EURAMET-cg-20 v.2 Calibration of Climatic Chambers
EURAMET-cg-20 v.2 Calibration of Climatic Chambers
EURAMET-cg-20 v.2 Calibration of Climatic Chambers
November 2010
Calibration Guide
November 2010
This document has been produced to enhance the equivalence and mutual recognition of
calibration results obtained by laboratories performing calibrations of climatic chambers.
This document was developed by the EURAMET Technical Committee for Thermometry.
2nd edition November 2010
1st edition June 2010
Official language
The English language version of this publication is the definitive version. The EURAMET
Secretariat can give permission to translate this text into other languages, subject to certain
conditions available on application. In case of any inconsistency between the terms of the
translation and the terms of this publication, this publication shall prevail.
The copyright of this publication (EURAMET/cg-20/v.02 English version) is held by
EURAMET e.V. 2010. The text may not be copied for resale and may not be reproduced other
than in full. Extracts may be taken only with the permission of the EURAMET Secretariat.
Guidance Publications
This document gives guidance on measurement practices in the specified fields of
measurements. By applying the recommendations presented in this document laboratories
can produce calibration results that can be recognized and accepted throughout Europe. The
approaches taken are not mandatory and are for the guidance of calibration laboratories. The
document has been produced as a means of promoting a consistent approach to laboratory
No representation is made nor warranty given that this document or the information
contained in it will be suitable for any particular purpose. In no event shall EURAMET, the
authors or anyone else involved in the creation of the document be liable for any damages
whatsoever arising out of the use of the information contained herein.
Further information
For further information about this publication, contact your National member of the EURAMET
Technical Committee for Thermometry (see
Calibration Guide
Introduction....................................................................................................................... 1
Scope ............................................................................................................................... 2
General Comments............................................................................................................. 2
References ........................................................................................................................ 4
Annex A ............................................................................................................................. 5
Appendix A ............................................................................................................................... 6
Calibration Guide
Calibration practices in the laboratories are in many cases based on national or international standards,
which are quite similar in general, but show differences in detail and are written for different purposes and
different readers. The most important standards and technical guidelines are outlined below
A summary on the scope of these standards and guidelines is given in Appendix A of this document.
The purpose of this EURAMET Calibration Guide is to outline the basic technical requirements for those
laboratories undertaking the calibration of climatic chambers and to harmonize calibration practices applied
in the calibration of climatic chambers to obtain reliable and widely recognized calibration results. It is not
the aim to replace or to harmonize the existing standards.
This Calibration Guide is also recommended for the Accreditation Bodies when accrediting laboratories for
the calibration of climatic chambers.
Page 1
General Comments
Calibration of a climatic chamber in principle is the determination of the deviation between the indication on
the display values of the chamber and the corresponding values measured in the chamber. The
characterisation of other parameters like air temperature/humidity spatial distribution in the specified
calibration volume, air temperature/humidity temporal stability over a representative period of time, thermal
inertia, recovery time, etc can also be specified in the calibration scope of a laboratory.
On the other hand, the calibration of the indication of a climatic chamber is by far not the best method for
documenting the environmental condition during the operation of a climatic chamber. The use of at least
one sensor for temperature and/or humidity in close proximity with the load in the chamber usually will
provide much more reliable data than the indication of the climatic chamber. Calibration laboratories should
inform their customers about this fact, preferably before signing the contract with the customer. This can be
done by sending the leaflet given in Annex A of this guideline to the customer.
To reduce costs, a customer may ask for a calibration at a single measurement point at one location in the
chamber (one point calibration). In some cases this may be an appropriate approach but mostly calibration
should be more extensive to meet the requirements of customers activities with the chamber. Therefore, it
is highly important to clearly state the coverage of the calibration in the corresponding calibration certificate.
The Laboratory and customer have to agree the scope of the calibration requested, duration of the test,
(previous stabilization and recording time), parameters to be determined (calibration of the set point, study
of spatial distribution of temperature/humidity, study of temporal stability, etc.) loading conditions, etc.
These calibration conditions have to be recorded by the laboratory.
It is strongly recommended that if a chamber is characterised for the first time or modified that it should be
calibrated/characterised with both an empty and full load.
A laboratory performing calibrations should specify the criteria for accepting a climatic chamber to be
calibrated. The criteria should be set for the volume of measurement in the chamber, control system of the
measurement parameters and technical documentation of the chamber (e.g. the list in Section 5 of DKD-R5-7 can be applied). Reference to technical guidelines is recommended. .
The usual calibration of climatic chambers is restricted to chambers operated at normal pressure. The
calibration of autoclaves and similar instruments requires additional specifications, which are not described
in the above mentioned standards and guidelines and do not form part of this guideline.
Page 2
The calibration of a climatic chamber requires at least the determination of the following
parameters, which will be considered also in the uncertainty budget:
Air temperature/humidity spatial distribution in the specified calibration volume
Air temperature/humidity temporal stability over a representative period of time
Uncertainties associated with the working standard used for the calibration
Radiation effect associated with the emissivity of the temperature sensor and sensor dimension,
(ie diameter>4mm), See DKD-R-5-7.Section 7.4 and NF X 140,Section13.1) caused by different
temperatures of the walls of the chamber and the air in the chamber. At certain temperatures this
can be the largest uncertainty component
Time dependent temperature differences between air, measuring probe(s) and load in the chamber
Sensitivity to temperature changes with probes placed in air or in a buffer(liquid, block) in chamber
Influence of the loading of the chamber to the spatial distribution and temporal
stability of air temperature and humidity
Influence of ambient conditions
Resolution of indicators
The measurement procedures of the calibration laboratories shall describe how the contributions to the
uncertainty resulting from these parameters are determined. In some cases a reference to a national or
international standard may fulfil this requirement.
The scope declared by a laboratory for calibrations of climatic chambers should state the parameters of the
chamber e.g.
There should be a clear indication (e.g. a foot note) that the achievable uncertainty for an empty chamber is
smaller than for a chamber with a load. There should also be a statement stating that the uncertainty
has/has not included the radiation effect
Calibration Certificate
Together with the general requirement of ISO/IEC 17025 with respect to the issue of a calibration
certificate, the reports related to the calibration of a climatic chamber have to
include at a minimum the following information:
Details of the working condition parameters of the chamber used during the
Calibration (PID, etc)
Details of the specific volume calibrated and distribution of the sensors(i.e.diagram)
Characteristics of the loading, in case the calibration was performed in this condition
If the results of the sensors are used to determine other parameters, i.e
temperature / humidity spatial distribution or temperature/humidity temporal stability,
it is necessary to define such parameter and the way it was calculated, together with
its measurement uncertainty.
Page 3
Proficiency Testing
It is vital for a calibration laboratory to obtain evidence on its competence through proficiency tests and
intercomparisons. The calibration of a climatic chamber is usually done in the premises of the customer, i.e.
as a field calibrations (except for the initial calibration at the manufacturer). Therefore, it is recommended
that a well characterized climatic chamber in an independent institute is used for proficiency testing. It is
also very useful to control the performance of different calibrators within a laboratory by internal
S. Friederici, E. Tegeler, Radiation effects and its consequences on measurements in climatic chambers, in:
D. Zvizdic (ed.), Proc. TEMPMEKO 2004, vol. 2, pp. 795-800
Attached Documents
Annex A: Supplement to the Calibration Certificate for Climatic Chambers
Appendix A: Standards and Guidelines
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Page 7