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Topics Presenters
Design Review
Purpose, Benefits
•Have different parties to look at the design, to identify and
clarify different interpretation of the spec.
•Identify any novelty features and evaluate their reliability and
CIGRE WG A2.36, “Guide for conducting design review for
power transformers”
Design Review
Design Review- IEC Scope Checklist
System data
- AC system voltage variations Transformer design
- System short-circuit capacity - Core mechanical design
- Transformer protection - Core thermal design
- System grounding conditions - Core insulation
- Winding arrangement
Environmental data - Types of winding
- Ambient temperature range - Winding insulation design
- Site altitude - Winding thermal design
- Pollution - Winding mechanical design
- Seismic zone and response data - Winding clamping
- Short-circuit strength
Specification requirements - Leads and cleats
- Ratings, loading - Leakage flux control
- Ratios - Sound level control
- Insulation levels - Seismic analysis
- Impedances - External cooling equipment
- Cooling provisions - Conservator, preservation system
- Temperature rise limits - Surface preparation and painting
- Sound levels
- Losses
Design Review- IEC Scope Checklist cont’d
- Connection technology Transportation and installation
- Active part dry-out and processing - Routing
- Clearance limitations
Inspection and test plan - Weight limitations
- Tests to be performed - Use of impact recorders
- Limits of test results - Site handling
- Tap changer positions during testing - Warranty considerations
- Heat run tests
- Extra tests during fabrication
- Required details in the test report
Auxiliary equipment
- Bushings
- Current transformers
- Tap changers
- Internal surge arresters
- Control cabinet
- Monitoring devices
Design Review
Good design is when all limits are met and margins for
stresses are optimized
Dielectric Stresses
•Due to system overvoltage, transient impulse
conditions or internal resonance of windings
Thermal Stresses
•Due to local overheating, overload currents and
leakage flux when loading above nameplate limits
ratings, malfunction of cooling equipment
Mechanical stresses
•Between conductors, winding insulation structure
and the core, leads and winging due to overcurrent Mechanical Thermal
or fault currents caused by short circuits and
inrush currents limits limits
Examples of Design Review
Design Transformer to Withstand System Faults
Design Transformer to Withstand System Faults
Force= β * I * ℓ * sinɑ
Flux density * Current Density * Length of current element
Design Transformer to Withstand System Faults
Material Selection
-Copper is specified with yield points up to 320 N/mm2, which is selected to meet radial strength
-Continuously Transposed Cables (CTC) and twin conductors are epoxy bonded to increase the
radial strength and avoid axial tilting
-Pre-compressed high density pressboard is used for spacing and axial support to minimize
-High density paper is used for all conductor insulation to minimize compression and relaxing
Design Transformer to Withstand System Faults
Manufacturing Consideration
-Axial winding height
-Inner diameter
-Outer diameter
-Rigid clamping of windings
-Pre-pressing and height adjustment within the above tolerances
-Final pressing after drying with temperature control to minimize loss of pressure in service
Design Transformer to Withstand System
The keys to success- designing for short circuit
-What is the peak, full asymmetric current used for SC calculation?
-Is the pre-fault voltage considered
-Where all SC cases considered?
-Are the calculated SC currents accurate? Was a system study performed?
-What calculation method was used to determine the SC forces?
-What is the maximum axial displacement (offset) used in the calculation and was the pitch of the
winding considered?
-How do you ensure that the maximum offset used in the calculation will not be exceeded during the
manufacturing process?
-How are the permissible limits for spacers and pressboard determined? Were actual SC test
-How are the forces on clamps, tie-bars, tie-rods, tie-plates, pressure rings and end supports calculated
and what is the basis for the limits on these items?
-Are the forces calculated static or dynamic?
-Are all winding subject to buckling self-supporting?
Design Transformer to Withstand System
Success Depends on:
-Precise current and force calculations
-Calculation and stress evaluation must be based on the short circuit test experience from models
and production units
-Axial ampere-turn balancing
-Radially self supporting winding
-Work hardening and epoxy coating of conductors
-Rigid clamping of windings
-Close manufacturing tolerances
Design to Withstand High Transport Acceleration
Design to Withstand High Transport Acceleration
Design to Withstand HV Lightning and Switching
Overvoltage in Service
Temporary Overvoltage
•A power frequency voltage of relatively long duration, ranging from less than one second to several
Transient Overvoltage
•A short duration overvoltage ranging from nanoseconds up to a few milliseconds.
•Transient overvoltage may be oscillatory or non0oscillatory
•Usually unidirectional
Transient calculation
•Transient calculations are time dependent analyzes of the voltage distribution
•Transient calculations are fundamental part of the design work. The tool used has to include capacitance and
inductance matrices
•A correct transient equivalent circuit which represents the basis for a correct modeling
•Voltages between windings and turns need to be determined and converted into stresses to deliver a criterion to
evaluate a design
Design to Withstand HV Lightning and Switching Surges
In most cases, the design of the insulation is determined by the lightning and switching impulse,
therefore correct transient calculations are the key factor for long term in service reliability
Design to Withstand HV Lightning and Switching Surges
Design to Withstand HV Lightning and Switching Surges
Design Margin
-The manufacturer includes margin in the design of the insulation for the following reasons
• The breakdown of solid and liquid insulation is subject of random effects with a scatter
• Different arrangement show different breakdown characteristics
• The calculation of the transient voltage and stresses can not be done without tolerances
• Production tolerances must be taken into consideration
-The required design margin for the dielectric strength depends on the following
• The failure probability of the design limit
• The accuracy of voltage and stress calculations
• The tolerance needed for manufacturing
-A design showing a high electrical margin is not necessarily a safe design
The design margin must cover the tolerances for scatter, calculation and manufacturing