EQ Drain Summary

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Tech Committee Meeting
August 10-11, 2010
Tampa, FL

EQ Drain Details
 Typically 75-150 mm diameter
 Slotted PVC pipe with filter fabric
 Typical spacing 1-2 m triangular
 Installed with large steel probe with wings (densification also
EQ Drain Theory
 Reduce the excess pore pressure
accumulation during earthquake
1 1

0 .8 0 .8
P o re p ressu re ra tio

P o re p ressu re ra tio
0 .6 0 .6

0 .4 0 .4

0 .2 0 .2

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
S h ear stre ss c y c le s S h e ar stre ss c y c le s
EQ Drain Theory
 Gravel Drains for Liq
 Seed and Booker, 1977
– Based on radial pore
pressure dissipation theory
(consolidation) and FE
program for radial flow

  k h 1 u   u u 
    mv   g 
r   w r r   t t 

– Pore pressure increase is a

function of:
• EQ Loading Cycles and
Cycles needed to reach
liq (Neq and Nl)
• Permeability &
compressibility of soil (k,
• EQ duration (td)
• Distance to drain (b)
• Radius of drain (a)
• NOT a function of drain
k td
Tbd 
 w mv 3b 3
  k h 1 u   u u 
    mv   g 
r   w r r   t t 
u g u g N

t N t
N N eq
 Assume periodic wave form
t td
ug 2 N  2
 arcsin   DeAlba et al., 1975
 o'   Nl 
 ~ 0.7
N l  Number of uniform stress cycles causing liquefaction in undrained test
 r 
tan   u 
u g   N eq 
 2
 o
N   N l t d  2  ru 
sin   
 2
Change in PP per cycle depends on PP of previous cycle
NL based on CSR of soil, SPT, Fines
Neq, td are functions of earthquake, but there are correlations to
EQ Drain Theory
 Gravel Drains for Liq Mitigation
 Onoue (1988)
– Corrected Seed and Booker to account for
well resistance

4k s t d
Td 

mv w d w

32k s  H 
Lw  2  
 kw  d w 
EQ Drain Theory
 PVD Drains
 Japanese
Society, 1998
– Reduce dw, Td
– No well
EQ Drains – Experimental Data
 Centrifuge Testing
 Brennan and Madabhushi (2002, 2005) – Gravel Drains
– Pore water drains from bottom to top
– Must have full penetration
 Marinucci (2008), Kamai (2007,2008), Howell (2008) – Rathje
(UT) research group
– 1.5 m square spacing (scaled)
– Initial tests showed that tubes affected behavior (could not base
improvement just on drainage)
– Additional tests with flexible tubes showed drainage influence
– Results showed that the maximum pore pressure often was not
influenced, but duration of time at a high pore pressure was
reduced and deformations were reduced (40-50%)
– Better influence at greater depths
– Wave form has large influence on drain efficiency
 Current proposal by Kyle Rollins (BYU) to use full scale shake
tables at University of Buffalo
EQ Drains – Experimental Data
 Field Testing
 Vibro-seis (Rathje, Stokoe)
– Not actually field scale
• 4 ft x 4 ft x 4 ft pit constructed and backfilled
• Drain ‘wished’ into place (backfilled around drain
 Blast Induced (Rollins)
– Treasure Island and CANALEX (Vancouver)
– Installation settlement 1-10 inches (varies based on energy and
– Pore pressure is initially the same, but dissipates much faster
– Post-blast settlement was reduced to 20-60% of untreated
 Mandrel Induced (Marinucci, Rathje)
– Pore pressures and 3-D accelerations observed in soil during installation
of mandrel (with fins)
– Treated and untreated zones
– Inconclusive
• No significant difference in pore pressure response
• Slight decrease could be due to densification
– Paper will come out soon, will be interesting to see conclusions
EQ Drain Design
 PVD Drains
 JGS (1998)
– Target PP ratio (often use 0.5-0.6)
EQ Drain Design
 PVD Drains
 JGS (1998)
– Cycles for
• Based on CRR of
• Can use SHAKE
EQ Drain Design
 PVD Drains
 JGS (1998)
– Earthquake duration, td
– Earthquake cycles, Neq
EQ Drain Design
 PVD Drains
 JGS (1998)
– Soil permeability, kh
EQ Drain Design
 PVD Drains
 JGS (1998)
– Soil Compressibility,

1 1  1  
mv  
Es 1  
EQ Drain Design
 PVD Drains
 JGS (1998)
– Soil Compressibility, mv

1 1   1  
mv  
Es 1  
EQ Drain Design
 PVD Drains
 JGS (1998)
k htd
– Calculate Td: Td 
mv w a 3

– Calculate L: 32k h  H 
Lw  2  
 k w  2a 
EQ Drain Design
 PVD Drains
 JGS (1998)
– Calculate
initial b/a
using charts:
EQ Drain Design
 PVD Drains
 JGS (1998)
– Revise b/a based on revised Td that
accounts for well resistance
EQ Drain Design
 PVD Drains
 FEQDrain – Pestana (1997)
– Finite element program used to design
drain spacing
– Can input different well resistances, soil
parameters, spacings, etc.
– Fortran based, not user-friendly
– Ellington Cross uses this to design
EQDrain layout and determine seismic

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