AGS McKinsey 7S Framework Overview

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McKinsey 7S
Table of Contents
Introduction to the McKinsey 7S Model
McKinsey 7S Framework Origin
The 7 Factors of the McKinsey 7S Model
Using McKinsey’s 7S Model for Change Management
McKinsey 7S Model Strengths and Weaknesses
Other Ways to Use McKinsey’s 7S Model
Introduction to the
McKinsey 7S Model
The 7S model McKinsey developed
takes a holistic look at what makes
companies tick and how each
element of a company needs to be
in harmony for an organization to
operate competitively and manage
change successfully.

Rather than focus on a roadmap to change, the McKinsey 7S
framework stresses that the coordination of seven critical
components of a company are what’s most important in a change

Three factors are considered “hard elements” and four factors are
Hard Elements
• Easy to Define
considered “soft elements”.
• Formalized

• Shared Values (soft)

• Skills (soft)
• Staff (soft)
• Strategy (hard)
Soft Elements • Structure (hard)
• Attitudes
• Workstyles • Style (soft)
• Systems (hard)
McKinsey 7S
Framework Origin
The McKinsey 7S framework model
was introduced in the late 1970’s by
two former McKinsey consultants,
Thomas J. Peters and Robert H.
Waterman who featured it in the
book In Search of Excellence.


After studying business strategy and success, Thomas Peters put
forth the idea at the heart of the McKinsey 7S analysis: Companies
were missing several key factors that helped their organizations run
effectively because they were only focusing on strategy.

These factors, rather than having an order of importance, were all

equally important.
Knights of
the Roundtable Peters originally put forth his larger concept in a 700-slide, two-day
All 7 factors are
presentation to a large corporation.
equally important,
just like the Knights
of the Roundtable.
Of course, that long of a presentation wouldn’t work for all
McKinsey clients, so the concept was condensed into the seven
factors we find in McKinsey’s 7S framework for strategic
The 7 Factors of the
McKinsey 7S Model
The McKinsey 7S framework provides
you with several factors that need to
be in alignment for your organization
to be healthy and thrive. However,
there is no specific order to address
each element, you simply need to
make sure they’re all addressed at
Tool some point in your project.

Shared Values
This is your corporate culture, belief system, and what you’re
known for. What does your company want to achieve? What’s its
mission? Its reputation?

If your company is known for being an innovator that blazes trails,

do the processes you use also reflect that? If, for example, you are
Shared Values
using antiquated systems to support your customer service

Mission activities, then your Systems factor would be out of balance with
• Reputation your Shared Values factor.
• Achievements

When it comes to applying McKinsey’s 7S framework in the

strategic management of change, you want to ensure that your
change project activities are reflecting your corporate culture and
shared values.
This area of the McKinsey 7S model includes both organizational
skills and individual employee skills.

You want to ensure that your team has the skills necessary to keep
you competitive. And in the case of a change project, provide
proper employee training to give your team the skills needed for
the new process.
• Employee
• Organization
• Outsourced Another part of this factor in the McKinsey change management
framework is to decide which skills should be kept in house and
which ones would be more efficient as outsourced skills.
Your staff is another important element in the McKinsey 7S model.
You have to ensure your staff is balanced and diverse, so you’ll have
economies of scope.

Other important considerations are hiring practices, turnover, and

staff policies that can help or hurt your business.

A Example: If you’re a U.S. company expanding your operations to

stakeholder analysis
at the start of a Singapore, the following would be Staff imbalances with other 7S
change project can factors of your business (Systems, Processes, Skills):
help you understand
staff needs.
• Hiring practices don’t include Singapore related job posting sites
• No one on your team is familiar with the country
• Phone systems don’t include local Singapore phone numbers
McKinsey describes strategy and organization as “two sides of the
same coin.” Your strategy is how you plan to move your company
toward its goals, while also remaining adaptive.

When it comes to a change project, the strategy element in the

McKinsey 7S example would be the detailed plan or
change management roadmap you follow to get from your current
• How to move state to your desired future state.
from Point A to
Point B
This roadmap strategy needs to be in alignment with all the other 6
factors within the McKinsey 7S framework.
The structure element in the McKinsey 7S framework refers to your
classic organizational structure or chain of command. These are also
known as authority relationships.

Who needs to sign off on a change communication? Who should

you alert if your timeline is changing?

• Reduce If your organization’s structure is complex, the answer to those

• Define authority questions might not be clear to employees managing a change.
Style is related to culture but is more about a personal managerial
style or the culture a certain department might operate under. For
example, some departments may be more open to outside ideas
than others.

Style is one of the more difficult areas of the McKinsey 7S analysis

to get on top of, because it’s very personal, and changing people’s

Personal managerial styles requires helping them become more self-aware.
Impacts staff
• Can cause

resistance This is where you will run into: “But that’s the way we do it around
Can encourage
support here” and similar types of attitudes that are resistant to change.

Having a resistance management strategy can help you bring this

factor into balance with the others.
Systems refers both to the physical systems your team works with
and the processes and workflows you have in place. What happens
within your IT infrastructure after an order is placed at your
company or how your HR department handles time-off requests are
both systems.
You can think of the systems element of McKinsey’s 7S framework
• “How work gets in strategic management as “how work gets done.”
• Physical systems

Workflows When planning a change, you’ll want to ensure systems, including
technology and processes, are aligned with the other six factors to
drive efficiency and productivity.
Using McKinsey’s 7S
Model for Change
Because of the nature of the
McKinsey 7S framework, it can be
difficult to know where to start or
how to use this model in a sequence
needed for change management or
company improvement. However, it
can still be helpful for gauging
Tool balance during change projects.

