinai.
As Moses ascended and returned with the gift of the 10 commandments, Jesus
ascended and sent the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Moreover, reading Acts 2:1-13, one may ask, “What new Spirit of God has
come on Pentecost? Was not the Spirit present at the creation of the world? What
about the prophets of the Old Testament, like Jeremiah and Isaiah, who claimed that
they were possessed by the Spirit of God? What about the spirit who led Jesus to the
wilderness? What is new about the Pentecost experience of the Spirit?
The gift of the Spirit on Pentecost signaled the beginning of the Church’s
mission. It marked the beginning of the new stage in salvation history. The Gospel of
Luke presented the Holy Spirit as the driving force in the proclamation of the message
that Christ had died and had risen. It was not a strange new spirit present as the life-
giving power of God in creation and throughout the ages, and now present as the Spirit
of the Risen Christ in the Church in a way fuller than it ever was before.
With the descent of the Holy Spirit, the apostles were emboldened to proclaim
the message of salvation as they were more fully converted to faith in Christ. Hence,
the Church boldly proclaim that with the sending of the Holy Spirit, the apostolic
Church was born. As both sign and instrument of salvation, the Church is the principal
agent of evangelization. She continues to bring the work of Christ to the whole world.
b. Verse 44-48- “To become a Christian was to become a member of the faith
community, sharing a common life. Those who believed shared all things in
common. They expressed their faith in loving service for one another- a faith
manifested in concrete deeds of love and justice. They would sell their property
and goods, dividing everything on the basis of each one’s need.
c. Verse 46- “In the beginning, the Mother Church at Jerusalem still participated
in the Jewish worship in the temple. They went to the temple area together every
day and prayed. The first Christians lived with the traditional Jewish forms of piety,
but a new form of worship was added- the celebration of the breaking of bread
which later became the Eucharist.
Christian hymns developed later, the earliest of which were the “Magnificat” and
the “Benedictus,” while the “Lord’s prayer” was a typical petition prayer in the
synagogue. “While in their homes they broke bread and took their meals in
common. The communal practice of the breaking of the bread was a celebration of
the love centered in the sharing of the body and blood of Christ. It was a
communion, a Koinonia which means fellowship in Christ, he who bound them
in faith, hope, and love”.
The Second Plenary Council of the Philippines (PCP II) no. 105 states that,
“The community of disciples does not exist only for itself or its members; it exists for
the world. It is sent on mission to be the instrument of his grace. It exists in order to
evangelize, that is, to proclaim the good news, to build up the Church, and to serve
the kingdom of permeating the world with gospel values so that finally all creation may
be united in Christ as Head”.
This means that the PCP II, visions the Church as the community of disciples
who reflects the reality of the early Church in its growth and spread among different
people and nations. Moreover, the Acts of the Apostles describes the spread of the
good news “from Jerusalem to the uttermost part of the earth” (Acts 1:8). These
accounts were filled with the overpowering missionary spirit of the early Church.
Guided therefore by the apostles, the early Christians followed “baptism” and
the “breaking of bread” as essential events of being a Christians, aside from the
teachings, instructions and prayer taught to them by the apostles. Not only that, the
restlessness preaches so captivated the hearts of the disciples that they started on a
missionary journey even beyond boarders of the Palestine, from their home country to
the far ends of the Mediterranean world. As the fruit of their toil, converts were not only
won but groups and communities were even built. Thus, the apostles were credited to
be responsible for the establishment of various Churches in the ancient Mediterranean
1. What effects of the power and presence of the Holy Spirit are clearly seen in the
Pentecost event? Think of what happened to the disciples and to the crowd.
a. To the disciples:
b. To the Crowd:
2. Looking at how the Church came about, what is the basic nature of the Church? Is
the Church just like any human organization or group? Why or why not? Explain.
Roy Madril Jr. and Chris Martinez – stopped at a local gas station to fuel up, they heard
a woman nearby screaming, “He has my kids! He’s stealing my car!”
The woman pleading for help was a 27-year-old mother of two young children, ages
two and six. The mother – known only as “Inna” – and her mother were chatting outside of the
vehicle while the toddlers remained in the car. Seemingly out of nowhere, a man pushed the
women aside, hopped in the car and sped off.
Madril and Martinez took matters into their own hands and pursued the carjacker
themselves. As Martinez drove, Madril called 911 and gave a blow-by-blow account to the
When the getaway car briefly stopped, the 6-year-old tumbled out. After arriving on the
scene, police told the boys to stay back in case of gunfire and soon apprehended 34 year-old
Tom Vallancourt. The carjacker ended up serving a 6 1/2-year sentence for kidnapping and
auto theft.
The mayor of Tucson and the Red Cross honored Madril and Martinez with a “Real
Hero Award” while Inna gave the boys her eternal gratitude.
1. If you are caught in the same situation, will you do what Chris and Roy did? Why?
Why not?
2. How will you overcome fear and discouragement when faced with danger or
possible failure?
Section: Score:
I. Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Should you wish to change your
answer, you may do so by marking an X on your first choice and write your new answer. You
are allowed to change your answer only once.
1. After the birth of Christianity and of the Church on _________, the number of those who
adhered to faith in Christ grew rapidly.
A. Ascension C. Resurrection
B. Pentecost D. Transfiguration
2. The early Christians expressed their faith in loving service for one another- a faith
manifested in concrete deeds of _____________.
A. Honesty and Obedience C. Love and Justice
B. Humility and Love D. Obedience and Faith
3. Jesus's Baptism is generally considered the beginning of his ministry and
the _________________ with his disciples in Jerusalem as the end.
A. Agony in the Garden C. Last Supper
B. Crucifixion D. Resurrection
4. “And I say to you: That you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church… I will give
to you the keys of the kingdom of heaven.” What scriptural text is this from the New
A. Mk. 16:18 C. Mt. 18:16
B. Mk. 18:16 D. Mt. 16:18
5. Mt. 28:19- “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. This account from the Gospel of Matthew
tells us of what event in the life of the Apostles?
A. Calling of the 12 Apostles C. Pentecost
B. Commissioning of the Apostles D. Resurrection of Jesus
6. The feast of Pentecost is a Christian adaptation of the 50 th day feast which celebrates the
A. Birth of Jesus Christ C. Moses’ reception of the law on Mt. Sinai
B. Entry to Jerusalem of Jesus D. Resurrection of Jesus
10. With the descent of the Holy Spirit, the apostles were emboldened to proclaim the
message of _______________.
A. Faith C. Justice
B. Love D. Salvation
II. Essay: From the lessons of the Apostles and Pentecost, how do you think we can better
live out our calling as disciples of Christ at a time that is characterized by differing views
concerning specific issues?
Bloesch, Donald G. (2002). The Church: Sacraments, Worship, Ministry and Mission.
Downers Grove, IL: IVP.
Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines. (1992). Acts and Decrees of the
Second Plenary Council of the Philippines. Manila.
Daley, Michael J. and William Madges (2006). The Many Marks of the Church. New
London, CT: Twenty-Third.
Green, Thomas, SJ. (2016). Opening to God (A guide to prayer). Ave Maria Press.
Küng, Hans. (2001). The Church. 10th ed. Translated by Ray and Rosaleen
Ockenden. London: Continuum.
Manabat, Josefina M. Ed.D., SLD, (2015). The Church on the Move: Christian Life
Education Series. Philippines: FNB Educational Inc.
Martin, James SJ. (2010). The Jesuit guide to almost everything. New York:
Harper One.
Quimba, Roawie L., Francisco, Teresita M., Sagaral, Amelia M., (2011). The Church.
Philippines: Blue Patriarch Publishing House.