Nursing Philosophy
Nursing Philosophy
Nursing Philosophy
Purpose of theory: is to guide, control, or shape reality, and it is not itself reality.
Entities on the conceptual or theoretic level are concepts, propositions, laws, and sets of
1. Factor-isolating theories
2. Factor-relating theories (situation depicting theories).
3. Situation-relating theories (predictive theories & prompting or inhibiting theories).
4. Situation producing theories (prescriptive theories).
2. Patiency: who or what is the recipient of the activity. The nursing activity is received
by many others in addition to the sick “patient”
4. Terminus: what is the end point of the activity. Considering terminus calls attention to
the function of the modes of conceptualizing activity as a possible contributor to the ease
of doing or receiving the activity in question.
6. Dynamics: what is the energy source for the activity. Brings up for specific
consideration such as aspects psychological input, and the need to the mutual interaction
of the dimensions and their relation to prescription and to goal.
Particular theories of biology, psychology, and sociology might be cited theory under any
heading of the nursing theory serving list. These theories are building blocks for nursing
The authors of this article suggested that proposing a theory of theories that sees theory
as a conceptual system invented to some purpose-when seen in its full consequences-has
revolutionary possibilities. The proposal allows for theory at last to be viewed as a proper
tool to man even in his role of providing himself with purpose.
1. Concern with principles and laws that govern the life processes, well-being, and
optimum functioning of human beings-sick or well.
2. Concern with the patterning of human behavior in interaction with the environment in
critical life situations.
3. Concern with the processes by which positive change in health status are affected.
The problem is not to devise the structure of the discipline of nursing, but to make this
structure explicit.
In identifying disciplines and classifying them, we are dealing with the nature and
structure of the whole of human knowledge.
Nursing has both scientific aspects and aspects akin to the art. Therefore,
nursing as a discipline is broader than nursing science and its uniqueness stems
from its perspective rather than its object of enquiry or methodology.
The aim of the academic disciplines is to know, and their theories are descriptive
in nature. Regardless whether the research is applied or basic. Fields emphasize
applied research would be correctly termed applied disciplines.
Because of the uniqueness if each disciplines perspective and the context in which
knowledge from each discipline fits, it is not possible to simply “borrow” theory
or knowledge from other disciplines. From this standpoint, nurse scientists may
help in utilization of information from other disciplines, but this will not eliminate
the need for undertaking basic research from nursing’s perspective.
The discipline of nursing should be governing clinical practice rather than being
defined by it. Of necessity, clinical practice focuses in the individual in the here
and now who has a problem requiring relevant and appropriate action. In contrast,
the discipline embodies a knowledge base relevant to all realms of professional
practice and which links the past, present, and future. Its scope goes far beyond
that required for clinical practice. Professional nursing is not limited to problem
relief; it serves a force for promotion of world’s health.
The need for philosophical, historical, and similar types of enquiry within the
discipline of nursing is crucial not only in terms of providing the knowledge base
for professional preparation but also for the development of the discipline. The
discipline and profession must be continually reevaluated in terms of societal
needs and scientific discoveries.
The purpose in having nursing philosophers and historian is not to duplicate the
efforts of other disciplines, but rather to provide these approaches from
perspective of nursing. Clinical practice is always to some extent empirical,
pragmatic, intuitive, and artistic.
In summary, the discipline and clinical practice of nursing share a common social
relevance and practical aim. However, the discipline, which is the body of
knowledge, must not be confused wit its associated practice realm, which
embodies the processes of conducting research, giving service, and educating.
2. The syntax of the discipline refers to the research methodologies and criteria used
to justify the acceptance of statements as true within the discipline.
The authors incorporated the syntax of nursing as value systems (both of science
and of professional ethics) and research constraints. The substantive structure
determines primarily the scope and subject of enquiry (what is of interest), and the
syntactical structure determines primarily the procedure for conducting research
and criteria for acceptability of findings as truth.
Both philosophy of science and nursing theory are in a state of transition. Since
1940s, two major schools have influenced philosophy of science: logical
empiricism and historicism.
