Unit 8 Design
Unit 8 Design
Unit 8 Design
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Do you visit museums What do you personally Why do you think the
or art galleries? Why or think about Pei’s design initial reaction to his
why not? for the Louvre design was so negative?
B. Work in a small group. Discuss the questions and explain
your answers.
C. Use a dictionary to complete the chart with different word
commitment commit
We can infer that Ana thinks that it’s not an easy question
We can infer that Ana thought her design was not very good.
1. The guest speaker, Ana Fuentes, describes learning from her mistakes.
Think about when you learned from a mistake that you or somebody else
made. Explain the situation and what you learned.
2. Some people says, “The biggest mistake in life is to be afraid of making
mistakes.” Discuss whether you agree or disagree with this idea and why?
Designing the Future
B. Read about Skylar Tibbits. What types of things he may
be designing in his laboratory
D. Watch the video again. What is the main messages of the video?
1. Which of the ideas mentioned in the video is most interesting for you personally?
Why? – furniture that can assemble itself, smart products that can respond to
users, shoes that can change to perform better, or high – tech materials that
respond to touch?
2. Do you think the work of Skylar Tibits is more closely related to design, to
engineering, or to some other field?
function browse
influence identity
philosophy illustrate
principle explore
D. Interview your classmates by asking these survey questions.