TOMATO (Lycopersicum Esculentum) Jam Fortified With MANGO, Pineapple, Papaya and Apple Fruit

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TOMATO (Lycopersicum esculentum) Jam fortified with MANGO,


Chapter I

Background of the study

• Tomatoes are low in saturated fat, cholesterol and

sodium. And unlike most foods, cooking or
processing of tomato (e.g. tomato paste, catsup,
tomato soup, and tomato sauce) is beneficial to
• Tomatoes are extensively cultivated throughout
the world. It is considered to be one of the most
profitable crops in the Philippines and the second
most important fruit vegetable in the country after
eggplant (Altoveros & Borromeo 2010).
• Distribution channels for vegetables and other
products have been disrupted in agricultural
areas such as the Cordillera Administrative
Region, where delivery restrictions have
resulted in the crops being thrown out. (Rivas,
• As a result, there is a pressing need to develop
new food products that are more shelf-stable,
such as jam. Because of this, the purpose of
this research is to develop and evaluate novel
ideas for the reservation of tomato-based
goods (tomato jam).
• Fortified with Mango, Pineapple,
Apple and Papaya
Statement of the Problem
1. What is the level of acceptability: of tomato
jam fortified with mango, pineapple, papaya
and apple in terms of :
a) Appearance
b) Texture
c) Aroma
d) Taste
2. Are there significant differences on the 5 treatments
of tomato jam in terms of taste, texture, aroma and
Objectives of the Study

1. Level of Acceptability of Tomato Jam

fortified with mango, pineapple, and papaya
and apple fruit in terms of; Appearance,
Texture, Aroma, Taste
2. The significant differences on the Level of
Acceptability among the five treatments of
tomato Jam in terms of appearance, texture,
aroma and taste.
Significance of the Study

• Entrepreneur
• Chef
• Future Researchers and Innovators
Scope and Delimitation

• This research is being carried out to help

with current efforts to reduce the amount
of tomatoes wasted by putting them to
other uses
• The taste test will be conducted at Nueva
Vizcaya State University where the
sensory evaluators are selected professors
who have expertise in food preservation.
Definition of Terms:
• Aroma- it refers to the characteristics, fragrance and scent or odor of the
fortified tomato jam.
• Acceptability- refers to the capable or worthy of being accepted. It is the
reaction of the respondents to the finished products.
• Appearance – Operationally, refers to the evaluators as to how they
accept the appearance of the fortified tomato jam.
• Evaluation ­- In this study, it is used to judge or determine the
significance, worth, or quality of the product to evaluate the results upon
• Food Acceptability – is affected by many factors, which may be related
to the in dividual, the food, or the environment in which the food is
• Fortification – it is referred to another substance added to the food to
make it healthier (Collins, 2010). In this study mango, pineapple, apple,
and papaya are the fortifier of the tomato jam.
• Previous studies have shown that tomatoes are
currently an important food component globally. The
tomatoes are in fact the second largest vegetable both
in terms of production and consumption (FAO, 2016).
• Tomatoes are known as a source of vitamins and pro-
vitamins (vitamin C, pro-vitamin A, β carotene, folate),
minerals such as potassium, and secondary metabolites
such as lycopene, flavonoids, phytosterols and
polyphenols (Beecher, 1998, Luthria et al., 2006).
Mango, Pineapple, Apple Papaya

• Chand et al. (2007) reported that Pineapple (Ananus

comosus) is non-climacteric fruit grown widely in
• According to (Pal,1998)mango is a good source of
nutrients, particularly vitamins A and C and dietary fiber.
• Papaya has been cultivated for its edible fruits for
hundreds of years but it is now also used for the
production of jams, preserves, soft drinks, ice-cream,
cocktail, crystallized fruit and canned in syrup (Ezike,
Akah, Okoli, Ezeuchenne, & Ezeugwu, 2009
Chapter III


Research Design

• This study made use of the experimental

design form of research that will study the
Tomato ( Lycopersicum esculentum) jam
fortified with mango, pineapple, papaya and
apple in terms of appearance, texture,aroma
and taste.
Materials Needed