The history of science became an essential element of any adequate philosophical
Assessment of - Assess the degree of probability - Laudan argued that the questions
scientific that the theory is true, based on the about truth are irrelevant to
progress number of tests it passes. If theory scientific progress. The relevant is
predictions are repeatedly the theory’s problem solving
disconfirmed, the logic of testing effectiveness. The theory’s
requires rejection of the theory. progress is defined by the degree
to which it solve more scientific
- consider theoretical reduction as an - Laudan called the process of
important scientific goal, one theory synthesizing research tradition as
can be reduced to anther inclusive “integration of research
theory. traditions.” (combining two
traditions without modifications of
any tradition, or with
modifications of some elements
and combining the remaining in a
new way). The goal of integration
is to explain different dimensions
of the same phenomena (ex: in
nursing individuals are perceived
as bio-psychosocial human beings)
Goal of The goal is to present a formalized - share with empiricists that the
philosophy of account of the nature of scientific goal is to construct a general
1. During 1960s there was a support given by Department of Health, education, and
welfare to nursing schools to sponsor programs on the nature and development of nursing
2. The analysis of metatheoretical papers from the conference of Theory Development in
Nursing held in Case Western University in 1968, and the conference on the Nature of
Science in Nursing held at University of Colorado in 1969 gave insight into how nurses
scholars conceptualized the derivation of nursing knowledge.
3. In 1968 Dickoff and James presented their position paper on theory of theories
introducing the idea that nursing theory should be situation-producing theory. The
language they used to describe theory supports logical empiricism, they spoke about
concepts and propositions, they assessed scientific knowledge in terms of truth, and they
insisted on a product orientation to science. Although they modified their orthodox view
about the purpose of the theory; that is it is capable of more than or less than prediction,
they nevertheless stated their faithfulness to empiricist tradition.
4. In 1969, Abdellah discussed the nature of nursing science. The criterion that Abdellah
used for assessment of scientific progress is an increase in scientific truths.
1970 to 1975
Two major trends:
1. Metatheoritical formulations relevant to nursing theory and testing within the logical
empiricist tradition were developed to high degree by such investigators as Jacox (1974)
and Hardy (1974).
According to Jacox (1974), the goal of science is the discovery of truth and the
purpose of scientific theory is description, explanation, and prediction of part of
empirical world. Jacox used the language of empiricists including concepts,
propositions, axioms, theorems.
Hardy (194) was more oriented to the formal logic underlying logical empiricism,
discussing nine possible relationships that can exist between concepts and
presenting a diagram that shows the concepts and the nature and sign of their
The irony was that at the same time, empiricism was strongly repudiated by a
growing number of philosophers of science.
2. A number of conceptual frameworks for nursing were published; for example Rogers
(1970), King ((1971), Orem (1971), and Roy (1974). These frameworks were essentially
devoid of any explicit linkage to philosophy f science.
1976- present
2. A revision of several conceptual frameworks for nursing and the introduction of some
new frameworks.
Orem (1980) King (1981), Roy (1981), and Rogers (1980) revised their work to
bring it more in the line with what nurse metatheorists of mid 1970s were
espousing-logical empiricism- so that they explicitly identify such elements as
concepts and propositions. Interestingly, these theorists have been updating trends
in philosophy of science as espoused in nursing literature f the mid 1970s, these
who espoused these views have begun to question them and some no longer
espouse them.
Two other conceptual frameworks were developed in books published in 1976 by
Paterson and Zderad and in 1981 by Parse. They see science as a process, and the
envision a strong link between theory’s ontological commitment and its
methodological commitment.
In the late 1970s, nurse scholars (Silva, 1971) began to question the limits of
quantitative research methods because they too often scarified the meaningfulness
of rigor. Articles suggesting alternative approaches to logical empiricism
(Munhall, 1982; Watson, 1981). These approaches were sought of the inadequacy
of logical empiricism to deal with phenomena dealing with humanism and holism
in nursing. Alternative approaches help to bridge the gaps among philosophies of
science, nursing theory, and nursing research.
This review shows not only that nursing theory in a state of transitions.
1. In future some of the conceptual frameworks for nursing may be integrated so that the
unimportant elements are scarified and the important elements are combined in a new
2. The historicist’s conception of science as a human process suggests that nursing theory
should always be understood as a stage in its evolution and growth.
