Statistical Tools
Statistical Tools
Statistical Tools
Lecture 11
Tools for Statistical Analysis
Tools for Statistics in Psychology
1. Presentation
– Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint (Access))
3. Experimentation
– Authorware, E-prime
4. Citation Managers
– Endnote, Reference Manager
5. Anti-Plagiarism
– Turnitin
• Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
• Familiar and widely used software
• Easy data management, handling and analysis
• No data limits
• Use and Misuse (its easy but can be used to
manipulate data)
• Used for Hypothesis testing
• Need No proper training
• Analysis of Moment Structures
• Graphical Interface
• Implement model testing visually
– Structural Equation Modelling
– Covariance Structure Models
– Path Analysis
• It is used to make visual models and test them.
• It gives you control over the way you want your model
visually to be like.
• It is complex and need some training in order to understand
different components.
• Used for qualitative research and qualitative data
• Data Handling
– Questionnaires, transcripts of interviews and focus
groups, audio, video recording, digital pictures
• We use coding in this statistical tool.
• We can Generate Theories
• It also has Graphical output and gives you control
over forming factors.
• It need extensive training so it is difficult to
Data generation
• Interviews with individuals
• Focus groups
• Narratives
• Conversations
• Observations
• Video/audio-tapes/ photographs /maps /models
• Archived material and records; diaries, letters, policy documents, minutes
• Field notes, memos
What to do with the data
Manage, store, access and keep track
Make sense of qualitative data
Generate or confirm theories
Manage complexity
Show diversity
Present a trail of evidence and tell the story
How NVIVO 8 can help
Part 1:
1. Store, manage, link documents and ideas within an NVIVO
software project
2. Code documents at nodes and ‘code on’/refine your coding
3. Memo your ideas about the data/documents
4. Move between the nodes and the document detail
5. Shape the project: assign attributes (e.g. demographic
categories) to cases; group documents or nodes in sets
(collections) to use as search filters
6. Tree node structures to reflect your project design
How NVIVO 8 can help
Part 2
7. Relationship linking between ideas
8. Search and scope to ask questions and develop
and test ideas & theories
9. Model and chart to display ideas and theories
• Tree Nodes hold parent and child nodes (up to 9 levels) that are related in
a hierarchy.
• Case Nodes hold data from each individual in the study under their name
e.g. the case ‘George’ holds all George’s focus group contribution
OUTPUT Library
Word Processor
Library Window
• A collection of references, each containing the information required
to create a bibliography
• No limit to the number of references
• Not recommended exceeding 100,000 references
• Can open more than one library at a time
• Compatible between Windows & Macintosh
• Can be independently moved, copied, renamed or deleted using the
Windows Explorer
• .ENL file – EndNote library
• .DATA folder – contains figures, groups and other significant files
Library Window
Reference Fields
Status Bar