Chapter 1 Male Biological Clocks

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Male Biological Clocks

Key: AWL to Study, Low-frequency Vocabulary

Why is this man so upset?

The Cost of Raising a Child
• Approximate cost of raising a child
 quarter of a million dollars
• Many couples postpone having children.
• Statistics reveal
 the proportion of babies born to parents 35+ has more than
doubled in the last 30 years (US).
 men 40+ fathering children has increased by 50% in the last
decade (UK).
• These changes have resulted in the rigorous
examination of the male biological clock.
Do you think the cost of raising a child will
increase in the future?
Genetic Damage to Sperm
• Genetic damage to sperm rises with a man’s age.
• Research reveals
 increased risk of incapacity to impregnate female egg.
 increased risk of miscarriage, and disorders such as fetal
abnormalities, and genetic defects.

How does this information change your thinking about

family planning?
Sperm with Malformed DNA
• Men 35+ have higher concentration of sperm with
malformed DNA.
• Gene mutations are passed on to future generations.
• There is concern over aggregate mutations in the gene
• Malformed DNA may lead to a full-blown health crisis.

How will older men’s sperm contribute to a future

health-care crisis?
Male Reproductive Facility
• Traditional wisdom: age does not play a role in male
reproductive facility.
• Common folklore is scientifically inaccurate.
 Men 35+ have half the chance of fathering a child.
 Men 45+ have one-fifth the opportunity.
• Research indicates
 every year of increased age results in
an 11% reduction in chance of pregnancy.

According to this research, how is a man’s chance at

fathering a child affected by age?
• Male equivalent of menopause
 decline in male hormones
 commencing in 20s males lose 1─2% of testosterone per year
 reduction in quantity and quality of sperm
• Misnomer
 no real “pause” or cessation
 steady deterioration of reproductive function

What is the difference between andropause and

To Initiate Pregnancy
• A sperm count of 20 million is required to initiate
• As numbers diminish, impregnation becomes
increasingly difficult.
• The situation is made
worse by genetic sperm

What two factors can lead to difficulty in impregnation?

Male Clocks
• Why has it taken so long for this to come to light?
 profit motive from lucrative female infertility industry
 high cost of in-vitro fertilization ($10,000 for one cycle)
 male infertility issues are ignored and fall by the wayside

Why must some women undergo two or three cycles of

an in-vitro fertilization procedure?
The Male Ego
• Infertility in the conventional
male can be perceived as a
blow to masculinity.
• Male infertility is often
associated with impotency.
• The relaxation of gender roles may enable men to
claim ownership of what they could not hitherto

Do you think males have bigger egos than females?

Why or why not?

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