3. Data for nursing theory development and testing will include: common practices of
nurse clinicians, psychosocial factors affecting the profession of nursing, the beliefs of
the community of nursing, and the reasoning patterns of individual nurse theorist.
4. There will be more emphasis on the actual solution to nursing care problems, and this
shift will help to bridge the gap between nurse scholars and nurse clinicians.
1. Creation of cooperation between departments of nursing and departments of
The four patterns of knowing are distinguished according to logical type of meaning:
The term nursing science was rarely used in the literature until the late 1950s.
Since that time there seems to be general agreement that there is critical need of
knowledge about the empirical word, knowledge that is systematically organized
into general laws and theories for the purpose of describing, explaining and
predicting phenomena of special concern to the discipline of nursing.
Nursing science does not presently exhibit the same degree of highly integrated
abstract and systematic explanations characteristic of the more mature sciences.
the conceptual structure, non of which have achieved what Kuhn (1962) called
scientific paradigm. It could be argued some of them have greater potential than
others for providing explanations for observed phenomena and may permit more
accurate prediction. However, this matter to be determined by research to test the
validity in the context of relevant empirical reality.
The science of nursing at present (1978) exhibits aspects of both the “natural
history stage of inquiry” and the “stage of deductively formulated theory”. The
task for natural history stage is the description and classification of phenomena by
direct observation. But current nursing literature reflects a shift to explanation and
classification of empirical facts.
Not much effort is made to make explicit this aesthetic pattern of knowing in
nursing-other than vaguely associate the art with technical skills involved in
nursing practice.
The concept of art includes the creative process of discovery in the empirical
pattern of knowing.
Aesthetic versus scientific meaning:
2. For Wiedenbach (1964), the art of nursing is visible through action taken to
provide whatever the patient requires to restore or extend his ability to cope with the
demands of his situation. The perception of patient’s need expressed is not only
responsible for the action taken by the nurse but reflected in it.
4. Orem (1971) spoke of the art o nursing as being expressed by the individual nurse
through her creativity in designing nursing that is effective. The art of nursing is
creative in that it requires development of the ability to envision valid modes of
helping and caring in relation to results which are appropriate. This is what is meant
by the whole patient concept in nursing.
Empathy is the capacity for participating in another’s feelings. The more skilled
the nurse becomes in perceiving and empathizing with the lives of others, the
more knowledge or understanding will be gained of alternate mode o perceiving
reality. And increase awareness of subjective experience will heighten the
complexity of decision making involved.
The “therapeutic use of self” implies that the way in which nurses view their own
selves and the client is of primary concern in any therapeutic relationship.
The examination of the standards, codes, and values by which we decide what is
morally should result in a greater awareness of what is involved in making moral
choices and being responsible for the choices made.
The knowledge of ethical codes will not provide answers to the moral questions
involved in nursing, nor will eliminate the necessity for having to make moral
Science: has what is called process-product ambiguity in that it refers both to an activity
or process and to the outcome or product of that process (Rudner, 1967).
The purpose of scientific theory is to describe, explain, and predict a part of the empirical
To develop a theory, efforts may proceed through various levels or stages (Jacox,
1. A period of specifying, defining, and classifying the concepts used in describing the
phenomena of the field.
2. Developing statements or propositions which propose how two or more concepts are
3. Specifying how all of the propositions are related to each other in systematic way.
Concepts: are words that describe objects, properties, events, and relations among these.
Groups of concepts may be formed into “higher-level” concepts that describe a wider
range of things. (example: professional nurse).
Concepts indicate the subject matter of a theory. For instance, concepts in a theory of
psychology might be “personality, “intelligence”. Concepts are abstract representation of
1. At one end of the continuum are those concepts that have a directly observable
empirical referent. (e.g.: Chair).
2. A move up in the continuum is when we indirectly observe an event and infer its
presence, i.e draw a conclusion based on certain evidence. (e.g. Pain).
3. Moving a long the continuum, still further from empirical referents, we encounter
concepts that are not clearly observable, either directly or indirectly, but may be defined
in terms of observables. (e.g. personality, role, and society). Such concept is called a
“construct” and is constructed of concepts that are directly or indirectly observable. We
do not observe society, although we can observe the people in the society.
