Measuring Instrument
Measuring Instrument
Measuring Instrument
Created by :
Dea Salsabila (4221121006)
Didi Yusuf Friend Laia (4223121060)
Christine R C Siregar (4223121031)
Measurement Standard
A measurement standard is a physical
statement of a unit of measurement. There are
different types of measurement standards
because of the basic units and derived units of
measurement.The unit of measurement is a
standard that becomes a reference for the
numbers obtained from the results of a
With the basic units and derived units, there are several types of
measurement standards that are grouped according to their functions
and uses, namely:
Maa metter
- Neraca
Systematic Error
This kind of error occurs because of errors related to errors in tool
settings, tool calibration and also the place where the measurement
process is carried out. Things like this can be avoided by being more
careful in the measurement process, such as setting the calibration of the
tool and designing the right place for the measurement process.
Random Error
Random error comes from the influence of factors that cannot be
predicted and is only temporary. The causes of random errors cannot be
known with certainty but are part of the influence that contributes to
errors in the implementation of the test. for example the influence of
temperature or humidity conditions of accommodation and the test
environment. Therefore, the occurrence of random errors will affect the
precision of a test result.