Sessio 1
Sessio 1
Sessio 1
National Training
on Literacy Instruction
Session 3
The Building of
Competence through Oral
Language Instruction
Presented by:
Education Program Supervisor
Zamboanga City-Schools Division Office
DepEd Regional Office IX
National Training on Literacy Instruction
1. Define oral language;
2. Discuss how oral language affects the
development of literacy skills;
3. Demonstrate understanding of instructional
strategies which explicitly develop oral
language skills through literacy related tasks;
4. Demonstrate desirable classroom teaching
practices that reflect gained understanding of
sound methodologies in developing the oral
language skills of learners.
National Training on Literacy Instruction
Let’s Warm up
That’s good!
That’s bad!
National Training on Literacy Instruction
National Training on Literacy Instruction
Fluency Vocabulary
National Training on Literacy Instruction
• Comprehension
•Phonemic Awareness
•Oral language
National Training on Literacy Instruction
what is Oral
National Training on Literacy Instruction
(Moats, 2001)
National Training on Literacy Instruction
Oral activities
National Training on Literacy Instruction
Component 1
Component 2
clarity sensitivity
National Training on Literacy Instruction
Component 3
Element Definition
1. The physical By enriching the physical
environment environment of the classroom,
multiple opportunities for
engaging oral interaction and
development will exist..
National Training on Literacy Instruction
Element Definition
2. Classroom culture By enriching the physical
environment of the classroom
we create multiple
opportunities for engaging oral
interaction and development.
National Training on Literacy Instruction
Element Definition
3. Opportunities for Communication happens all the
communication time in the classroom. By taking
advantage of certain
communication opportunities,
students can be exposed to
multiple oral language contexts
and uses.
National Training on Literacy Instruction
Component 4
Component 5
1. Practice!
2. Practice!
3. Practice!
National Training on Literacy Instruction
Write a brief lesson plan using the
given competencies for your respective
grade level.