4. A final point in the continuum is the theoretical term which has no meaning a part
from particular theory. (e. g superego has no meaning a part from psychoanalytical
Laws: some propositions are called Laws. A law states an empirical regularity among
phenomena that as far as known is invariable under the condition stated in the law. (e.g.
Newton’s law of motion).
Hypothesis: when the relationship between two or more concepts or facts has been
asserted but enough data or empirical evidence have not yet been gathered to support the
assertion strongly. When a proposition has this very tentative and inconclusive nature it is
referred to as hypothesis.
Principle: is a term often used in nursing to refer to a universal proposition. Nurses have
used principles as basis for their practice, or to explain or predict what kind of action will
produce a given effect. (e.g if prolonged decreased circulation to a part occurs, a
decubitus ulcer will form.)
Deduction: is another type of argument in which one reasons by taking one or more
premises or statements assumed to be true and deriving or deducing other statements or
conclusions. (A is larger than B and B is larger than C, then it can be concluded or
deduced that A is larger than C).
Axioms: are propositions which state the more general case (basic propositions)
Theorems: by combining the axioms in a certain way theorems are derived. (derived
Science is cumulative, meaning that one scientist’s work builds upon, extends, and
modifies body of knowledge developed by other scientists. This cumulative nature of
science is facilitated when each researcher tries systematically to relate what he is doing
to what others have learned, through use and modification of theories.
Model: is analogy or example that is used to help visualize and understand something
that cannot be directly observed or about which little is known.
Isomorphic: when a thing and a model if it are similar in certain respects they are said to
be “isomorphic” (Brodbeck, 1968). Degrees of isomorphism:
1. There is one-to one correspondence between parts of the model and the arts of the
thing (every blood vessel, muscle of the real heart is represented in the model).
2. The relationships among the parts are preserved (the relationship in the model the same
as the real thing).
3. The model works n the same principle as the original one (the heart contracts and
A theory in one field may be used as a model for a theory in another field if the elements
of the original field are believed to behave in the same way as those in the field foe which
the model is developed.
One highly abstract kind of model is a mathematical model. Her, a theory of mathematics
is used as a model to express the interrelationships among persons, actions, and events in
numerical form. It is common in economics and when statistics are used to describe
empirical phenomena.
Basic scientists: develop theory for the purpose of defining, explaining, and predicting
Applied scientist: develop theories for the purpose of guiding their actions toward some
desired goal.
Practice theory: a theory used to guide practitioner in selecting the most effective means
for obtaining his ends.
Nursing practice theory: is that which guides the nurse’s actions in attaining nursing
goals in patient care. Given this nursing goal (producing some desired change), these are
the actions the nurse must take to meet the goal. This is practice theory or situation
producing theory.
Glaser and Strauss (1967) identified four requirements for practice theory:
The need to recognize and make explicit values implied in the theory is also important
(Ellis, 1968). The goals in nursing practice are not value free; nurses place a negative
value of some kind of behaviors and positive value on other kinds. (e.g. the goal s to
relieve patient’s pain).
Middle range theory: include a limited number of variables and focus on limited aspects
of reality. Propositions that are not all inclusive can be derived and submitted to
empirical test.
There is less consensus over the boundaries in the behavioral and social sciences. The
difficulty in practice discipline is that knowledge is commonly drawn from a variety of
basic sciences, rather than only one.
2. Some make the distinction that there is no nursing theory, but that nurses use theories
from other fields in nursing. Their belie is that nurses should not be restricted to
researching only those problems which are immediate concern to nursing problem as it is
now practiced. Rather, they are interested in developing knowledge in basic science
which may or may not be used by nurses. Scientists, they say, are properly concerned
with the expansion f knowledge and not with whether it has an immediate practical use.
3. Those who believe that nurses should develop nursing theories base their argument on
the need for nurses to have a systematically organized body of knowledge on which to
base their practice. The proponents of nursing theory maintain that, although there is not
high consensus on what most appropriately constitutes nursing, there is sufficient
agreement to provide guides for the development of theories. Another assertion of those
who take this position is that nurses have great need for knowledge which scientists in
other fields may not be interested n developing, therefore, nurses must take responsibility
for developing this knowledge.
