Models of The Universe

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Models of the Solar System

About Scientific Theories

• Science is based on direct observation.

• Scientific Theories are attempts to explain

what we observe.

• The test of a scientific theory is whether

or not it can predict what will happen under
new circumstances.
Theories about Celestial Motion

• People have been observing and

measuring the motion of objects in
the sky for thousands of years.

• Theories attempt to explain how the

universe must be structured for
things to move as they do.
• New unexplainable
observations are often related
to improvements in
As soon as we make observations
that cannot be explained by the
currently accepted theory, the
theory has to change
Early Theories – Flat Earth
• Many early cultures believed the
earth was flat, and that the sky was a
dome over the earth.

• This belief was based on observation.

– The earth looks flat, and the sky looks
like a dome.
Evidence that the earth is not flat.
• Greek Astronomers observed that…

– The shadow of the earth on the moon

during an eclipse was curved.

– Ships sailing into the distance seemed to

disappear below the horizon.
Erastothenes measurements
• 250 B.C. - Erastothenes made
measurements of sunlight angles
– He used these to calculate the circumference
of the earth.

– He was accurate to within a few thousand


• The earth’s circumference is about 25,000 km – he

calculated it to be about 28,000 km.
The Geocentric Universe

• Early civilizations believed the earth

was the centre of the universe.

• Everything else, sun, moon, planets,

stars, etc. revolved around the earth.
An Accurate Geocentric Model
• Greek astronomer Ptolemy

– Made an accurate mathematical

model of the solar system that had
the earth at the centre.

– Accurately predicted the movement

of the stars and planets, given the
measuring abilities of the times.
Improved Measurement
• 1500’s
– Measurements of the heavens became
more accurate

– Ptolemy’s theory did not predict exactly

the location of celestial bodies.

– A more accurate theory was needed.

The Heliocentric Model
• Nicolas Copernicus
– Suggested the Sun might be
the centre of the solar
system, not the earth, and
everything traveled in circles
around the sun

– This model did a better job

of predicting the positions of
the stars.
Improvements to the theory
• Further improvements were made to
the sun-centered model.

• Johannes Kepler
– Determined that the orbits of the planets
were not circular, but elliptical.

• Isaac Newton
– Explained the forces of gravity that held
the planets in place.
Modern Ideas
• As our ability to observe, i.e. measure, has
improved, our picture of the universe has

• We now know our solar system to be just one of

many in an extremely complex universe.

• Our theories are accurate enough to allow us to

send space craft to other planets.

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