Steps for Using McKinsey 7S in Change Projects
1. Do an impact assessment to see how each of the seven factors
in the McKinsey 7S model would be impacted by the change.

2. Create your change plan to address those impacts and with a

goal to maintain balance.
3. Throughout your change project, check each of the seven
The purpose of the factors to ensure each is being brought into a “post change”
McKinsey model is
to keep all 7 factors harmony, adjust strategy as needed.
in balance.

4. Once your change project is complete, review each of the

McKinsey 7S factors to ensure they’re in balance.
McKinsey 7S Factor Current State Desired Future State Need to Do This to Get There or
Maintain Balance
Shared Values Sustainability Sustainability Foster team connection using cloud
Team oriented Team oriented Ensure phone system is cloud based
Customer-Centric Customer-Centric

Skills Proficient at current applications Add proficiency in remote cloud Establish training plan and evaluation
programs method for new skills needed for remote
Add new skills for remote working workers

Staff No one has worked remotely before Have staff member with experience Hire appropriate candidate with remote
managing remote teams supervisory experience

Strategy Current strategy is to serve customers Strategy that involves serving Develop a plan that includes marketing
as we have for 40+ years customers “anywhere, anyplace” and processes to enable expansion of
strategy to include remote teams.
Structure Structure includes clear chain of Structure to be just as clear, but Review leadership/managers and come up
command for onsite employees include chain of command for both with structure changes needed.
Moving from a fully remote and onsite employees
onsite staff to 50%
remote working staff Style Managers are used to having teams in Managers treating onsite and remote Leadership training needed to
the same building. employees the same as far as job indoctrinate managers and systems to
duties, importance, promotions, etc. support real-time communication for
remote teams.

Systems Workflows don’t currently involve Technology and workflows can be Update any workflows needed and get
remote employees, but are cloud- used seamlessly by onsite and remote feedback on processes to ensure they’re
based; Technology supports remote teams. sufficient to support remote teams.
McKinsey’s 7S Model
Strengths &
Is the McKinsey 7S model right for
your change project? Some may find
it flexible and holistic, while others
may find it confusing and tedious.


McKinsey 7S Framework Advantages
It Can Be Applied Widely: The flexibility of the 7S model McKinsey
promotes is one of its biggest strengths. It can be applied whether
you’re going through change or to help identify weaknesses and
opportunities in your organization.

It Takes a Holistic View: The framework by McKinsey is unique in

McKinsey 7S Pros
that it focuses on harmony and balance within your organization. It

Flexible helps companies to identity areas they may not see as connected
• People + Processes and view them holistically when it comes to change.

People & Processes are Included: Some change management

models focus heavily on people and others focus more on
processes. The McKinsey model includes both, ensuring both the
human and technical elements of change are kept in focus.
McKinsey 7S Framework Disadvantages
There is No Roadmap to Follow: A big drawback with the McKinsey
7S model is that it doesn’t give you steps or any roadmap to follow
for a change management program.

It Can Be Tedious for Change Management: If you have to check

every step of your change management process across each of the
McKinsey 7S Cons
7 S’s, you’d hardly have time to do anything else. Unless you have a

No Roadmap small company and project, it can be tedious to use.
Tedious to Use
• A gauge, not
strategy It’s Better as a Gauge Than a Strategy: The McKinsey 7S model is
better when used as a gauge at the beginning and end of a change
management project to ensure balance of the 7S areas of your
organization. Using a different change management tool or model
makes more sense for your actual change strategy and planning.
Other Ways to Use
McKinsey’s 7S Model
McKinsey’s framework in strategic
management is a general
methodology for checking that a
business is in balance. It’s designed
to be used for many different needs
within an organization.


Other Ways to Use the McKinsey 7S Framework
The process of checking that each area of a company (the 7S
factors) are in balance and harmony can be used to help a business
beyond change management.

Here are some other ways it can be used:

McKinsey 7S
Framework • Boost productivity and efficiency
• Identify areas in a business holding the company back
A gauge to check
organizational health & • Create a new business strategy
look for opportunities. • Align departments during mergers or acquisitions
• Implement employee improvement strategies
• Determine how to become more competitive
• Uncover areas of opportunity

Final thoughts and conclusions

regarding the McKinsey 7S
Framework for organizational
change and business management.


Conclusion: McKinsey 7S Framework
The McKinsey 7S framework is a powerful tool to look in depth at
your organization and identify areas where it may not be operating
in harmony. It offers a unique insight into seven key areas that other
change models don’t explore in the same way.

The biggest problem with the 7S model is that it’s not well suited as
Need Help with
Change Management?
a step-by-step strategy for change management. It’s much better
when used as a gauge to “check the temperature” of your company.
It’s what we do!
Email us any time with
questions at: It can be helpful to use alongside another change management
model or tool to ensure your change project takes the 7S’s into

In general, it’s a helpful framework to gain deeper insight into the

different moving parts of your organization.

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