Concepts and theories in any area are invented by those who attempt to describe
explain, and predict and (in case of practice theory control) events in the empirical
world. If the concepts and theories so invented are o longer useful or accurate,
they are modified to fit the known and existing empirical reality.
It is after all. The experienced practicing nurse who is in the best position to make
the empirical observations basic to the construction of relevant nursing practice
Philosophy was sought out to unify scientific findings so that man as a holistic being
might emerge.
The philosopher is concerned with such matters as the purpose of human life, the
nature of being and reality, and the theory and limits of knowledge. Intuition,
introspection, and reasoning are some of his methodologies.
The scientist on the other hand, is primarily concerned with causality. Cause and
effect, in one way or another, are central to his goal of deriving scientific laws.
However, despite different focuses and methodologies. The philosopher and scientist
share the common goal of increasing mankind’s knowledge.
5. The statements of science must be logically ordered: one does not draw
conclusions before stating hypotheses. Science is best served through scientific
methods such as deduction, induction, or analytic-synthetic method.
6. Science must explain its investigations and arguments: scientists have the
responsibility to explain their arguments which led them to their conclusions.
1. Set: set is a well-defined collection of objects or elements. Facts, principles, and laws
that are interrelated and relevant to the problem.
2. Postulates: the central core of a theory consists of its postulates. These are statements
of general truth that serve as essential premises for whatever is being investigated.
c. Key terms: are those which can and must be operationally defined so that
hypothesis under study can be tested (e.g. testing).
4. Hypotheses: hypotheses are predictions which have been deduced from a set of
postulates and which sate the relationship between two or more variables. They imply
that the relationship between these variables can be observed and tested. Because well
sated hypotheses are based on observation of fact which permits them to be “proven” or
“disproven”, they are powerful instruments of science.
1. Ultimately, all nursing theory and research is derived from and leads to
philosophy: if one examines the four main branches of philosophy, one begins to see the
links between them and the process of nursing research.
- Logic: through logic, researchers are able to establish the validity of various
thoughts and the correctness of their reasoning. Logic of deriving valid
conclusions form hypotheses.
- Metaphysics: studies the most general concepts used in ordinary life and science
by examining the internal structure of the language used in various disciplines. Of
particular interest to nurses is an examination of the concept of causality.
- Ethics: the study of ethics comes to grips with moral principles and values.
Consideration of the ethical requirements of informed consent and the rights of
human subject. Research cannot be conceived apart from its moral implications.
one may not be able to articulate the process by which a conclusion is reached. The point
to be made here is that we must keep our minds open to all potential avenues which lead
to advancement of nursing knowledge.
- During the last 25 years two activities have been occurring but no close relation to each
other: theory development and revolution in the philosophy of science.
- During the same 25 years nurses began to give attention to theory construction in
nursing. Such people as Rogers, Peplau, and Johnson were among the first in 1960s.
Jacox and Webster identified some of their concerns about the view of science and theory
and its effects on nursing activities.
2. Research methods reflecting this notion of science have restricted our research.
Nursing research has overemphasized precision, quantification, and numbers.
3. Some nurses continue to spend their time and energy in activities that appear to be
scientific , but require far too much time and energy for results to be achieved. (e.g.
behavioral objectives).
Kuhn (1962) published a book titled the structure of scientific revolutions in which he
proposed a different view of science:
He said there are three stages of science:
2. Paradigm: “normal science” the stage of rational puzzle solving on the basis of shared
metaphysical and methodologic assumptions about how the part of the world being
studied operates and how it should be studied. It is the condition of most developed or
recognized sciences.
One of the major definitions for paradigm is that it is the general theory that a normal
science shares. (now Kuhn moved to talke about disciplinary matrices).
Kuhn says that professional education consists of socialization, a kind of brain washing
of students. They are taught to thin about the world by the intellectual leaders of the
Phage group: is a group of frequently communicating scholars, usually not more than a
hundred, who share common beliefs and goals through their network of communication
and are thus much more effective politically than are the smaller groups and isolated
Thus it is through a dominant phage group that paradigm controls a discipline,
and the control is largely social and political rater than cognitive and rational.