• Tools • Ingredients
 Measuring cups &  Tomatoes
spoons  Sugar
 Sterilized jar  Lemon juice
 Non-stick pan  Mango
 Wooden spoon  Pineapple
 Hand gloves  Apple
 Knife • Papaya
Preparation of the fortified tomato jam
1. Bring a large saucepan of water to boil. Place the tomatoes in
the boiling water and cook until the skins are loose.
2. Remove their skins, set aside then peel the fruit that being
use to mix in tomato and slice them and put them in separate
3. Cook each mixture (pure tomato), (tomato, pineapple, sugar),
(tomato, mango, sugar), (tomato, papaya, sugar), and
(tomato, apple, sugar), stir regularly to ensure that the
mixture cooks evenly, over medium heat until most liquid has
4. If foam raises the surface from time to time, skim it with a
large spoon. Take the pan off the heat and add the lemon
juice. Fill the jar with the jam and set aside to cool, package
it and store for 5 days.
Experimental Design and Treatments

Treatments Fruits
1 Control ( Pure Tomato)
1 C tomato

1C mango

1 C tomato

1 C pineapple

1C tomato

1C apple

1 C tomato

1C papaya
Data Gathering Instrument

• In this study researchers will utilized the 5

point hedonic scale. Each evaluator will be
given scorecard and the product that is being
presented by researchers.
The qualitative description of the Appearance,
Texture, Aroma, and Taste are as follows:

Taste, Texture, Aroma, and Appearance Qualitative Description

4.50-5.0 Extremely Desirable

3.50-4.49 Very Desirable

2.50-3.49 Moderately Desirable

1.50-2.49 Slightly Desirable

1.0-1.49 Undesirable
Treatment of Data
• ANOVA (Analysis of variance) was used to
determine the significant differences in terms
of Appearance, Texture, Aroma, and Taste.

• Researchers will perform Post hoc Tukey

(HSD) pairwise comparison test to identify the
means that are not equal the level of
significance at 0.05.
Chapter IV


Level of Acceptability

• This study was conducted to determine the

Acceptability of TOMATO Jam fortified
Mango, Ppineapple, Apple and Papaya
according to Taste, Texture, Aroma, and
Table 1. Level of Acceptability of TOMATO Jam fortified with mango, pineapple, apple and papaya according to Appearance.

Level Mean Std. Deviation Description
2 C Tomato 4.6 0.8307
1C Tomato & Mango 4.2 0.6000
1 C Tomato & 3.3 0.6403
1C Tomato & Apple 3.9 0.4899
Very Desirable
1C Tomato Papaya 4.1 0.5385
Very Desirable
Overall Mean 4.02 0.6007
Very Desirable
Table 2. Level of Acceptability of TOMATO Jam fortified with mango,
pineapple, apple and papaya according to Texture.


Level Mean Std. Deviation Description

2 C Tomato 4.2 0.6000 Very Desirable

1C Tomato & 1C 4.7 0.4583 Extremely Desirable


1C Tomato & 1C 3.9 0.8307

Pineapple Very Desirable

1C Tomato & 1C 4.4 0.6633

Apple Very Desirable

1C Tomato & 1C 4.0 0.3000

Papaya  Very Desirable

Overall Mean 4.25 0.5704 Very Desirable

Table 3. Level of Acceptability of TOMATO Jam fortified with Mango, Pineapple, Apple and
Papaya according to Aroma.


Level Mean Std. Deviation Description

2C Tomato 4.3 0.6403 Very Desirable

1C Tomato & 1C 4.5 0.5000 Extremely

Mango Desirable

1C Tomato & 1C 4.2 0.6000

Pineapple Very Desirable

1C Tomato & 1C 4.6 0.4099 Extremely

Apple Desirable

1C Tomato & 1C 3.9 0.7000

Papaya Very Desirable

Overall Mean 4.3 0.5860 Very Desirable

Table 4. Level of Acceptability of TOMATO Jam fortified with Mango,
Pineapple Apple and Papaya according to Taste.


Level Mean Std. Deviation Description

2C Tomato (control) 3.9 0.8307 Very Desirable

1C Tomato & 1C 4.6 0.6633

Mango Very Desirable

1C Tomato & 1C 4.0 1.0954

Pineapple Very Desirable

1C Tomato & 1C 4.5 0.6708 Extremely

Apple Desirable

1C Tomato & 1C 3.7 0.9000

Papaya Very Desirable

Overall Mean 4.14 0.8320 Very Desirable

Table 5. Summary of Level of Acceptability of TOMATO Jam with different
treatments according to Taste, Texture, Aroma, and Appearance.


