In this chapter, you will learn:
How to write coherent and meaningful
paragraphs of different types.
To be specific, this chapter treats issues related
to identifying structure of a paragraph.
Creating topic sentence.
Developing supporting details.
Writing the first drafts of paragraphs and
editing for different types of errors.
Objectives of the unit: Up on completion of this
unit, students will be able to:
Identify the key features of a paragraph;
Recognize the parts of a paragraph;
Identify qualities of an effective paragraph and
produce paragraphs with these qualities;
Select topics, create topic sentences and details
of a paragraph;
Write coherent and complete paragraphs;
Edit their own and others paragraph;
Brainstorming Attempt the following
questions first individually and then discuss
your answers with your partners.
1. What is paragraph?
2. What are the major parts of a paragraph?
3. What are the basic qualities of a good
A paragraph is a group of sentences which are
arranged in a logical order to provide appropriate
details or information on a single topic.
In other words, a paragraph contains sentences
which have interrelated meaning and which
develop a single issue or topic.
A paragraph is a basic building block for any
prose or it can be a complete work in itself.
A paragraph helps to subdivide and present
longer information in segments or chunks.
It helps to mark a division of thought to enable
readers easily understand the message of a given
It also helps to group related details for readers
benefit because a paragraph treats only one idea
at a time.
There is no clear cut decision on how long a
paragraph should be.
However, it is usually advisable not to extend a
paragraph to more than eight to ten lines or one
hundred twenty words.
A paragraph is a group of sentences that works
together to develop a main idea.
One of these sentences identifies the topic for
the reader and makes a statement of some kind
about the topic.
This statement is called the topic sentence.
Sentences that give additional information about
the idea stated in the topic sentence are called
supporting sentences (developers).
The last sentence (concluding sentence)
summarizes the main idea of the paragraph.
What is a Paragraph?
• A paragraph is a group of sentences that tells
about one subject or area.
Paragraph 1
As a new broom sweeps clean, the new head turned
the department upside down. He changed all the
pictures in his office. He reviewed the office staff, hired
four and fired three and gave everybody raises. He
ordered the latest office machine and locks for the
supply cabinets. The most interesting change was a new
work schedule, before he published it, he consulted
people. The new schedule reflected every body’s
Paragraph 2
In the future, a young woman trained to be an
engineer will not only improve here own life but
may also make our country a better place for
everyone. She may, for instance devise a new kind
of automobile engine that doesn’t require gasoline
at all. That would make our country less
dependent on other country for oil import. She
could also design better quality buildings that are
convenient for life. Girls with interests in science
and mathematics should be encouraged to go on
to engineering school. (Ezor, and Lewis, 1984:32)
Paragraph 3
In crowded areas of high pollution, such as Los
Angles, it is estimated that people are losing about
ten years, on average, of their life spans. Diseases
related to air pollution, such as emphysema, are
more common in younger people. Continued rapid
growth of human population will lead to more
pollution and a lower standard of health for
everyone. More polluting cars will be needed for
transport more polluting factories will be needed to
produce goods. More fertilizer and pesticide
pollution will occur as people attempt to grow
more and more food. (Ibid)
Topic Sentence
• What is the topic sentence?
The topic sentence is the first sentence in a
• What does it do?
It introduces the main idea of the paragraph.
• How do I write one?
Summarize the main idea of your paragraph. Indicate
to the reader what your paragraph will be about.
• There are three reasons why Canada is one of
the best countries in the world. First, Canada has
an excellent health care system. All Canadians
have access to medical services at a reasonable
price. Second, Canada has a high standard of
education. Students are taught by well-trained
teachers and are encouraged to continue studying
at university. Finally, Canada's cities are clean and
efficiently managed. Canadian cities have many
parks and lots of space for people to live. As a
result, Canada is a desirable place to live.
Look the other power points about Topic
1. Topic sentence
2. Hamburger paragraph
Writing Effective Topic Sentences
What are the ingredients of an effective topic
sentence? What makes one topic sentence
more effective than another? Here are some
suggestions for writing strong topic sentences.
1. A good topic sentence usually states an
opinion or attitude that can be supported by
details and examples.
• Examples:
• Topic sentence: The weather is miserable
• Support: 105-degree temperature
High humidity
No breeze
Bad pollution
2. A good topic sentence is specific enough to be clear and
interesting. Examples:
• Good Topic sentence: The orange trees in your
garden look diseased.
• Weak Topic sentence: The trees in your garden look
3. A good topic sentence gives a definite direction
to a paragraph.
• Example:
• Weak Topic sentence: I own a dog name Biscuit.
(No direction given)
• Better Topic sentence: My cocker spaniel Biscuit is
a lazy dog.