A paradigm is rejected when a number of a anomalies or unresolved problems
But a paradigm is not refuted. Rather the process of socialization of students
breaks dawn, and an increasing number of young scholars in the discipline begin
to explore solutions to problems outside of the accepted assumptions of the old
paradigm. This is the stage of revolutionary science, which is largely non rational
in nature.
A new phage group comes to dominate the discipline, and it is the new phage
group that selects and enforces the new paradigm.
Kuhn’s ideas of science provide a good background for understanding the “received
view” theory of science that has dominated nursing and science generally.
Received View: is a label that was adopted in the recent literature of the philosophy of
science. Suppe (1977) is one of the major philosophers that is responsible for the label. It
is a name given for the theory concerning the nature of science that dominated the
philosophy of science through the 30s, 40s, 50s.
The near consensus concerning the basic nature of the world that dominated much of
the seventeenth and eighteenth century gave way to two competing world view
1. The philosophy of nature: taking its cues concerning that basic nature of reality
from the physical science especially mathematical physics.
Logical positivism: in the twentieth century is part of the philosophy of nature in the
nineteenth-century sense.
Received view of science was composed of philosophers who gathered in Vienna in the
1930s and labeled themselves logical positivists.
Its interest in formal logic and formalization issues, and its rejection of metaphysics or
theory of reality, since the only reality was physical reality and the physical sciences
were the only appropriate disciplines for its study. Implicit in this assumption the view of
mind as either not appropriate subject for science or that it is reducible to physical reality.
Those who developed the Received View later criticized, refuted, and abandoned it.
1. Theory is either true or false and it is very important to determine which. There is no
room for degrees of truth or adequacy; this comes partially from the heavy emphasis on
mathematics and formal language to express science.
3. They must be axiomatized, although this doctrine was rejected very early as the result f
work done in the formal logic. They found very soon that nay set of necessarily true well
formulated in logic could be used as an axiom set.
7. Science has noting to say about value. It is value free and completely objective, and
value is not a proper subject of its concern.
8. The science progresses by reducing earlier theories to later theories, with all previous
theories being incorporated into the most recent. Science also progress by reducing less
basic to more basic sciences (sociology reduced to psychology).
None of these tenet is unequivocally true. All have been rejected or seriously modified by
recent philosophers of science.
Two related doctrines were that physical sciences are basic, and that less basic sciences
can be reduced to more basic sciences. The holistic view of persons espoused by nursing
in incompatible with these ideas. The rejection of this doctrine and acceptance of
interrelatedness of the body and mind are crucial for nursing.
The biological scientists are still dominated by the received view theory of science, due
in part to recent success in microbiology (according to the article in 1980s).
Another received view hallmark, the refutation of which has positive implications for
nursing, is the tenet that theoretical and observational terms can be clearly separated. This
is not possible; there is no such thing as a theory free observation. A researcher always
works back and forth between the theoretical and empirical.
The doctrine that science is value free is also false: Science is not value free, neither is
nursing value free. Nursing places positive value on health, human well-being, and
similar states and processes. It is better to try to understand how our values influence the
science and the theories that we construct rather than to continue with the notion that
science is value free.
The refutation of these and other doctrines of Received View is important to nursing.
Newly developed alternative views are much more consistent with the development of a
relevant knowledge base for nursing practice than is the outdated Received View of
science and theory.
Where received view believed that the meaning and truth of scientific theories were
absolute, historicism holds that both meaning and truth are both relative to social and
historical context within which theory is developed and asserted.
Kuhn allows only for the rational evaluation of individual theories within a disciplinary
matrix, but no for he evaluation of the disciplinary matrix itself.
Laudan (1977) of one of the historicists. Laudan said his concern is to offer objective
criteria for determining when progress has occurred. The particular kind of progress with
which laudan is concerned is cognitive progress, which is nothing more than progress
with respect to the intellectual aspirations of science.
There are two major points with respect to Laudan’s work that have particular interest for
1. What is crucial for evaluation of theory in any cognitive assessment of a theory is how
it fares with respect to its competitors.
Often the raised question in nursing is should there be one theory or many? The answer,
of course is “there should be several traditions and numerous theories within those
traditions. Viewing theories in this broader context would free us to become more
creative in development and evolution of nursing theories.