Treatments Mean Std. Deviation Description

2C Tomato 4.25 0.6402

Very Desirable

1C Tomato & 1C Mango 4.5 0.5925 Extremely


1C Tomato & 1C 3.85 0.7916

Pineapple Very Desirable

1C Tomato & 1C Apple 4.35 0.5906

Very Desirable

1C Tomato & 1C 3.925 0.5868

Papaya Very Desirable

Overall Mean 4.175 0.6403

Very Desirable
Table 5. Summary of Level of Acceptability of TOMATO Jam with
different treatments according to Taste, Texture, Aroma, and


Treatments Mean Std. Deviation Description

2C Tomato 4.25 0.6402

Very Desirable

1C Tomato & 1C Mango 4.5 0.5925 Extremely


1C Tomato & 1C 3.85 0.7916

Pineapple Very Desirable

1C Tomato & 1C Apple 4.35 0.5906

Very Desirable

1C Tomato & 1C 3.925 0.5868

Papaya Very Desirable

Overall Mean 4.175 0.6403

Very Desirable
Table 6. Comparison of Tomato Jam between the five treatments according
to Appearance

Source of Sum of Squares Df Mean Square Fc Ftab

Variation (0.05)

Between 9.08 4 2.27 6.42 2.579


Within 15.9 45 0.353    


Total 24.98 49      
Table 6.1 Post hoc Tukey HSD (Honestly Significant Difference) (beta)
Comparison of Tomato Jam between the five treatments according to

HSD.05 =
Pairwise Comparisons Q.05 = 4.0184
2C Tomato : 1C tomato &1C Mango 0.40 Q = 2.13 (p = .56488)
2C Tomato : 1C tomato &1C Pineapple 1.30 Q = 6.92 (p = .00012)
2C Tomato : 1C tomato &1C Apple 0.70 Q = 3.72 (p = .08116)
2C Tomato : 1C tomato &1C Papaya 0.50 Q = 2.66 (p = .34217)

1C Tomato &1C Mango : 1C Tomato &Pineapple 0.90 Q = 4.79 (p = .01227)

1C tomato &1C Mango : 1C Tomato &1C Apple 0.30 Q = 1.60 (p = .79066)

1C Tomato &1C Mango : 1C Tomato &1C Papaya 0.10 Q = 0.53 (p = .99559)

1C Tomato &Pineapple : 1C Tomato &1C Apple 0.60 Q = 3.19 (p = .17805)

1C Tomato &Pineapple : 1C Tomato &1C Papaya 0.80 Q = 4.26 (p = .03306)

1C Tomato &1C Apple : 1C Tomato &1C Papaya 0.20 Q = 1.06 (p = .94266)

Table 7. Comparison of Tomato Jam between the five treatments according to Texture .

Source of Sum of Squares Df Mean Square Fc Ftab (0.05)


Between 4.12 4 1.03 2.439 2.579


Within 19 45 0.42    

Total 23.12 49      
Table 8. Comparison of Tomato Jam between the five treatments
according to Aroma.

Source of Sum of Df Mean Square Fc Ftab

Variation Squares (0.05)

Between 3 4 0.75 1.929 2.579


Within samples 17.5 45 0.389    

Total 20.5 49      
Table 9. Comparison of Tomato Jam between the five treatments
according to Taste.

Source of Sum of Squares Df Mean Square Fc Ftab

Variation (0.05)

Between 6.12 4 1.53 1.918 2.579


Within samples 35.9 45 0.798    

Total 42.02 49      
Chapter V


1. The Level of Acceptability of Tomato Jam fortified with
different treatments according to Appearance, Texture,
Aroma, and Taste was identified as Very Desirable with an
overall mean of 4.175.

2. The comparison of making Tomato Jam fortified with

Mango, Pineapple, Papaya and Apple according to
appearance, texture, aroma, and taste . It shows that the value
of Fc is less than the located value of F table at significance
level at 0.5. The means of the treatments do appear to be
equal. Therefore, there is no significant difference in panel
ratings comparison between the five treatments.
1. Based on the above findings the researchers came up
with the different conclusions that the tomato jam
fortified with mango, pineapple , papaya and apple are
described as very desirable.

2. Appearance, Texture, Aroma, and Taste of tomato in

various treatments are significantly different.

The mango pineapple, apple, papaya-fortified with

tomato jam is praised for its overall high quality and
desirability. The fortified tomato jam’s acceptance is
demonstrated by the hedonic ratings given by reviewers.
1. Entrepreneurs may be urged to introduce a novel product that benefits

2. For chef’s or anyone who plans to prepare the jam may use half of each
group rather than a full cup, and honey will be used in lieu of sugar
because it contains more vitamins and minerals and sweeter. Honey
will help honey to keep products moist for longer period of time.

3. For future researchers, to determine the level of acceptability in terms

of, appearance, texture, aroma and taste, it is preferable to use
unflavoured crackers rather than bread, as they will enhance the jam’s
flavour and aroma as well as its overall impression.
Thank You

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