Parts of a Topic Sentence
A good topic sentence has two parts: the topic
and the controlling idea.
The topic is the subject of your paragraph.
It is what you are writing about.
The controlling idea limits the topic of your
paragraph to the aspect of that topic that you
want to explore in your paragraph.
Look at these examples:
1. Adama is a nice place to live.
Topic controlling idea
2. Awassa has many tourist attraction spots.
Topic controlling idea
3. Awassa has a suitable weather for living.
Topic controlling idea
Supporting sentences are all sentences other
than topic sentence.
Supporting sentences develop the topic
sentence by providing reasons or justifications,
examples, facts, statistics and quotations.
In short, they provide the necessary information
to clarify or explain the general idea stated in the
topic sentence.
Supporting sentences support the topic
sentence in many different ways.
1. One of the most common ways to support a
topic sentence is to use facts or statistics.
2. The second way to support a topic sentence is
with examples.
3. The third common way of supporting a topic
sentence is by using an illustration that is
based on personal experience.
Read the following paragraph carefully and
explain how the functions of sentences 2, 3, 4
are different from sentence 1 or sentence 5.
(1)There are many reasons why people move.
(2)Some people move because of new job.
(3)Others move because they want to live in a
city with better weather. (4)Still others move
because they want to live somewhere cheaper.
(5) In short, these are some reasons why people
move to new cities.
Major and Minor Supporting Sentences
In terms of organization, especially of
expository paragraphs, there are two types of
supporting sentences: major supporting
sentences and minor supporting sentences.
The major supporting sentences are the main
details that tell us about the topic sentence.
The minor supporting sentences tell us more
about the major supporting sentences.
Topic Sentence (TS)
People in the United States celebrate New Year’s
Eve in many ways.
Major Supporting Sentence (SS)
The most common way mat be going to a big
party with lots of friends, music, and dancing.
Minor Supporting Sentence (SS)
At the stroke of midnight, people at these parties
grab their sweethearts and spend the first
seconds of the new year by exchanging gifts.
It is important to note that all major supporting
sentences do not need to have the same
number of minor supporting sentences.
In fact, sometimes you will not have any minor
supporting sentences at all.
This section of a paragraph summarizes or recaps the
details discussed in the body of the paragraph.
Not every paragraph will have a conclusion.
For instance, if a paragraph is part of a larger piece of
writing like an essay or a story, it may not have a
Sometimes also when topic sentence comes at the end
of a paragraph, it serves as a concluding sentence.
Concluding sentences usually begin with words such as
therefore, in general, in short, to conclude, to
summarize, to recap….
The concluding sentence of a paragraph is
generally a restatement of the topic sentence.
It may not be possible to restate the topic itself,
but it is always possible to restate the controlling
Example: The following example illustrates the
above short notes about the parts of a
The poodle makes a perfect pet because they offer their
owners a companionship for life, not to mention that they
have a loveable personality. Poodles are sweet, smart, playful,
and well mannered and they love to be around people. They
are always willing to lend their unquestionable love and loyalty
when you need the most and they are yours for life. Apart
from being a happy spirited dog and a great companion, the
poodle is small and doesn’t require a lot of room, so they are
ideal for apartments or city settings. The poodle is suited to
most environments and lifestyles; whether it be living in the
suburbs or downtown, with one person or a couple, or even
living with a family and children, the poodle fits right in. In
general, the poodle is a dog that can be a part of your family
no matter where you live and that can provide you with love
and companionship that you won’t want to do without.
Topic Sentence
The ancient Egyptians believed in many different
gods and goddesses and each one had their own
role to play in maintaining peace and harmony
D across the land. Some gods and goddesses took
E part in creation. Other gods and goddesses brought
T the flood every year. Some offered protection, and
A some took care of people after they died. Egyptians
I had local gods who represented towns, and minor
gods who represented plants or animals. The
L ancient Egyptians believed that it was important
S to recognize and worship these gods and
goddesses so that life continued smoothly.
Closing Statement
Think of a Closing Statement for this
against religion
You have seen the four types of paragraph with
their sub-type.
These paragraphs are grouped according to the
purpose they serve for the readers.
In reality however, a single paragraph may serve
two or three purposes at a time. For example, an
expository paragraph can hold some elements of
descriptive or narrative paragraphs.
Therefore it is not uncommon to come across a
paragraph which serves two or there purposes
yet with one dominant purpose.
Choose one of the following topic and
develop your own paragraph
( At least use eight sentences)
1. My Favorite City
2. The Worst Day in My Life
3. Improving Quality Education in Ethiopia
4. Eradicating Poverty in Ethiopia